I was so blessed to have my niece and nephew with me this weekend. I got them on Saturday morning, and kept them until Sunday evening. We had the best time! We played every board game imaginable (or at least that's the way it seemed), all the while laughing and playing, and just enjoying our time together.
I made it a point not to have to go out, the entire time we had them. For one thing, it was quite yucky out... a cold, cold rain falling the entire day. And too, I stay "on the go" so much, I didn't want to dare do any of that "going" while I had the kids. This time was too precious to me!
I did get out and vote early on Saturday, (before picking the kids up) but was disappointed in how it turned out, once all the ballots were counted. Let's not go there now. [happy thoughts, happy thoughts]
Anyway, the kids and I (and Uncle Steve, too, of course) packed as much fun into a 2-day weekend as we possibly could. They had gotten new Bibles for Christmas, along with a wonderful Bible Story book, so we spent some time learning more about some of my favorite childhood Bible characters... Sampson, David, Queen Esther, and Ruth. They really enjoyed that... almost as much as I did. :)
One thing that made it so much fun was that we were anticipating some snowfall. Though it was raining throughout the day, the forecast was calling for snow later on. We talked to my Uncle back home in Spartanburg, and it was already falling there. We kept switching the TV to the Weather Channel, to see how long it might be before the snow would arrive. (Unfortunately, it never came... at least not here.) I got tickled at Skylar, because she even got out of bed around 11:30 and wanted to look outside to see if had snowed.The kids got to come to church with us yesterday, which was a HUGE blessing. These are the kids I led to the Lord, back in October, but due to their situation at home, they don't get to go to church. So this was an answer to prayer, for me... and for them. Aren't they adorable?
I spoke with their mom on the phone after they went back home, and begged her to please make a proper home for them, and to let them go to church.
I did get some pics from the snow back home this weekend. My, how homesick I get, just looking at them! Winter is gonna be gone before we know it, and I would love to see some snow falling, and be able to play in it just once before Spring comes. Maybe the Lord will send us some. But if He chooses not to, I'll just keep looking at these pictures. [sigh]
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