Saturday, June 7, 2008

What Does Your GPS Say?

Steve was looking through one of the circulars that came in the mail this week, when he pointed out a great deal on a GPS navigation system. I agreed it was a pretty good price, and then walked away, busily going about whatever it was I had been doing.

As I continued, I thought more and more about that GPS system, and it occured to me how great it would be if people had their own built-in GPS systems, which told them they were lost and on their way to hell (those who aren't saved, of course).

Think about that for a second. We're always saying that the first step in leading someone to Christ is helping them see that they're lost. And it's true. Before anyone can come to Christ, they first have to realize their "location"... lost, without Him... and on their way to hell. However, it's been my experience that sometimes people just aren't willing to admit their failures/strongholds, nor are they the least bit interested in anyone else pointing them out. Perhaps it's a pride issue. Or perhaps they have a problem with being in submission to authority figures. So wouldn't a built-in GPS system be a useful tool in speeding the process along? It wouldn't be "our" telling them... but rather, it would be their own GPS telling them.

We already DO have something that does all this. But sadly, people all too often fail to "plug it in". They may have it sitting on their library shelf, or even on the coffee table (for folks to see and believe that they do). But when it comes to actually "using" it to find their present location in this world... much less to chart their future course... they just don't get it. And that's sad.

Why, if we have something available to us to help us in our journey, would we NOT utilize it to the fullest intent?? That's a good question... one in which we'll all be held accountable one day. My prayer is that we'll all realize what a precious gift we've been given, in God's Word, and that we'll TRULY use it to direct our paths in this life.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105

What does your GPS say to you today?

Leave a reply by clicking the "comment" link below. Thanks!

1 comment:

Hope said...

I love this post, am so glad that our 'GPS' doesn't give us wrong directions! Thank you for this.

I hope you are having a great week!