Still no news on those still missing (2 roosters and 4 hens). I've searched and called, 'til I was almost hoarse, the past 2 days. But no more of them have returned. I'm thinking maybe(?) the other night when the foxes were in so much commotion, chasing after something all night long, they could've gotten them (or else scared them further into the woods).
Steve got back into town last night, I guess around 8:30 or so. Now that he's back, I feel it's safe to share on here about my being at home alone while all of this was going on. He had gone on a missions trip with our Pastor. I don't regret his going, but I'm so glad to have him back at home! It's been one more week! First, finding the dead raccoon at my back door steps (which I wasn't sure was dead... or sleeping... when I first found it). Then having to deal with the burial myself, which I still don't understand Animal Control's thinking on that one. And now this whole thing with my chickens. Like I said, it's been one more week!
Anyway, Steve and I went searching early this morning, and way behind our place is the old Sanders place, which Steve's Daddy bought some years ago. We seldom go back there. Steve & James usually have it bush-hogged, but for some reason, just haven't done it this year. It's grown up really bad. But there's an old barn (actually 2) back there, so I'm praying the chickens made it there to safety, and are roosting in the old barn(s) up high in the loft, maybe, where the foxes can't get to them. It's really shaded back in there, and with it being "run down", I'd say there's plenty of "food" for them to survive on... lots and lots of bugs and worms, and other creepy crawly insects that they enjoy. (Yuck!)
I'm praying that Steve and some other men will take 4 wheelers and our portable chicken cage back there, to see if they're there... and if so, bring them back home. And you can bet, I will NEVER EVER leave them unattended again, IF I even let them out at all!
Please keep praying for them. I'm claiming and believing the Lord has provided shelter somewhere back there, and that they are safe. I have to believe that!
I told Steve I didn't want anymore Christmas presents, nor birthday presents again... EVER... if I can just have my chickens back now. That will make me happy enough. Big change, coming from someone who said she didn't want to fool with them in the first place. (lesson in there)By the way, we did catch a fox in one of the traps. It was a small one, but still, eventually it would do what it's Mama or Daddy has apparently done. A friend of ours took it, and said he'd take it out into a non-populated area and turn him loose. (No worries, we're not killing babies!)
Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them more than you know.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another Update
Posted by :: Lois :: at 3:15 PM
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