Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Challenge

February has always been one of my favorite months of the year. Perhaps the fact that I was born in February has something to do with that. But then, too, another special day… and definitely more famous than my birthday could ever be… is Valentine’s Day. Even as a little girl, I LOVED this holiday.. The whole idea of exchanging valentines with all of my classmates, in essence saying, “Hey, I love that you’re my friend!” It seemed to make any and all grudges or hard feelings go away in an instant. To me, that was exciting… powerful, even!

Now that I’m not so little anymore, I STILL love this holiday… not just for the sweet valentine’s card I look forward to getting from my husband each year… but in longing for that same excitement and energy surrounding this special day. Unfortunately, things tend to get more complicated as we grow older. I don’t recall the last time I gave valentines to all my friends… nor me, from them. What’s wrong with us? I miss the way it used to be!

Ya know, we could all take a look into the past and uncover a great truth there. Did we only give cards to a select few? Or did we exchange them with everyone in our class? I’d say the latter was true… as was the rule… everyone got a card from each person in the class, period. No matter what.

Hmmm. Perhaps we should incorporate this rule into our adult lives. What if we gave “valentines”, or expressed kindness in some way, to everyone we cross paths with? Regardless of the condition of our relationship, whether great friends or even the kind who barely (or never) speak to one another, I believe if we put forth the effort, we could again stir up that childhood excitement of peace and unity.

Just think of the possible outcome… past hurts could be forgotten; broken hearts could be mended; relationships restored and renewed. Wow! I know in my own life, there are some relationships that could use this kind of “energy boost”. If we did it on a corporate level, what a wonderful example of spreading the love of Christ to everyone in our world!

Okay, you may be thinking I’m dreaming here, that this can’t possibly happen. I know it’s a bit out of the ordinary, but given the effect in grade-school, multiplied and worked into our lives today, I believe it is possible… if we do our part. But we have to see the vision, rather than seeing the impossible..

I believe Jesus had this vision. The Bible clearly tells us that we’re to love our neighbors as ourselves; we’re to love one another as Christ loved us; we’re to love our enemies… period. Whoa! It seems Jesus had a plan for us to live out and experience Valentine’s Day, all year long!

But what are we doing, to follow His leading? It has to begin somewhere. There’s no better time, than now, as we approach this holiday especially known for love and friendship, to spread Jesus’ love to all those around us, regardless of their prior standing with us.

I challenge everyone who reads this with the same challenge I present to myself… to reach out to all those in our own little world… and share a special kindness with them, as a token of Christ’s love in us. I’m certain we’ll all be the better for it!

God bless each of you and may you have a blessed Valentine’s Day!

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