On the way home from work today, I drove through a torrential downpour. It was much needed, after the extremely dry summer we've had. But I noticed something as I drove, as I met other cars on the road. I noticed how they all had their wipers on "high", while I didn't have to turn mine on at all.
Yes, it was raining on my side of the road, too. In fact, it was coming down pretty heavily. But I never once had to turn my wipers on, through the entire rainstorm. Why was that? Because my windshield was treated with a wonderful solution called Rain-X, which I also keep mixed in with my wiper fluid (but only use as a quick means of “washing” my windshield, as needed). As the rain hits the windshield, it just beads up and is blown back by the wind, and because of it, my vision is kept clear; thus, giving me no reason to have to turn on the wipers. I love it!
I watched car after car after car, as I drove towards home... their wipers running frantically. I guess I was hoping to see at least one other vehicle whose owner had come to realize what an ingenious product this stuff is. I was blown away by the apparent fact that not a single car on the road that day had been treated with Rain-X. Interesting!
But anyway, as I thought about this, it reminded me that when we, as Christians, keep our hearts filled with God’s Word, there’s no need for us to get all frantic and flustered in the midst of a storm. He gives us that protection within, to keep our vision clear and focused upon Him; and thus, able to withstand those torrential showers that life has a way of dumping all over us.
Whether it be a not-so-welcomed diagnosis from the doctor… the loss of a loved one… the betrayal of a close friend… financial difficulties… decisions that aren’t so easily made… no matter what the circumstance, the more we take in of God’s Word, filling our hearts and minds with His promises and the guidance therein, the more protected we are against the hardships in life.
We can all take a lesson from Peter, who in his moment of weakness, took his eyes off of Jesus, and then fell into the water. Rather than do what Peter did, we can keep our eyes on the Saviour, fully trusting in Him to keep us afloat in our own perilous situations. But we HAVE to be filled with His Word, in order to be protected and able to stand. It takes daily reading or hearing of the Word, and then meditating upon it. We have to “take it in”, not just simply reading over it.
I’m so thankful, that after several years of not “getting” that, I’m finally seeing and experiencing the joy of meditating upon God’s Word, and listening to Him speak to me, as I uncover more and more truths therein. I’ve found that the more I take in, the stronger I become; the better I can see through what once would’ve misguided me; the clearer and more I long to see of Him.
In all the years of mere “Bible-READING”, I never experienced that. So again, I stress the fact that it has to be “taken in”, in order to gear us and protect us in those torrential rainstorms.
Are you geared up? Is your heart filled with the only solution that truly makes a difference? Today would be a great day to do a fluid “check-up”. If you find that you’re running a bit low, it’s always a good time to add more. And one of the greatest blessings that I’ve found is that there’s no cap to how much you can take in… you can never add too much!
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