Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Days of Noah

If you've paid any attention whatsoever to the news lately, it should be clearly visible how much trouble we're currently in. ("We", as in Americans... Christians... families) It seems our great country has lost all sight of morality, and even just common decency anymore.
What's happened to us?

It's absolutely disgusting to look at some of the things we see on TV today, and I don't just mean the programming. The commercials, even, have become so explicitly vulgar, that I, personally, am boycotting those products and/or companies for even advertising in such a vile manner.
(I hope you do, as well.)

It seems futile for parents to attempt to regulate what their children are watching, when the commercials are just as bad (or worse) than the shows themselves. I'll give you an example... the new Hardee's commercials. Oh my! I don't know that I can even describe the message this is sending to our young people today, these ads are so perverse!

If you click here, you can view one of the commercials, in which a young girl depicts a sexualized female teacher in a high school classroom doing a stripper-style dance on top of her desk, while male students do a rap song about her "flat buns". They also have another commercial, in which a scantly-clad woman gyrates to a countdown of things she wants a man to do to her. All the time, she is eating a "patty melt" sandwich. Click here to view this one. (Warning: These ads are offensive and are provided here only for the purpose of educating you on this matter. Please do not view them with children present.)

Again, I'm just sickened that this great land of promise now has such an unpromising future!

There's also the 2 stories I read this morning on World Net Daily, one of them being about a certain actress/comedienne who claims that her recently won Emmy Award is now her god. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, she goes even further (deeper into the mirey pit) by making several derogative comments about, and then
to Jesus. (I would sure hate to be her!)

The other story was actually ironic, in that
even our enemies are taking a stand against some of the vulgarities they're seeing flaunted in the headlines. Muslim terrorist leaders threatened to cut off the heads of Madonna and Britney Spears, for spreading "satanic culture".

"If I meet these whores I will have the honor – I repeat, I will have the honor – to be the first one to cut the heads off Madonna and Britney Spears if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam," said Muhammad Abdel-Al, spokesman and senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terror organization.

"If these two prostitutes [Madonna and Spears] keep doing what they are doing, we of course will punish them. First we will call them to join Islam. But if they keep what they are doing ... we can stone them or even we can kill them if they keep ... tempting men in order to put them far from Islam. ... A prostitute woman must be stoned or must be eighty times hit with a belt."

Perhaps "convicting" would be a more suitable word, for at least
they're taking a stand against it! Granted, I don't agree with their methods, and I certainly don't agree with their religious beliefs, but at least they're getting their point across that all this perversion is wrong! My, what if we Christians would be so bold as to stand up for decency! Something to think about.

My Pastor has been preaching on the wicked day in which we're living quite a bit lately, and I'm thankful for that. But I wonder, do we leave the message in the sanctuary when we walk out?
Are we
really taking it home, into our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, to help others see that "the world as we know it" isn't okay?
I hear people commenting all the time about how "that's just the way it is nowadays", or "we have to go with the flow".


That may be how it is, but we
don't have to go along with it!

The Bible clearly distinguishes the difference in how we should and should not live. Just because "everybody else does it", is no excuse for our following suit. (And yes, sitting by and doing nothing is doing just that... it's called the sin of silence. We're giving our silent approval of what we should be shouting from the rooftops is wrong.)

People, we need to get down on our knees and pray for mercy. How much longer do you think God will tolerate this wickedness? If you'll remember, He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were living just as we are today. (If the truth be told, I wouldn't be scared to say it's even
worse today!)

And let's not forget Noah's generation. Noah preached for 120 years, warning people to turn from their wicked, sinful nature and turn to the Lord, or else be doomed to die in a flood. But they (like so many today) refused to believe. They laughed and mocked.

But don't you think they began to figure out that old Noah was right, when the water kept rising? Don't you think the moment finally came when they realized
they were the foolish ones?

We're living "as in the days of Noah" right now. And I, personally, fear the punishment God has in store for us, if we don't humble ourselves, turn from our sin, and turn to Him. God have mercy on us, our great nation, for the killing of innocent babies, for the violence and sexual perversion, for the idolatry and blasphemy that has rooted itself throughout this once-Godly land.

Brothers and Sisters, we need to beg for God's forgiveness, on behalf of those who don't realize their sin... lest we all perish! Yes, if we're saved and ready to go, we'll be in Heaven when death calls. But what about our family? Our friends? Our neighbors? Coworkers? If we're "inactive" in our mission (the Great Commission), we're saying we don't care about them. Could it be true? Do we really not care anymore? Did we ever care?

Something to think about.

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