This past Sunday was our Youth Pastor (Andrew Wade)'s last day at Grand Strand. I wanted to make mention of it, and let Andy know how much we've enjoyed his presence here.... despite being shot at by him on a regular basis! (No worries, it was a nerf gun.)
Seriously, though, I think there are a lot of things people don't realize Andy had a hand in, nor a burden for, while serving as our Youth Pastor, so I wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for all those "unseen things", in case they may have seemed unnoticed.
Andy has taken the Associate Pastor position of a new church being started in Conway (Mercy Baptist). He left Grand Strand under no ill-will; but simply, following the Lord's leading to another opportunity to utilize the talents and spiritual gifts he has been blessed with.
"Andy, we love you and we'll miss you around here. We wish you the very best in the new opportunities the Lord has placed before you. Keep in touch, and come back to visit us... often.
(You can leave the guns at home. LOL)
We'll be praying for you. Love you, man!"
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Andy has made such an impact on my childrens lives and through him and through Go Tell Camp ministries Jared was saved...I cannot thank him enough for that wonderful blessing in my life...
Thank you for posting this. We will all miss Andy dearly. I pray our next youth pastor will have that same interaction with the kids that Andy had.
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