Friday, May 15, 2009

Time For Change

Although the election is long-since over, it seems all we're hearing about... still... is how our new president is ushering in change. I realize that not everyone reading this will agree with me (there's always that "one"), but personally, the change I'm seeing isn't good. In fact, I find it most disturbing. Our once great, God-fearing nation has become a nation who serves many gods (emphasis on the "little g"). And although he doesn't come right out and say it, it seems our president even worships a different god... apparently, Allah. Otherwise, why would he go to great lengths to appease other religions (more specifically, the Islamic faith)? Why would he choose not to observe the National Day of Prayer, as other presidents before him have done? Why would he tell a Muslim country that America is not a Christian nation? I could go on and on, but I'd rather not, for the sake of getting my point for this article across in a timely manner.

With all the focus on "change", I thought it refreshing to look into God's Word and see some of the many lives that experienced "real" change. One such example is the Apostle Paul, formerly known as Saul... "Saul, the Persecutor of Christians". I'd say his life was probably the most changed, given the complete turn-around there. One day he's executing the persecution and capture of those early Christians; the next, he has a life-changing experience (as we refer to it in giving our own evangelistic testimonies), which totally transforms him from the man he was into the greatest missionary ever. I love reading of this change. In fact, the Apostle Paul IS 1 Corinthians 5:17!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Wouldn't it be great if our nation's leaders experienced such a change? Do you think we'd still be hearing of more and more laws being passed to abolish the Ten Commandments and other Biblical references from our government buildings? Do you think we'd still ban prayer and the Bible from our schools? Do you think we'd still be killing babies? Do you think we'd still be making the worship of other gods more accessible in public places, as well as in many corporate offices? Do you think we'd still be seeing homosexual behavior get the royal pat-on-the-back, while the Christians who stand up for "one man, one woman" in marriage get the royal cold shoulder? It's a travesty to think of how far we've come... on the downward slope.

Morals are nothing more than a joke today. It troubles me that despite what our country's forefathers accomplished and decreed, and envisioned for the future, we haven't remained true to it. I can remember growing up, and feeling the pride of being an American, while studying our country's history. I now shudder at what our children are heaving to learn in history class today.

Isn't there something we can do to stop this roller coaster ride to destruction? Isn't there a way to get back on the right track, before it's too late?

Well... yes, there is. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we find the answer. According to God's Word... "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

And that's exactly what each of us, as Christians, need to pray for each and every day... for our country (corporately and individually) to turn back to the God of its foundation, and repent of all our sins, forsaking other gods, choosing to follow the One, True God. That's what it's gonna take.

Have you ever gone on and read what happens if we refuse to do that?

The rest of that chapter tells us...

"But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations. And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them."

The choice is simple. Do we want God's blessings? Or do we want to continue in this downward spiral? We MUST pray... fervently... for change. Not the kind "man" brings, but rather, the kind of change only God can bring... the kind He brought to the Apostle Paul. Remember, our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He did then, He can still do today. THAT'S change we can believe in!

But we MUST pray. Amen!

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lord, Keep That Fox Away!

It never ceases to amaze me, the way God teaches us things, or sometimes reminds us of things, through the simple moments in our everyday lives. I catch myself quite often, pausing and reflecting upon (sometimes even chuckling at) lessons learned... and HOW I learned them. My pets are often the source of such instruction. In fact, just the other night, I was reminded of something so very important to me, through a routine I go through with my cat.

First of all, I should tell you that my cat, Abigail, acts as though she thinks she's a dog. She goes to the back door and cries to go outside when she has to go potty; then cries to come in again, after she's done. It's quite comical, at times. Most cats are either inside or outside breeds; seldom do you see one that is happy in both.

Anyway, considering the unfortunate problem we've had with foxes feasting on our chickens and guineas, I get nervous about letting Abby go outside after dark. I try to coax her into using her litterbox, instead; but usually, she continues begging until I finally give in and let her go outside. That's when I begin praying for her... for the Lord to keep her safe, and to keep the foxes at bay.

The other night, as I was praying for Abby's protection, I thought about how familiar my prayer sounded... not just because I had prayed it so many times before, but because it was in many ways the same prayer Mama used to pray for us (my younger brother and me), as we were growing up. I used to love listening to her prayers at bedtime. Though she was in her bedroom down the hall, I could still hear every word. And every night, she would pray for the Lord to keep us safe, to protect us from all harm, and to keep the enemy at bay. It gives me goose bumps, just thinking about Mama's prayers; and how remarkably similar my own prayers for Abby are, when she goes outside at night.

What's more... it reminds me that I need to be praying more fervently those same prayers for my niece and nephews. They're at the age now that's so crucial in their spiritual walks; they NEED the Lord's protection & blessings upon their lives. I can't afford to be slack in my prayer-time for them. In fact, the best gift I could ever give them is prayer. Just as Mama prayed for my brother and myself, all those years ago... for the Lord to protect and keep us; and to keep the enemy away... just as I now pray for Abby, for the Lord to protect and keep HER safe, and to keep the foxes from bringing her harm... I should be praying the same for these children, as well.

Ya know, the devil is often referred to as a "sly old fox". We sang a little song about that in Sunday School, when we were children. He hasn't changed, all these many years later. He's still sneaky and up to no good! And that's why it's so important that we be on the lookout for him, and be prepared for his attacks. I can't think of a better way to protect ourselves (and those we love) than by prayer.

The Lord has proven Himself faithful time and time again. Mama's prayers for our protection and safety have been answered, and are still being answered today. So I know I can place my trust in Him, for His continued faithfulness. What a blessing!

I'd like to encourage you to think about those children that might be important to you... be it your own children or grandchildren, your nieces or nephews, friends and neighbors... whomever they might be... think about them daily, and remember to pray for them, asking the Lord's blessings upon their lives; for His provision and watchcare over them. Pray that the Lord would keep them safe from the enemy (we all know who that is... none other than satan himself). Pray for their salvation. Pray that they'd grow in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord.

I've learned firsthand, God is still in the saving business. He is faithful to complete that which He started. He is not willing that any should perish. He's given us the opportunity (actually, it's a priviledge) to come boldly before His throne, and make known the petitions that weigh heavily upon our hearts.

Who is it that's weighing on YOUR heart? Have you been praying for them today? If not, now is a great time to start!

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Which Egg Are You?

A few weeks ago, I (along with a group of other ladies from our church) attended a Women’s Conference down at First Baptist Church of Surfside. We were very blessed by the hospitality shown to us by the ladies there, as well as by the pastor and deacons, who prepared and served dinner for us on that Friday evening. We met some wonderful new friends, and just had a great time of fellowship, which was the icing on the cake to this wonderful conference.

A very special blessing for us, though, was the speaker (Margaret Kay Tucker) who came all the way from Jacksonville , FL to be with us. We’ve known her for a number of years now, from the annual Pastor’s Conference in Jacksonville . Several of us have taken her seminars there, and have thoroughly enjoyed the “nuggets” she’s taught us in her classes.

But anyway, one of the things that makes Margaret such a dynamic speaker (besides the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in her, of course) is her ability to utilize ordinary, everyday things and make them into an object lesson for those who attend her sessions. We tend to remember those object lessons… the visuals that are used to teach us something spiritually. It reminds me of my childhood, and how our Children’s Church pastor taught in the same way. Through the years, I’ve forgotten all the many sermons I, as a child, heard in “big church”. But I’ve never forgotten those object lessons Preacher Red taught us. Anytime I see an object he once used to teach us with, I immediately remember the lesson from all those years ago. I believe the same is true of Margaret’s teaching.

One such lesson she used in this conference is perfect for sharing at this time of year, when eggs are already on many folks’ minds… in preparing Easter eggs, Easter baskets, etc. Although this particular lesson doesn’t hold an Easter message, it’s one that we could all do well to remember… and to examine our own spiritual walk by.

First of all, Margaret presented to us three eggs. They all looked the same, identical to the beholder. She held the first one up, but we could see no distinguishing markings or anything… nothing that would make it seem any different from the other two. But then she made a fist and the egg crumbled in her hand. It was empty inside. She went on to tell how a lot of “church-going folks” are like this egg. They do their best to make it to church… sometimes… like maybe at Easter or Christmas… maybe even on Mother’s Day… gotta make Mom happy on her special day, you know. They seem like really “good folks”. They don’t commit murder, nor rob banks. They do the soccer-mom thing, attend the PTA meetings at school, have neighborhood cookouts, etc. But despite all the things they fill their lives with, something’s still missing. Something’s missing on the inside. Their lives… their hearts… aren’t filled with JESUS.

Then Margaret holds up the second egg. Again, it looks no different than any other egg… no special markings or anything to make it stand out. It fits right in with all the others. But when Margaret taps it on the side of a bowl, the insides run out. It’s raw. She tells us how this, too, is like some church-goers… even church MEMBERS. There IS something on the inside (unlike the first egg), but it hasn’t fully developed… it hasn’t grown at all. It’s still very unsettled in many ways, without allowing the Holy Spirit to work in it and to bring about a transformation there.

Lastly, she holds up the final egg. And once again, it very much resembles the previous two. From looking at them all together, you couldn’t have distinguished them apart. “But this egg IS different”, she tells us, as she taps it against the back of the pew in front of her. Thankfully, its insides didn’t gush out all over the place. There was no mess to clean up, because this egg was hard-boiled. She tells us many church members, and many of us attending this conference, were like this egg. We’ve allowed Jesus to come into our hearts and to work on us, on the inside, bringing about this wonderful change in us. We’ve grown, spiritually, and it shows; especially when the things in life come against us. We’re solid now, so we don’t crumble with pressure. Nor are our insides oozy, because we didn’t allow the Lord to grow us from within.

After these brief illustrations, Margaret challenged us to ask ourselves the following two questions:

1. Which egg am I?

2. Which do I desire to be?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I can say for myself that I definitely want to be that third egg. I want to be solid in my walk with the Lord. I want to continuously feed upon and grow in His Word, never returning to the state I was before He came into my heart. I want Him to use me and to strengthen me, so that I may face whatever may come against me. I desire to be different… to be set apart from “the world”. I want to live my life for Him, not for myself, nor for any other.

How about you? Which egg are you right now? Which egg do you want to be?

It’s never too late to make a change… for with God, all things are possible.

I pray that as challenging as this little object lesson was to each of us, it will be equally so for you. Whenever you see an egg, ask yourself which kind of egg you’re being today.

God bless you!

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Heart For Missions

I’ve always been very missions-minded, being raised in a Christian home where we were taught the importance of missionaries and of going out and doing the Lord’s work… yes, even if it meant on foreign soil. In fact, my own cousin, Dr. J.B. Godfrey, and his wife, Linda, were missionaries in Senegal, Africa for 20-something years. So there again, we learned very early on that sometimes serving the Lord involved great sacrifice. We loved our cousins, and were so very excited to see them when they’d come home on furlough every 4 years. But we knew they were about the Lord’s business, so as best as I can remember, no one in the family ever begrudged them for the calling upon their lives.

Perhaps having a missionary-cousin sparked my interest in missions, and in supporting those who were called to carry the Gospel across continents. Perhaps hearing Mama’s prayers for J.B. and Linda, all those years, as I was growing up is what got me, personally, in the mind-set of praying for missionaries and their families, as they go about reaching and teaching others about Christ. In any case, I’m very thankful for the interest (and the burden) God has placed in my heart for missionaries. I enjoy reading books and articles about missions, especially those written by missionaries, themselves.

In fact, those closest to me know that my all-time favorite book ever (after the Bible, of course) is a book written by Missionary Gracia Burnham entitled, “In The Presence of My Enemies”, which gives a firsthand account of the horror she and her husband (Martin) endured, after being kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf (a terrorist group with ties to Osama Bin Laden), back in 2001. Their story was somewhat personal for me, in that I remember reading of their kidnapping in the newspaper, a day or so after it happened. I prayed for them, and kept checking the papers daily, anxiously anticipating reading of their release.

Unfortunately, I never read such an article, at least not in the way I had hoped. It was a full year later before a rescue team found them in the Philippine jungle, and embarked on a rescue mission to bring them back home. Sadly, Martin Burnham was shot during the exchange of gunfire between the terrorists and the AFP, and he died. (Sad for his wife and family, but a true “home-going” for him!)

I remember how I raced to get this book as soon as it came out (in 2003). My eyes were glued to it, from start to finish. And again, it only increased my love and admiration for missionaries. I make it a point to go back and re-read it once a year, just to keep my mind focused on the importance of furthering the Gospel, and of fervent prayer for those on the mission fields. I’ve just completed what I’m guessing is my 8th or possibly my 9th reading of this book, and I felt led to share it with you here today, so you can be blessed by it, as well. And hopefully, through it, you’ll also gain enormous respect for all those brothers and sisters in the faith, who are diligently serving in other parts of our world… with the sole purpose of sharing Jesus with the lost. I pray it ignites a fire within all who reads it, that each will be led to join in the cause… even if all you can do is pray. Prayer is essential, and we know that prayer indeed changes things.

If you have family members or friends who are serving in missions, please encourage them in the faith. Don’t try to “pull them back”; the enemy is already working hard at that, believe me. Just love them, be proud of them, pray for them, and let them know you support their life’s calling. It’ll make their being away from home so much easier, knowing they have your support.

If you don’t have a missionary on the field, perhaps you can “adopt” one… by sending correspondence, notes of encouragement, etc. to them, and if you’re financially able to help them, that would be a great blessing to them, as well. In most cases, they don’t have the amenities that you and I are able to enjoy here. And I assure you, they don’t use the money they receive frivolously. They use it as they see fit, given the immediate needs of the work they’re doing. Pray about what God would have you do. Whatever you are able to do, you will be rewarded above and beyond what you could ever imagine. God truly takes care of those who take care of His.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Challenge

February has always been one of my favorite months of the year. Perhaps the fact that I was born in February has something to do with that. But then, too, another special day… and definitely more famous than my birthday could ever be… is Valentine’s Day. Even as a little girl, I LOVED this holiday.. The whole idea of exchanging valentines with all of my classmates, in essence saying, “Hey, I love that you’re my friend!” It seemed to make any and all grudges or hard feelings go away in an instant. To me, that was exciting… powerful, even!

Now that I’m not so little anymore, I STILL love this holiday… not just for the sweet valentine’s card I look forward to getting from my husband each year… but in longing for that same excitement and energy surrounding this special day. Unfortunately, things tend to get more complicated as we grow older. I don’t recall the last time I gave valentines to all my friends… nor me, from them. What’s wrong with us? I miss the way it used to be!

Ya know, we could all take a look into the past and uncover a great truth there. Did we only give cards to a select few? Or did we exchange them with everyone in our class? I’d say the latter was true… as was the rule… everyone got a card from each person in the class, period. No matter what.

Hmmm. Perhaps we should incorporate this rule into our adult lives. What if we gave “valentines”, or expressed kindness in some way, to everyone we cross paths with? Regardless of the condition of our relationship, whether great friends or even the kind who barely (or never) speak to one another, I believe if we put forth the effort, we could again stir up that childhood excitement of peace and unity.

Just think of the possible outcome… past hurts could be forgotten; broken hearts could be mended; relationships restored and renewed. Wow! I know in my own life, there are some relationships that could use this kind of “energy boost”. If we did it on a corporate level, what a wonderful example of spreading the love of Christ to everyone in our world!

Okay, you may be thinking I’m dreaming here, that this can’t possibly happen. I know it’s a bit out of the ordinary, but given the effect in grade-school, multiplied and worked into our lives today, I believe it is possible… if we do our part. But we have to see the vision, rather than seeing the impossible..

I believe Jesus had this vision. The Bible clearly tells us that we’re to love our neighbors as ourselves; we’re to love one another as Christ loved us; we’re to love our enemies… period. Whoa! It seems Jesus had a plan for us to live out and experience Valentine’s Day, all year long!

But what are we doing, to follow His leading? It has to begin somewhere. There’s no better time, than now, as we approach this holiday especially known for love and friendship, to spread Jesus’ love to all those around us, regardless of their prior standing with us.

I challenge everyone who reads this with the same challenge I present to myself… to reach out to all those in our own little world… and share a special kindness with them, as a token of Christ’s love in us. I’m certain we’ll all be the better for it!

God bless each of you and may you have a blessed Valentine’s Day!

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Way To A Prosperous New Year


For the start of this fresh new year, I wanted to share an article I wrote for the Christian Voice magazine, for this month. It's something the Lord laid upon my heart to write, for the purpose of helping others who've made (or are about to make) the same poor choices that I, myself, have made. My prayer is that it will be used for the glory of God. I'm already feeling that I did the right thing in sharing it, because the devil has fought tooth and nail since. He doesn't want folks to obtain freedom from the bondage of debt, nor from the snares he sets for us, so it's to be expected that he fights. But thankfully, at such times, God gives more grace, and therefore, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

"The Way To A Prosperous New Year"

I suppose we’ve all had the same thing on our minds as of late. With so many companies “going under”, so many jobs having been lost, and the value of the dollar decreasing more and more everyday, we’ve all been concerned with our economic situation… more so now, than ever before in this generation.

The “good life” in which many of us have grown accustomed has in reality “spoiled” us. Honestly speaking, we must admit that it’s become a way of life for us to eat out more than two or three times per week. We’ve “busied” ourselves so much, that we feel we’re justified in blaming our wastefulness on TIME… or rather, the lack of it. I, for one, shamefully accept responsibility for doing so. Isn’t it funny how we sometimes end up peddling backwards in one area, to advance in another? But that isn’t God’s Will.

My husband and I have recently begun taking inventory of our own spending habits. I must say, he’s a lot better at it than I am. I’m continually learning that his “old standards” are proving to be more and more practical, regardless of the ribbing he receives for it (yes, even by me). Truly, I am amazed at just how wise my husband is, when it comes to financial matters. He’s worked hard and saved, all his life. He never knew much about “overspending”… that is, until he met me.

Society has taught us to laugh and joke about how the man goes to work and makes the money, while the wife goes to the mall and spends it. But society has failed to teach us how foolish it is to live by such standards. Perhaps there needs to be more said and taught about the importance of saving. Perhaps we’d all be better for it.

I’ve learned (the hard way) that all those trips to the mall (and to Wally World) add up. All those credit cards come with finance charges. Yet, we continue to spend and charge, as if living only for the moment. How foolish!

It would be a good thing for all of us to “get back to the basics”, regardless of our current economic condition. But for those of us who are now seriously concerned about it, it’s even more crucial. We need to focus our purchases on the things we NEED, and less on the things we WANT. There is a difference, as I’ve come to know.

As the New Year rolls in, I pray that each of us would be more mindful of what we do with all that God has so richly blessed us with. We’ll be doing a month-long study on Stewardship entitled, "God Is Able", in our Bible Study Fellowship classes at Grand Strand Baptist, throughout the month of January, and as I was thinking the other day, what a better way to really find the key in managing our finances, our time, and our talents!

What would God have us do differently in 2009, than we’ve done in 2008? When I ask myself that question, I’d be too ashamed to admit here my answers. But I can thankfully say that just as the Spring comes after the Winter, there’s always room for a fresh start, a new beginning… a new opportunity to do differently and to improve on what have been our weaknesses.

That’s the way it is with our God. He offers new beginnings. He gives second chances… and third… and fourth… and so on. His Word tells us that He never grows tired of our coming to Him and trusting Him to help us and to see us through. That’s what He so desires to do. When we’re in that intimate communion with Him and seek His guidance, all else will fall in place. I should say, “if” we then listen to Him. (Sometimes we aren’t so good at that part.)

But anyway, as we get into this new year, let it be just that… a NEW year. Remember that “…old things are passed away, behold all things are become new”. What a blessing! Seek God’s face in 2009 like you’ve never done before. He is faithful, and has promised that if we call upon Him, He will show us great and mighty things. I’m looking forward to making that my New Year’s resolution!

God bless you, and I pray that you will have a blessed and prosperous New Year!

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