I was trying to think of a good title for this post, and the word "breakthrough" kept coming to mind. After all, that's what this post is about... a breakthrough in a particular struggle I (and others) have been in. But to be sure this was, in fact, a fitting title, I decided to take a closer look at the word's meaning. Check this out:
Hmmm. Upon completing this "mini grammar lesson", I'd say it's most definitely a fitting title for this post. Please allow me to share why.break·through [breyk-throo]Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)–noun
1. a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond an enemy's front-line defense.
2. an act or instance of removing or surpassing an obstruction or restriction; the overcoming of a stalemate: The president reported a breakthrough in the treaty negotiations.
3. any significant or sudden advance, development, achievement, or increase, as in scientific knowledge or diplomacy, that removes a barrier to progress: The jet engine was a major breakthrough in air transport.
[Origin: 1915–20; n. use of v. phrase break through]
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006

As you may know, I'm involved with our local chapter Reformers Unanimous Addictions Program. In fact, my church facilitates this ministry. As of right now, we're the only chapter in the Myrtle Beach area; the next closest one is located in Florence, approximately 65 or so miles away.
This international program was founded by Steve Currington, who by God's grace, lived through a horrific auto accident (which was the result of his driving drunk). The Lord soon began dealing with his heart, and ultimately placed upon him the burden to show others the same truths he had learned through his struggle with strongholds (drinking, drugs, etc.). This program today is the largest, fastest-growing faith-based addictions program in America. (Amen! God is good!)
I must tell you, though, when my Pastor first shared his own burden for beginning this ministry within our church, I had a completely different attitude towards it, than I do now. In fact, after being hurt so many times over by the effects of drug-addiction in the life of someone close to me, I had the mindset... "Okay, this ministry might be good for you, but I don't want any part of it. I've been there, done that, don't wanna go there again, in any way, shape, or form!"
I felt the Lord tugging at my heart quite a few times, in the preparation and groundwork stages of getting this ministry off the ground here locally, but still, I was adament (stubborn) in my stance. "I'm not going there, so don't even try to get me to."
But then, not long before our church's RU program kicked off, Ben Burks (Reformers Unanimous International Director) came to our church to speak, and it was that Sunday night, the Lord really grabbed a hold of, and changed my heart for this ministry. He gave me a longing to see past the addictions, and to see these folks as He sees them... with compassion, and concern for their souls.
I surrendered to the call He placed upon my heart, and began training for helping out in our local RU program. We began on February 2nd (this year), and had one soul saved that first night. (Praise the Lord!)
Granted, my "love" for this ministry didn't immediately show (or grow). I was still struggling, somewhat, with some past experiences with those who had battled addictions. But as time wore on, and I was actually "hearing" what Steve Currington was teaching us, in the materials we use each week in the program, those walls began to crumble little by little, until finally I was 100% completely SOLD OUT to seeing this ministry thrive. I found myself speaking out, sharing all about it to total strangers. (If you know me, I'm not that way, usually, so it's a complete God-thing for me to do that.) I was passing out flyers and brochures everywhere I went. And I also found myself defending our RU program, to anyone who would dare say anything negative against it. (Yes, sadly, even amongst church family.)
We have the most wonderful blessing, here in our church, to be a part of Street Reach, a local homeless shelter, where we go once a month to share the gospel and a delicious meal to those who have far less than we do. This blessing has been two-fold for us, since our RU program started, because soon after, a group of these folks from Street Reach started coming to RU. Now, we have 2 vans coming from Street Reach every Friday night. (Hallelujah!)
God has blessed us tremendously, in getting to know these folks on a personal level, and loving them as He loves each of us. I do get defensive, sometimes, when folks don't quite understand why we care so much for "those people". Christ tells us clearly in His Word that this is exactly what we should all be doing. (see John 13:34,35; 15:12,17; Romans 12:10; 13:8; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thes. 3:12; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 John 3:11)
None of us are any better than the other, no matter where we come from, or where we may be at any given moment. We should all realize, then, that it's only by the grace of God that we're not where some of these folks are. And in doing so, we should all be willing to help see these folks come to know the Lord, and to grow in His grace.
These past couple of weeks have been such a trying time for me, personally, and also for our RU ministry. The devil has fought tooth and nail to keep the Lord's work from being done. But as I said in my last post, the devil is no match for King Jesus! The Lord hears and answers our prayers. Souls are being saved, lives are being changed... all as a result of this vital ministry. And I have every confidence that all eyes will be opened to what God is doing here, and that we'll gain even more support in our efforts to see it continue to flourish.
So, in reflecting again on the definitions of the word "breakthrough", I'd say we're definitely in a period of breakthrough right now. The enemy must step aside as God's plan and purposes prevail! As I said, we're now seeing the fruits of our labor. We're hearing (and seeing) how lives are being forever changed. Each one of us are learning and growing in what the Lord would have us do in our own lives.
One of the biggest things I've learned personally, and that I'd like to pass on to others, is that this program isn't just about addictions to alcohol or drugs, or smoking. It's also about any other strongholds that we may have... be it, a wrongful attitude, a contentious spirit, unforgiveness. Or as I've adapted for our chapter's website slogan, "From anything and everything that isn't of Him, He wants us to be set free."
The Lord is using this program, not just for the benefit of those who come to us in need of freedom from whatever bondage they're in, but He's also using it in each of our own lives... we, the workers. I praise Him for the work He's done (and is doing) in me. And I cherish the privilege of being able to serve in this ministry. I would encourage others to get involved, as well, because the rewards are plentiful.

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Amen, Honey. You keep on serving the Lord and trusting in Him to make a way. This is His ministry, He'll not let it be pushed aside. You all need to remember that. God will make a way! If I weren't here, I'd be glad to come and help you. Love you, Sweetie!
It's so good to see how the Lord us using this program at your church. We're honored that you've shared this testimony with us (and others) this way. Remember the cross will often be heavy, sometimes more than we can bear. But take comfort that He'll never give us more than we can handle, and that He's always there to help bear our burdens. God bless you!
P.S. Principle #6 - "Those who do not love the LORD will not help us serve the LORD."
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