Okay, okay... I know I promised some of you that I'd post some photos from our weekend getaway, so here's your post. Enjoy! ;)
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Steve and I finally took a few days to go to our place up in the mountains of Virginia, for some much-needed R & R. The scenery was gorgeous, once we got higher up into the hills. Like everyone else, they've had such a dry summer, which greatly contributed to the delay in color change. But it was beautiful, just the same.
We managed to pack quite a bit of "adventure" into those two short days, with the help of our friends, Mr Frank & Ms Elfreda. We owe a great deal to them, even besides their generosity this weekend. They've been so good to us, looking after our house up there and keeping everything going, in our absence. They keep the grass mowed in the summer, and keep the place winterized when it's cold. We truly appreciate their friendship!
Mr Frank took us for a ride up the mountain on his 6 wheeler, which I especially loved. This thing was waaaay cool! We rode up through the pumpkin patch and looked at the beautiful scenery below. Then he took us into the woods and further up the mountain, where we spotted signs of deer and bear, which are both plentiful there now.
We had a great time, being up close and personal with nature, and especially knowing we were in good hands. Mr Frank does this all the time, as he goes hunting up in these woods. Ordinarily, I probably wouldn't have gone into the woods like that (in unfamiliar territory). But we knew Mr Frank did this often enough, that he knew what (if any) safety precautions to take, and when to do so.
We attended the little country church we always visit while there (Springfield Baptist Church in Elks Creek). It was good seeing those we haven't seen for so long. There was even a 1-week old baby there, whom everyone flocked around, naturally. It was so sweet, watching his Dad with him. (His mom was at home recovering from surgery.)
Please remember this church in your prayers. They're seeking a pastor right now, as their previous pastor died of a massive heart attack back in the summer. They're "trying out" several preachers, but aren't really "settled" on any of them thus far. Please pray that the Lord would send the man He would have stand in the pulpit there. They would appreciate your prayers, I'm sure.
We sooooo enjoyed the scenery up there this weekend! I especially love taking a drive and looking at all the old barns and cattle, and fish. (Yes, FISH... trout, to be exact.)
The trout were actually pretty plentiful here, as you can tell. :)
I love old barns... and cows.
I always wanted a cow named "Belle". Since this one's wearing ear-rings, I think I'll call her "Jezibelle", instead.
I was looking forward to the tranquility of being in this far away remote place. Just for a little while, the peace and quiet were worth far more than the modern conveniences to which I've grown accustomed... cell phone, cable tv, the internet (although I did pack my iPod). I had planned to do alot of studying and maybe even some writing during all this "quiet time". It didn't quite work out that way, but it was good, just the same. No complaints.
Now, it's time to get back to the real world. At church (work), we've got quite a bit happening in the next several days. We're gearing up for our annual "Jubilee by the Sea", which begins next Wednesday night (Nov. 7th), and goes on through the following Sunday (Nov. 11th). This year, we have another great line-up of speakers and musical guests. Check out our website, for more info.
I hope you all have a great week. I'll try to post again in a day or two.
By the way, this Wednesday, October 31st, is the 10th anniversary of my rededicating my life to the Lord (10-31-97).
I thank Him so much for all the love and mercy He's bestowed upon me throughout the past 10 years! He's sooooo good, and so very faithful!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Weekend Getaway
Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:10 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
RU Blessings
I couldn't wait to share with you what a great blessing RU was tonight (Reformers Unanimous Addictions Program). We had so many new folks come tonight, in addition to several new participants from within our church. Then, too, one fellow who came by and spoke with me yesterday, after having seen our sign on the side of the road... he was interested in finding help for his son. Well, his son came tonight, and seemed to really enjoy it. That in itself just goes to show how the Lord answers prayer. His father had been concerned that maybe the "religious" aspect of the program would turn his son off. But if it did, we couldn't tell it tonight.
I'd say my favorite part of tonight's meeting was the testimony time. It seemed to go on and on and on (which was a good thing). We didn't just hear testimonies from the workers, but also quite a few heartfelt, emotional testimonies of God's grace from those who've been coming from the homeless shelter downtown. What a blessing!
I can't stress it enough, these folks are just like you and me. They may not have many of the luxuries that you and I have. But they're no different than us. We've all made bad choices in life. We've all done things we aren't proud of. We've all gotten involved in some things we know we shouldn't have gone anywhere near.
But ya know, the most wonderful thing that you and I have... our relationship with Jesus Christ... many of these folks also have. They've seen God's hands at work in their lives, just as we've seen them at work in ours. They bear witness to His mighty power in turning their lives around. Again, in the same way He so lovingly commissioned OUR lives into a U-turn.
One thing I especially enjoy doing at our RU meetings is watching the faces of our newcomers, as some of the others share a testimony. It's an awesome thing, to be able to watch as their emotions are (unknowingly) revealed. I often see tears, which tells me that the Lord is at work there. (Again, sometimes unbeknownst to them.)
Something else I'm always impressed with, is how much our participants believe in prayer. We fill out prayer cards each week, and then during our prayer time, Bro. Mike prays over these requests, mentioning them all by name. The list seems to grow longer each week, and I guess it amazes me to hear how faithfully our RU participants lift one another up in prayer. (It's also quite humbling.)
Our Pastor has said on numerous occasions how he loves to have children praying for him when (if) he's ever sick. Their simple, yet effective, prayers are enough to bring any grown man to his knees in humility. I like to relate that same theory to our RU participants. They're "young" Christians... "babes in Christ". So it's a blessing to see these "babes" take the time to list and pray for those around them. I can't help but be reminded of what Jesus told His disciples one day.
He said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:14)
No one should ever do or say anything to discourage or hinder the "little ones" (nor the young Christians) from getting to Jesus. We should do everything we can to make a way for them to do so, without it ever being an issue. It's all about His plan and His purpose. And we sure don't want to get in God's way, after all!
But anyway, I'm just so thankful for God's blessings upon this area of ministry. I'm grateful to Him, for allowing me this awesome privilege of seeing lives changed by Him, right in front of my eyes. And ya know, the farther we get into this program (8 months now), the more I realize He's working in me, as well. He's moving things around inside my own heart, throwing out some things, and bringing in some other things. Truly, He's giving my life an extreme make-over. And thankfully, it doesn't cost me a cent. He's already paid for it.
Please continue to pray for our RU program. Pray for many others to come in, as this one man did yesterday, seeking help for either themselves or someone they love.
Pastor used to say, as he was anticipating starting this program here... "Help is on the way!"
Well, help is here... and so now we need more participants... and workers.
Please continue to pray that the Lord would bring them in. (Thanks!)
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 12:05 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Another Blessed Day
This post is dedicated to my dear friend, Reena Lucas. No, wait... let me rephrase that. It's dedicated to my dear friend, Reena Kurapati. (I suppose that's gonna take some getting use to.)
For those of you who might not know who Reena is, she's in my opinion one of the kindest, most beautiful people in this world... as much on the inside as out. In the almost 4 years that I've known her, she's become very special to me. She and I used to go visiting together on Monday nights, during our F.A.I.T.H. program. The two of us have prayed and fasted together, for various needs pertaining to our Sunday School class. She's been a major source of encouragement for myself, and others, in her faithfulness and dedication... not just to our class, but in the friendships within.
But anyway, this treasure of ours got married today... and although we're very happy for both she and her groom (Emmanuel), we are also saddened that she will be moving away in just a few days... all the way to Las Vegas.
But like I said, despite the fact that we'll miss her tremendously, we are indeed very happy for her. I can't think of anyone who deserves to be happier, more so than Reena. :)
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. It was an eloquent blend of both Indian and traditional Christian wedding customs. I learned a few of their native (Indian) ceremonial practices recently, all of which I believe to be greatly honorable. (It makes me think if more people took marriage as seriously, and held it as sacred as in Indian custom, the divorce rate would plummet.) It's such a beautiful thing, and I believe they've got it right... just as God intended marriage to be.
Anyway, Reena was just glowing on her special day. Her happiness was truly evident. Her dress was magnificent. The songs and Scriptures she and Emmanuel chose for their ceremony were perfect for such occasion as this... a most blessed day. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were stunning and handsome, as was the maid of honor, our very own Aimee Osborne. The little ones were absolutely adorable, in their roles, as well. In fact, one of my favorite parts of the wedding was when the children were walking in, as "Jesus Loves Me" was being played on the piano. Aaahhhh, what a blessing that was, in itself!
Words can't possibly do it justice. The Lord poured out His blessing on every aspect of it, just as we had prayed for Him to. (Thank You, Lord!) I'll share some pictures with you, so you can see for yourself, a small glimpse of how beautiful this wedding was.
Aimee, all smiles for her best friend.
Escorted by her father, Reena joins her groom up front.
One last kiss for Daddy, as he gives the bride away.
Bride and groom, ready to unite.
Rev. Jeff Stackhouse (Emmanuel's Pastor) came all the way from Las Vegas to co-officiate this special occasion.
Our Pastor, Dr. Freddie M. Young, prepares the couple, as they are about to commit their lives to one another.
Pastor leads them as they say their vows.
In an Indian Christian wedding, instead of the groom placing a ring on the bride's finger, he ties a special necklace, called a Mangalsutram, around the bride's neck, which symbolizes their marriage being a sacred covenant between them. (I love that!)
But the bride does get to place a ring on the groom's finger, as Reena is so doing here.
The bride and groom light the unity candle.
"Emmanuel, you may kiss your bride."
The official presentation of Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Kurapati.
Was Reena whispering, "I love you, Honey"?
*Note: Emmanuel's first name is Madhu, which means "honey".
The groom looks as though he realizes what a treasure he now has.
Here we have our own Debbie Tompkins, Nyla Hucks, Robin Rexroad, and Cindy Lilly, who dressed for the occasion.
Since I didn't get a good shot of her walking down the aisle, at least I got this one of her walking back up the aisle. :)
We're all so very happy for our dear, sweet friend, Reena Lucas-Kurapati. We will miss her more than words can say, but her happiness is worth far more to us than our own selfish desires to keep her here with us. She is truly happy with Emmanuel, and we know God's hand is upon their marriage. We wish them all the love and happiness under God's creation.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 10:45 PM 42 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Best Day Ever
Yesterday was an enormous blessing to me. My niece and nephew were with me all day. We had such a great time, as always... or better than always, actually.
First of all, after breakfast, we opened up the rest of their birthday gifts, which I'd stashed away here at our house, for when they came over again. We had given them several other things three weeks ago, at my brother's house, but these particular items I wanted to keep separately, to be able to share with them as I'd like. (You see, these gifts were Bible character figurines, and Bible story DVD's. When I bought them, I had in mind that I'd sit down with them and read the correlating Bible story, and have a good question/answer session afterwards. And with the "busyness" at my brother's house, I knew that wouldn't be the case there.)
So anyway, we did just that. We opened it all up, and they "played" with the figurines, acting it all out, as I read the story about those particular Bible characters. There were 8 in all, I think... their favorite being the story of David and Goliath. The kids really enjoyed it, and I especially enjoyed seeing them take so much interest in Godly things. Through no fault of their own, they seldom get to go to church, so the only "Bible" these precious children get to "read" are my husband and myself, when they're with us. I always take great pleasure in sharing Jesus with them every chance I get.
After we did all that, we then went outside to play, and had a great time in that beautiful sunshine. It was perfect... not too hot, and not at all cool, like had been forecast. I helped Uncle Steve finish planting the Azalea bushes a friend of ours had given us last week, while they played in the yard close by. Afterwards, we rode the golf-cart, told about a million knock-knock jokes, and walked through the back field, pulling up Morning Glory, with the intent of making a pretty wreath, but we soon got sidetracked with the 5 volunteer squash plants growing, where we had our garden this past Summer. (To my surprise, there were even some blossoms on them.)
Later on, Thomas decided he'd like to have "driving lessons", so while Skylar played with her Barbie dolls on our picnic blanket, I rode with Thomas, as he drove the golf cart all over the place... "over the hills and through the woods". It was so much fun for me, just watching the excitement on his face. He had such a great time! In fact, at one point he said, "Aunt, this is the best day ever!" ("Aunt", pronounced "ain't", as he's always referred to me)
Skylar, being the little drama queen that she is, kept us all in stitches with her Emmy-Award-Winning performances throughout the day. We laughed and giggled so much, it's a wonder my sides aren't hurting today.
We also went to the church, to play on the playground there, later in the day. Again, it was just too much fun! :)
After supper, we got cleaned up and cuddled up on the couch, as we watched 2 of the Bible Story DVD's. One was about the miracles of Jesus, which went along with some of our earlier stories. Then we watched the other one, which was about David and Goliath... again, their favorite of all the stories. I watched their faces, and especially their eyes, as they paid such close attention to what was being said and done. It was a tremendous blessing to see them captivated by this, rather than by Britney Spears, which used to be the center of their conversation. (Uuuuggghhh!)
So once the movie was over, we began talking about how we can apply its meaning to our own lives today... that no matter what we come up against, we don't have to be afraid, if God is with us. We talked about prayer, and how God hears and answers our prayers when we call upon Him. Then my heart totally melted when Thomas asked me, "You mean, if we ask God for something, He'll give it to us?"
Of course, I told him yes, if we prayed according to God's Will.
To which he then asked, "If we ask God to change our parents' hearts and make Mommy and Daddy be nice, will He do it?"
Oh my, I can barely see to type this, my eyes are so full of tears. (Can you imagine how it was for me, last night, as it was happening?)
I then told the kids how God can change anyone's hearts, no matter who they are, or what they've done. I told them how God changed my heart, and then I also gave them the example of the apostle Paul's life. I told them how, at one time, Paul wasn't very nice to Christians, and even had them killed, or put in jail. But then the Lord got a hold of his heart, and changed his way of thinking. And from then on, he was good to Christians (he became one, in fact), and he helped them to grow in the knowledge of God, and actually became (in my opinion) the greatest missionary ever.
I tried to explain that what God does for one, He can also do for someone else. We just have to pray for them, and believe God to answer those prayers.
Thomas asked if we could pray for his parents, for God to make them "be nice", and to take away the bad and "put good there". Again, how precious these moments were to me, and I know they were special to God, too. :)
The three of us held hands and began to pray... for my brother (their Dad); for Ruth (their Mom); for Summer (their "somewhat step-mom"); for the couple who lives with them (Gigi and Scott); and of course, for Thomas and Skylar.
"Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."
Matt. 18:19
It was indeed a very special "prayer meeting", and there's no doubt whatsover, God was in the midst of us!
After that prayer, we talked about Heaven, and of course, the children had mentioned they wanted their parents to go to Heaven. They knew enough about hell to know they didn't want anyone they loved going there. The expressions on their faces (not just "drama" this time, but REAL emotions) told how burdened they were for their family. I share in that burden, and so I told them we would pray every single day, until the Lord answered our prayers.
As we were talking about Heaven and hell, I felt led and began talking to them, then, about their own salvation, and how when we reach a certain level of maturity, where we know right from wrong, we know we're old enough to understand how a person can get to Heaven. So I told them about how Jesus died for us all, and how he had suffered all that pain and sorrow for our sins, so we wouldn't have to. He did that because He loves us all that much!
I explained that the only way a person can get to Heaven is by believing that Jesus is God's one and only Son, and that He came to earth as a little bitty baby, born in Bethlehem... to grow up and be crucified on the cross, for our sins. We have to admit that we are sinners, and that we need forgiveness of our sins. Again, they were just as attentive as could be (sadly, more so than most grown-ups, during the invitation).
I went over Scripture with them, mostly the Romans Road. And when I got to the question, asking them if they'd like to ask Jesus to come into their hearts, they both eagerly said "YES". We prayed the sinner's prayer (they repeated after me), and we were all teary-eyed by the time the "Amen" came.
I thank God for the awesome privilege He's given me, to lead my niece and nephew to Him... both on the same night, at that! What an amazing blessing!
The one and only down-side is that the devil tried to keep it from taking place. Once I got into explaining how to be saved, my phone had rang. It was their mother, saying she was ready for me to bring them home. But thankfully, there again, satan is no match for Almighty God! I continued on, until God's purpose for that day had been fulfilled.
And to my surprise, it wasn't over just yet. Thomas wanted to know if we could write God a letter. I explained that we could, but that we don't have to, because when we pray, He hears our prayers right then. We don't have to send Him a letter. Of course, Thomas said he wanted to write one, anyway, so I wouldn't dare discourage that. (It was so sweet.)
So he gave us each a sheet of paper, and we all wrote a letter to God. Afterwards, he folded them up, and handed them to me and told me to keep them. I promised I would put them some place safe... in my Bible, and I would keep them there, always. (If anyone knows anything at all about me, it's that I don't leave my Bible anywhere. I love this particular one, and no matter how worn it may get, I don't want another. I love this one!)
But anyway, I must share with you what Thomas' letter said...
Dear God,
Please change my moms and my dads heart. Please do it. I want my family to be good, not bad. I want everybody in my family to go to heaven. Love, Thomas
How precious! And how convicting it is that these young children can be soooo burdened for the salvation of their loved ones, when sometimes we "grown ups" fail to even lift our loved ones' names up in prayer, much less show any heartfelt concern over the fact that they're dying and going to hell.
Kinda puts a new spin on things, at least for me, anyway.
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. - Matt. 18:13
Let's all pray and search our hearts, and if we don't already have a deep, deep burden for those we love (much less for a lost and dying world full of people we don't know), let's become as these little ones, and commit to praying fervently for them to come to know Christ.
Our Pastor preached on "The Last Chance" a few weeks ago, in reference to our not knowing when "our last chance" will be. For those who are lost and without Christ, today might be your last chance to come to Him. For those who already know Him as Lord and Saviour, today just might be your last chance to witness to someone you know, who's lost.
We none know when our last chance may be. So that's all the more reason to make sure we're ready. And to make sure all those around us are ready.
We're all missionaries... in our homes, families, neighborhoods, schools, jobs. So let's all take that commission seriously, while we can!
*** One more note: As I was driving the kids home last night, I remembered what Thomas had said earlier in the day, so I reminded him that "Yes, today was indeed the best day ever... because today's the day you asked Jesus into your heart."
If you haven't done so already, why not make today YOUR best day ever? Email me, or leave me a message here, and I'll be more than happy to get back to you and show you how, according to Scripture. Email me by clicking here.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 5:07 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Battle Support
What wonderful worship services we had yesterday morning and evening! The messages were so fitting for the time... especially in light of some of the problems many have been facing lately. God is so good to us, giving us that extra encouragement we sometimes need, and the wisdom we need in our fight against the wicked one, who seems to be working overtime these days against God's people, and the ministries in which they serve. But how good it is to come into God's house and be renewed, despite the enemy's schemes. Truly, there is victory in Jesus!!!
We enjoyed special music by the One Way Trio, who were with us in both services. They're a great group, with a powerful sound all their own. Absolutely fantastic! But even greater than their voices, were their song choices yesterday. They sang of deliverance, of freedom, and of God's provision... all through the blood of our Saviour. If I could have somehow captured the experience of those services yesterday... the blessings of those songs being sung... I'd have saved it and uploaded it somehow, to share with you today.
Sunday School was equally as "filling" yesterday morning. We concluded our three-month study on spiritual warfare. I must tell you, as I told my ladies in class, I've shed some tears over this study's end. With all that's going on around us these days, it's been such an important study, because WE ALL need to be aware of the fight we're in each and every day, and how to stand firm in the midst of it. The Bible is so specific on this subject, and of it's importance. Yet, sadly, it's one of those things people are too quick to rush right through, completely missing what God intended for us to "get". I've truly enjoyed this study, probably more so than any other we've done thus far. Perhaps it's because I, too, have been reminded of these critical truths, and have gotten my own life better prepared for the battle. As always, the Lord so graciously gives us what we need, when we need it. (Thank You, Jesus!)
I had been thinking for some time now, of doing a "Monday Briefing" type post, to allow those who didn't make it to Sunday School to "catch up" on what they missed. But my fear in doing so was that then I'd be making it easy for them to stay home on Sunday mornings. "Why come to Sunday School, if you can get the scoop later, online?" I surely didn't want to contribute to anyone "laying out" of church, especially when I've prayed so hard, and for so long, for them to come! I still don't have a peace about doing that, but I'm gonna make an exception, at least for today, because I feel those who couldn't be here yesterday NEED to know how the Lord is working.
As I said, we wrapped up our study on spiritual warfare. This week, we dealt with the last piece of our "armour", which is prayer. Ephesians 6:18 says, "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints".
We should all stop and consider our own prayer lives. Do we lift one another up in prayer, as we ought to? Do we pray fervently for our Pastors, deacons, teachers (and other leaders)? Do we pray specificially for them... for wisdom, discernment, for good health and for renewal of their mind?
We saw in this week's lesson that, as believers, it is our duty to pray for one another. In doing so, we're uniting with the other "members of the body", helping one another to stand, in the daily battle against satan. I was thinking about that this week, and it occurred to me, if we aren't praying for one another as we should, then we're just sitting idly by, allowing the enemy to attack (and quite possibly defeat) our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
How convicting is that thought???
We already know about the new commandment Jesus gave us... I touched on that in my last post, in fact. We're to love one another as He loves us. Therefore, if we truly love one another, we're not apt to sit back and allow satan to unmercifully attack our fellow believers. We'll help them in their fight against him. We'll support them, as they stand and especially as they "serve on the frontlines". They need our prayers! They need us to make specific petitions on their behalf, each and every day. Without this support, how will they stand? How long can they stand alone?
One of our heart-searching questions in Sunday School this week was "How effective would our Pastor's ministry be... IF every member prayed for him AS I pray for him?"
We also could ask the same, in reference to our teachers and any other ministry-leaders. How DO we pray for them? Again, we should all consider our own prayer lives, and how effectively we pray for those in leadership positions. We must begin praying as we were called to do, to help them (one another) stand.
I was reminded this week of a beautiful illustration in the Old Testament. In Exodus, chapter 17, we read of the conflict between Israel and Amalek. Moses instructed Joshua to take men into battle. While they fought, Moses stood on top of a nearby hill, with the rod of God in his hand. As Moses held the rod high, Israel prevailed in battle. When he dropped his hands in fatigue, Amalek prevailed. When Aaron and Hur saw Moses' hands begin to drop, they came alongside and held them up. They supported him until Israel won the victory.
Moses stood before God on behalf of the forces engaged in war on the battlefield (with the support of Aaron and Hur). We should do the same by interceding for one another as we fight our spiritual battles. Like Moses, we must come before God with our outstretched prayers for those who are fighting. And like Aaron and Hur, we must stand alongside others to support them with our prayers.
Prayer is indeed a vital part of our defense against the enemy's attacks!
My own personal request of my ladies in Sunday School is that they lift me up in their prayers daily. The enemy has indeed waged his attacks, especially in the past several weeks. So I need their prayers, to help support me when my arms grow weary, like Moses' did.
We also need to pray fervently for our Pastor, who leads our church body. We need to pray for his good health and clarity of mind, not only as he studies and brings us the Word, but also in his decision-making in our church's business and ministry needs. He needs discernment to see through those who may come under false pretenses, those the Holy Spirit warned us of, throughout Scripture, but I think of the book of Jude now, specifically. We need to pray for our Pastor to continuously stand for what is right... those Biblical principles upon which we're all to be conformed to.
But even besides our Pastor, and teachers, and ministry leaders, we need to remember in our prayers the entire church staff. We need to cover each and every one in our prayers daily, because it's through the staff here that many things get accomplished... things that we often take for granted. Folks (myself included) often walk in at the appointed time for services, oblivious to all the planning and preparation that goes into making the wheels turn here. I suppose too often, we just assume it gets done automatically, somehow. But that isn't the case. We are blessed to have many hands involved behind the scenes, and we ought to cover these people in our prayers. The devil fights in these areas, as well as in the pulpit/podium. Sometimes he causes distractions and diversions in these "forgotten areas", in his schemes to devise even bigger trouble elsewhere.
We need to remember these things... and sometimes take a step back and see that this is what's happening, so we can know how better to pray for one another. The devil will wage these wars against us... sometimes even amongst us, if we aren't careful. So we just need to pray!
Again, this has been such an exciting study for me. I can't tell you the times I've so needed what the lesson was about in that given week. I say it all the time (from experience) the Lord indeed gives us what we need, when we need it.
But I pray that we'll all do as this week's lesson called for us to do... lift our brothers and sisters up in our prayers, and help one another to stand against the strategies and evil devices satan uses against us.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 6:51 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I was trying to think of a good title for this post, and the word "breakthrough" kept coming to mind. After all, that's what this post is about... a breakthrough in a particular struggle I (and others) have been in. But to be sure this was, in fact, a fitting title, I decided to take a closer look at the word's meaning. Check this out:
Hmmm. Upon completing this "mini grammar lesson", I'd say it's most definitely a fitting title for this post. Please allow me to share why.break·through /ˈbreɪkˌθru/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciat[breyk-throo]Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)–noun
1. a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond an enemy's front-line defense.
2. an act or instance of removing or surpassing an obstruction or restriction; the overcoming of a stalemate: The president reported a breakthrough in the treaty negotiations.
3. any significant or sudden advance, development, achievement, or increase, as in scientific knowledge or diplomacy, that removes a barrier to progress: The jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport.
[Origin: 1915–20; n. use of v. phrase break through]
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006

As you may know, I'm involved with our local chapter Reformers Unanimous Addictions Program. In fact, my church facilitates this ministry. As of right now, we're the only chapter in the Myrtle Beach area; the next closest one is located in Florence, approximately 65 or so miles away.
This international program was founded by Steve Currington, who by God's grace, lived through a horrific auto accident (which was the result of his driving drunk). The Lord soon began dealing with his heart, and ultimately placed upon him the burden to show others the same truths he had learned through his struggle with strongholds (drinking, drugs, etc.). This program today is the largest, fastest-growing faith-based addictions program in America. (Amen! God is good!)
I must tell you, though, when my Pastor first shared his own burden for beginning this ministry within our church, I had a completely different attitude towards it, than I do now. In fact, after being hurt so many times over by the effects of drug-addiction in the life of someone close to me, I had the mindset... "Okay, this ministry might be good for you, but I don't want any part of it. I've been there, done that, don't wanna go there again, in any way, shape, or form!"
I felt the Lord tugging at my heart quite a few times, in the preparation and groundwork stages of getting this ministry off the ground here locally, but still, I was adament (stubborn) in my stance. "I'm not going there, so don't even try to get me to."
But then, not long before our church's RU program kicked off, Ben Burks (Reformers Unanimous International Director) came to our church to speak, and it was that Sunday night, the Lord really grabbed a hold of, and changed my heart for this ministry. He gave me a longing to see past the addictions, and to see these folks as He sees them... with compassion, and concern for their souls.
I surrendered to the call He placed upon my heart, and began training for helping out in our local RU program. We began on February 2nd (this year), and had one soul saved that first night. (Praise the Lord!)
Granted, my "love" for this ministry didn't immediately show (or grow). I was still struggling, somewhat, with some past experiences with those who had battled addictions. But as time wore on, and I was actually "hearing" what Steve Currington was teaching us, in the materials we use each week in the program, those walls began to crumble little by little, until finally I was 100% completely SOLD OUT to seeing this ministry thrive. I found myself speaking out, sharing all about it to total strangers. (If you know me, I'm not that way, usually, so it's a complete God-thing for me to do that.) I was passing out flyers and brochures everywhere I went. And I also found myself defending our RU program, to anyone who would dare say anything negative against it. (Yes, sadly, even amongst church family.)
We have the most wonderful blessing, here in our church, to be a part of Street Reach, a local homeless shelter, where we go once a month to share the gospel and a delicious meal to those who have far less than we do. This blessing has been two-fold for us, since our RU program started, because soon after, a group of these folks from Street Reach started coming to RU. Now, we have 2 vans coming from Street Reach every Friday night. (Hallelujah!)
God has blessed us tremendously, in getting to know these folks on a personal level, and loving them as He loves each of us. I do get defensive, sometimes, when folks don't quite understand why we care so much for "those people". Christ tells us clearly in His Word that this is exactly what we should all be doing. (see John 13:34,35; 15:12,17; Romans 12:10; 13:8; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thes. 3:12; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 John 3:11)
None of us are any better than the other, no matter where we come from, or where we may be at any given moment. We should all realize, then, that it's only by the grace of God that we're not where some of these folks are. And in doing so, we should all be willing to help see these folks come to know the Lord, and to grow in His grace.
These past couple of weeks have been such a trying time for me, personally, and also for our RU ministry. The devil has fought tooth and nail to keep the Lord's work from being done. But as I said in my last post, the devil is no match for King Jesus! The Lord hears and answers our prayers. Souls are being saved, lives are being changed... all as a result of this vital ministry. And I have every confidence that all eyes will be opened to what God is doing here, and that we'll gain even more support in our efforts to see it continue to flourish.
So, in reflecting again on the definitions of the word "breakthrough", I'd say we're definitely in a period of breakthrough right now. The enemy must step aside as God's plan and purposes prevail! As I said, we're now seeing the fruits of our labor. We're hearing (and seeing) how lives are being forever changed. Each one of us are learning and growing in what the Lord would have us do in our own lives.
One of the biggest things I've learned personally, and that I'd like to pass on to others, is that this program isn't just about addictions to alcohol or drugs, or smoking. It's also about any other strongholds that we may have... be it, a wrongful attitude, a contentious spirit, unforgiveness. Or as I've adapted for our chapter's website slogan, "From anything and everything that isn't of Him, He wants us to be set free."
The Lord is using this program, not just for the benefit of those who come to us in need of freedom from whatever bondage they're in, but He's also using it in each of our own lives... we, the workers. I praise Him for the work He's done (and is doing) in me. And I cherish the privilege of being able to serve in this ministry. I would encourage others to get involved, as well, because the rewards are plentiful.

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Posted by :: Lois :: at 5:12 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." - Ps. 23:5
This past week has indeed been a tough one. One wicked device after another, in an attempt to cause me to stumble. I wish I could say I've been sure-footed through it all, but in all honesty, I must admit that I did lose my footing a couple of times. It's only by God's grace and with the help of a few close sisters-in-the-Lord that I didn't plunge. Praise God for that! (And for them!)
It's funny how, when you're going through a storm, you can't see through to the light of day. All you can see are the dark clouds looming overhead. Your entire outlook seems to blend in with the storm brewing around you... all dark and dreary, with no hope of a brighter day.
How convicting that is for me, as a Christian, because that isn't the way we're supposed to see things in the midst of our storms. We're supposed to see Jesus, no matter what the "weather" around us. We're supposed to completely trust Him to carry us through the storm, and never waiver in our faith.
I suppose I did some waivering this week. When the enemy sought to bring me down, I gave him some room to play... and he did... FOR A WHILE.
But I'm so thankful, satan is no match for King Jesus!!!
My Lord came through, as He always does, opening up the windows of Heaven, and pouring out that blessed sunshine into my heart, despite my weaknesses and heaviness of heart. I can't praise Him enough for that!
Yesterday's worship services were probably the most dear to my heart in quite some time. The messages, the music... every aspect of the morning service, especially... were God's hand at work to bring about a shift of those winds in my life. No more howling storms. No more raging seas. He brought peace to those hurricane-force winds, at last.
And the funny thing is, I ought to have known that He would, all along. He always has before, so why wouldn't He now? (Oh me, of little faith!)
I was reminded of the story of Stephen this week, and how much Christ cared for him. When Stephen was being stoned to death, the Bible tells us that he looked towards Heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing there at the right hand of His Father.
For those who don't understand what this is saying, let me make it clear. According to Scripture, Jesus is normally seated at the right hand of God. But while Stephen was being stoned (for Christ's sake), Christ arose from His throne... He stood for His child.
My, what immeasurable love shown there! Think about it. Could you just sit and watch as one of your children was being persecuted so? No, and neither could He!
There's a song entitled "He Stood For His Child", recorded by a group of young girls who are dear to my heart. They're from Victorious Valley Children's Home, in upstate South Carolina. I've listened to this song many times, but I must say, until this week, it never meant as much to me. But now I feel as though I, too, caught a glimpse of that awesome glory, and I feel more than ever that what I've been going through, my God cares about. I can just see Him standing there, FOR ME.
It reveals to me yet again that I don't have to fret because of those who would rise up against me. I don't even have to do the "fighting" in the battle. It's HIS fight. And according to Scripture, He's already won it!
I can truly say my cup is overflowing tonight, with His goodness and mercy. What blessing!
For those who would like the words to the song I mentioned above...
No one stood beside him. He seemed to be all alone
Dying for a cause that seemed in vain
As stones bruised his body, Stephen looked past the tears
And seeing one glimpse of Jesus, forgot his pain.
As men looked upon him, they did not understand
The faraway look in his eyes
But no one else around him could see what Stephen saw
As he watched the Son of God arise.
He stood for His child, He rose from His throne
He knew how it felt to die alone
He heard the cry, and He saw the tear
And He wanted Stephen to know that He was near
He stood for His child.
At times I look around me; satan tells me no one cares
And throws stones of doubt in my way
But I know my Saviour loves me, as I look past the tears
I see Him standing and hear Him say,
"I'll stand for My child. I'll rise from My throne.
I know how it feels to be alone.
I hear the cry, and I see the tears.
And I want you to know that I am near.
I'll stand for My child."
Posted by :: Lois :: at 9:37 PM 2 comments