Like many others throughout the world this weekend, I've spent much time watching the various television specials about the late Princess Diana, marking the tenth anniversary of her death. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, that so captivates us. She was certainly a beautiful woman, as much on the inside as out. Long before her death, we held her in high regard, not just because she was "Princess Di", but largely because she had a certain "humanness" about her, that we failed to see in other members of the Royal family. She appeared to be much more humble than they. We all remember watching the many news stories over the years that documented her charitable work and philanthropic causes. She truly seemed to have a heart of gold, one that wanted so desperately to reach out to those who were hurting, especially. That in itself was cause for the world to love this woman. She touched lives, literally, that no one else would have dared.
I suppose that makes it even harder to understand how such a beautiful life could come to such a tragic end. We've heard the "theories" as to what (or who) actually killed the Princess. It's been quite the blame game. And I must say, since watching a few of the specials this weekend, I now question what I've believed for the past ten years to be her cause of death. I'm sure none of us will ever know for sure, and it will remain one of the unsolved mysteries in this life.
But ya know, as I've thought about all this these past few days, one thing stands out in my mind that I never really thought about until now. The man Princess Diana was involved with at the time of her death (Dodi Al Fayed), was a Muslim. That may not sound like such a big thing, but I can tell you as a Christian, in light of some of the things I've been studying lately, it truly is. Bear with me, please.
Our Bible teaches us that there is only One true God. The worship of any other god is idolatry. I am reminded in Scripture that our God is not mocked.
Princess Diana, though so well loved, was in fact still human. I'm sure she made devastating mistakes, as have the rest of us. As I mentioned earlier, she sought to reach out to those who were hurting (or who were rejected), especially... I think because on a certain level, they reminded her of herself. She felt very unloved, rejected, isolated, so it was easy for her to relate to those who were feeling the same way. (Again, we can look back and recall the many photos of her holding the hand of an AIDS patient, or others who were somehow alienated from being "touched" by the real world.)
Sadder still, is that her own emptiness and personal desire to be loved led her to a relationship with someone who did not believe in the One true God. He worshiped another god, Allah... a false god. From all indications, Dodi Al Fayed had planned to propose marriage to her on the very night they died. In fact, his own father has stated in many interviews that both Dodi and Diana had spoken to him on the afternoon of their deaths, and told him of their expectancy of a child. Of course, there has been a royal cover-up (no pun intended), as far as her autopsy report, so that none of this could be confirmed nor denied publicly.
But stop and think about that for a minute. Here, Princess Diana, someone watched and loved throughout the world, in a most highly regarded position in millions of hearts, an example and role model for so many (including children)... here she is, on the brink of marrying into the Islamic faith. Just think about that.
I don't know if you've done much research on Islamic beliefs and customs, but one thing that truly gives me chills is that once you get in, you can't get out... alive. When you marry into it, you must convert. You must raise your children in that belief. The consequences of not following those rules are deadly. In fact, if you convert from Islam to some other religion, someone in your own family must kill you. They view it as justifiable, in their belief... an honor killing. Can you imagine?
So here is Princess Diana, apparently on the verge of marrying into this false religion, and from the testimony of her would-be future father-in-law, she was carrying his grandchild... who would also, then, be a Muslim... not by choice, but by birth. What a birthright!
Again, it's so sad... all of it... absolutely every aspect of her death. But ya know, I suppose it could have been so much worse. What if they hadn't died? What if they'd gotten married and had that child? If she hadn't done so already, she would have been forced to convert to Islam. (Who knows, maybe she already did???) Then at some time later, if for whatever reason, they parted ways and she chose to leave the Islamic faith, what about her safety then? What about the safety of her children? Not just the child (or children) she and Dodi would have brought into the world, but what about Prince William and Prince Harry? Would their safety also be compromised? It could have been such an awful, terrible tragedy... even worse than it actually was!
But again, in thinking on all this, I keep going back to that passage of Scripture in Galations, in which there's a lesson for all of us.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Princess Diana had so much of it right. She was in an awesome position to make a true difference in this world, and in many ways, she did. Her tremendous giving and caring nature was so in line with Scripture. Yet she, like alot of us, looked in the wrong place for that much-desired reciprocated affection. She failed to sow in the Spirit, which again, is like so many of us today. (I, myself, have been guilty of that on numerous occasions.)
One thing I've come to understand (from lessons learned the hard way), is that when you're isolated or rejected, perhaps that's God's way of getting you all alone with Him. It's during those times that He draws us nearer to Him, and reveals so many things we wouldn't have understood otherwise. Personally, I can look back now and thank Him for those times. Granted, I didn't always think they were so great at the on-set of them, but once I got into His Will and began to pay attention to what He was telling me, it was like His arms were wrapped around me so tightly. I've never felt more safe nor secure than in those times when I was all alone with Him. Others' affection didn't matter so much to me then.
If Princess Diana had only seen and experienced this for herself. When others caused her pain and diappointment, rejecting her love and devotion... what if she had turned to the Lord, rather than to someone who worshiped a false god, for love and comfort. How different would things be today, not just for her, but for the entire world? What if she had used her highly publicized, highly esteemed position to point the world to Christ??? Imagine the former Princess of Wales, a great evangelist of the gospel!!! Tears fill my eyes at the very thought, as it reminds me of how precious life truly is, and that none of us are promised tomorrow. The things we could (or should) have been doing already, perhaps we'll never have another chance to do, if we don't do so today.
I wish Princess Diana had turned to the Lord, rather than to Dodi Al Fayed. I wish some godly saint had walked into her life at just the right time, to help guide her in the wisdom of the Lord, when it came to making these monumental, catastrophic mistakes. I think of Ms Sharon, here at my church. She would have been good for Princess Diana. She would have been that spiritual mom to her, that she so needed (whether she realized it or not). What a sweet picture that is, in my mind!
Nevertheless, we cannot change history... only today, and if God willing, tomorrow, and the next day. We can look at this beautiful life and learn from it. We can open our Bibles and see how God would have us live, while we still can. We can point others to Him. We can be that godly counsel to those in need. We can pray that our life is an ever-burning torch, lighting the way for the world to see Him... and not merely a candle in the wind, giving way to the darkness.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for your presence with us, and for wrapping Your arms around us as we draw near to You. I praise You for the lessons learned, in my own life, and in the lives of those around me. I pray that we'll all look to You and You alone to fill the void that might be in us. I pray that glory and honor be brought to Your Name, through these thoughts I've included here today. I pray that we'll all see how necessary Your Word is for our lives, no matter who or where we are. Lord, help us to be mindful of our place here. We are but clay in Your hands, yet sadly we often turn it around and try to do the making and molding ourselves, which only causes brokenness. Lord, help us to look to You for all our needs. I thank You and praise You. In Your loving Name I pray, Amen.
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Monday, August 27, 2007
A Candle In The Wind?
Posted by :: Lois :: at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Update for last post
Last night in our mid-week worship service, Pastor taught on the apostasy predicted in the last days. It was a wonderful study, and I thought it especially fitting, given the subject of my last post. We live in a day in which "anything goes", anymore. There's a lack of morality, respect, modesty, and overall decency in our country. It's disheartening to see how far down this world has gone. I believe God is looking down from Heaven and seeing Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. That's so troubling!
But as I was thinking during the service last night, it isn't just on the outside anymore. The lower (or no) standards are being brought right inside God's house. And what really troubles (and confuses) me is that there doesn't appear to be too many church-folk upset by that! What's happened to us???
My Bible tells me that the older women (or the ones that are more spiritually mature) are to teach the younger girls and ladies the things they need to know, as far as the things of God, including proper dress, proper attitudes, proper behavior. If women in the churches today would catch on to this and had the freedom to do as the Bible instructs us to do, and not be more concerned with who they might offend or who might leave the church, maybe our country wouldn't look so much like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Think about it, for a man to commit adultery or fornication, or even to think about doing so, he had to have had some form of enticement from somewhere to get him to this point. I'm being totally accurate when I say that too many church-goers underestimate the power of a shorter hemline, or a low-cut blouse, or even a well-intended hug. People, wake up! It's a different age, and we can't be too careful when it comes to causing someone else to stumble.
Romans 14:21 says, "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."
Girls, if you don't want to be responsible for homes and lives being destroyed, put some clothes on! Cover up "the temple" in which God supposedly dwells. (And yes, I emphasize "supposedly". If it don't walk or quack like a duck, it ain't a duck!) If you don't want it to be recorded in the history books of eternity that you caused another Christian to stray by something you did or said, think about how you present yourself to others. By your actions and speech, do others see you as a lady? Or as a tramp? Forgive my choice of words, but seriously, think about the question. If you're honest in your answer, it might surprise you.
And men, don't worry, I've got something for you, too. My Bible tells me that the husband and father is to be the head of the household, the spiritual leader of the family. Not the wife, not the child. But the father. God gave you this responsibilty. And with His guidance, you are well-equipped to do the job. It's your responsibilty to lead your family in prayer and Bible study, and to train your children in the things of God. Fathers, you have the controlling vote. You can decide what your daughter can or cannot wear. You are to set the tone for how your children behave in the world, inside and outside your home. If you don't step up to the plate and accept this God-given duty, He will hold you accountable when you stand before Him in judgement. But while you're here on earth, this falls under the whole cause and effect routine. If you ignore your responsibilities in raising your children in the ways of the Lord, you will see the day in which you'll wish you had. I promise you that!
Lastly, this part is for today's youth. The Bible has much insight where you're concerned, too. In fact, last night as I listened to my Pastor preach, I caught something I hadn't really seen before. I mean, I'd seen the passage before (many, many times), but I'd never related it to young people before, until last night.
In 2 Timothy Chapter 3, where it says "men", I don't feel like it's specifically referring to gender. I feel it means all mankind. Thus, when it speaks of how "mankind" will in the last days be, I am reminded of today's youth. I have never seen nor heard of more disrespectful, disobedient, dishonest, ungrateful, boastful kids like we see today! I thought I, and my generation, was a handful! But I truly believe it's safe to say, we don't have a thing on today's young people, when it comes to living ungodly. Why is that???
Well, for one thing, I can remember all too well what happened to me whenever I crossed the line. Mama was a firm believer in discipline. And I don't mean "spanking". I mean, she "whooped" us, when we needed it. Whether it was the belt, a hickory switch, or her hand... she made sure we knew that certain behavior was intolerable. It may have taken us a few "whoopings" to get it, but we learned. And I, in no way, mean that Mama ever abused us. She did not! In fact, she loved us enough, that she wanted to instill the proper values, and proper behavior in us. I thank God for that! Granted, I didn't think too kindly of the idea when I was receiving "such lessons", but she knew in time we'd understand, and we did. And it does make a difference.
Sadly, parents don't discipline anymore. Why? One reason is because today's kids "have rights", and can turn their parents in to Social Services if they're spanked at all. (I don't understand that! Whoever started that needs to open their Bible.)
But last night during the service, as we went over these verses, and the characteristics of mankind in the last days, I trembled at the thought of some of these traits. I know youth, personally, whom were well described here. Proud; disobedient to parents; unthankful; despisers of those that are good; highminded; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a "form" of godliness; ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Wow!!!
I see it every day. It's bad enough in adults. But in young people, it's scarey. Why? Because should the Lord tarry, they're the next generation. They'll be the ones who teach those after them. So the question is, what will they teach them?
Again, it goes back to the responsibilities God gave us in His Word. He said that the older women were to teach the younger ones. I believe it's our duty to help shape and mold this generation into one that would bring glory and honor to Christ... not put Him to shame, so they can then pass it on to their children. I believe parents ought to get with the program and teach their children godly wisdom, rather than just book knowledge. They should teach them respect and honesty. They should set examples for their children, and yes, even discipline them when they do things they shouldn't do. Teach them "life lessons" according to Scripture, and not just give them a list of rules and say, "Because I said so." Like I said, it falls back onto the responsibility of the parents, to train up their child in the way he (or she) should go. It shouldn't be a "burden" passed on to another person or group, as their responsibility. Nowhere in Scripture, Parents, does it say the teachers and leaders in the church are to be the ones to raise your child. That's YOUR job! And you're only hurting your child, if you don't! Some things ought to only come from parents.
Just like I said in my last post, one day the Lord will take care of those (of all ages) who disobey His commands. He will deal with passing judgement upon them. As mentioned, Psalm 37 is chocked full of promises concerning this. And then, too, here in 2 Timothy Chapter 3, Verse 9, it says "But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men." I like that! God will stop it, and it will be known then! Thank you Jesus!!!
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for Your Word, by which You've shown us how we are to live. Lord, I pray for forgivenss in those areas in which I stumble, sometimes on a regular basis. Help me to learn the lessons You would have me learn, and to pass that knowledge on to others, in a way that would be pleasing to You, so that they might avoid the errors I've made. Father, I thank You for sending Your Son to pay the debt for all my sin. What a precious gift! Lord, I pray for anyone who might be reading this post, that they, too, would see things in a different light, and choose to walk according to Your Will, and not the path that would only lead them to destruction. Father, I pray for our youth, that You would ignite a Holy Ghost fire, burning within their hearts, that they would live lives sold out for You, pointing others to Your amazing love. Let there be an anointing fall upon our church, that we would all walk in harmony and in service together for You. I thank You and praise You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Lord Will Take Care of Them
It can be easy to get discouraged when those around you treat you unfairly. I say that from experience. There have been times in my life when people whom I thought were closest to me... people I shared a great deal of happiness with... actually changed their tune, mid-song. I used to get all upset about it, feeling as though I was the only one it had ever happened to. There were times when I wanted to take matters into my own hands, getting even with those who would do me wrong. But it's strange, how time works for our benefit sometimes. You learn things as you get older, as you mature.
Some of the wisdom I've gained, regarding this subject, comes from Psalm 37. The whole chapter assures us that God will take care of those who would mean to cause us harm. We don't have to fight back, because He promises to come to our defense. He won't let them continue to mistreat us, to take their stabs at us. He will cut them down, the Bible says.
Verse 7 tells us "...fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."
And I especially take comfort in verse 13, where it says "The Lord shall laugh at him: for He seeth that his day is coming."
Verse 15 reminds us that "Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken."
We don't have to be in a physical, hands-on battle for this to apply. Sometimes our enemies cut us the deepest with their words, their actions, their attitudes. They often do outright hateful, spiteful things against us, to try and hurt us or cause us to stumble in our own walk. Therefore, according to Psalm 37:15, their very own words, actions, attitudes (these weapons they use for ill-will against us) will come back on them, bringing the destruction upon themselves, instead. I kinda like the thought of that.
I take comfort in knowing that the Lord has promised He will take care of them. He will deal with their spitefulness and disrespect. He will bring about the means by which they will cease their firing at us. And it's been my experience that when He does, they'll look back and wish they'd gotten their hearts right alot sooner. It could be through a deathly illness, or through losing a loved one, that He passes His judgement.
I know what the Bible tells us about messing with God's anointed. He says, "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." And anytime throughout Scripture the enemies have done so, God has unleashed His judgement upon them. Just like He promised, He cut them down.
You may be asking why I'm sharing this here tonight. Well, perhaps God is giving someone, perhaps yourself, a reminder. Like I said, I've learned a great deal from personal experience (from both sides of the fence), and also in growing to a certain level of maturity from studying Scripture. I've learned that if you're pumped up full of pride and rebellion, you are not in the center of God's Will. He will burst that "big-head bubble" some how, some way. This could be your chance to turn things around by ceasing from your arrogant, self-willed actions... on your own... before He has to intervene.
Again, I've been on both sides of this, so I know first-hand you don't want to be "cut down" by God. Think about the thing that means absolutely the most to you. How would you feel if the Lord took that away? How awful would that be? All because you refused to obey Him. You can't believe part of His Word without believing it all. It has to be all or nothing. God sees your actions, and what's more, He sees what's inside your heart. He sees it, even if no one else does. And again, He will be the One to deal with you.
If this is you tonight, I pray you'll repent (turn your heart and attitude around), and make things right before another day passes, rather than have God intervene. Remember the Bible says... Surely your sins will find you out.
Father, I thank You for revealing to me that which was so needed, regarding my own walk with you, over the years. Thank You for bringing to remembrance so many of the ways in which I've failed You. Thank You for Your forgiveness, for your mercy, and for Your love. Now Lord, I ask that You be with the ones for whom You've given me this post. Show them the error of their way, as You have shown me mine. And give them the grace they need to change their ways, their attitudes, and for making things right with those they've erred. I trust You, Lord, to make all things right. Help us to live lives that would be pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 10:45 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Okay, I know, that's one of the oldest cliches in the book. But I promise if you keep reading, you'll see why I thought that to be a great title for this post. (And no, I don't mean that my post is what's worth waiting for.)
Keep reading. :)
First of all, let me say that this has been a pretty hectic week for me. I have been positively knee-deep in researching some things I've become privy to recently, regarding end-time events.
Prophecy, as you may or may not know, is one of my most beloved areas of Bible Study. I especially love looking at current events, lining them up with Scripture. In light of all that's happening in the world today, I believe with all my heart the Lord is soon to return. And that excites me!
Just think... pretty soon, we won't have to worry about the things that tend to "darken our skies" here. We're gonna sail through the skies, in fact! No more sickness, death, sadness, nor pain; no more bills, inflation, nor high-interest mortgages... truly all of the headaches of this life will be over... forever! Praise the Lord!
Like I said, I've been busy researching some things I've recently gotten my hands on. It's truly very exciting stuff, on the flip side of (yet pertaining to) all the headlines we read and hear everyday. Pretty soon, I hope to be able to share some of this new insight with you here, but I'll not do that just yet. (I have my reasons.)
In my excitement, however, I've been reminded of the many passages of Scripture that tell us to wait on the LORD. Hmm.
Whenever I look at these verses, I think of how impatient I am.
Impatience and waiting just don't go together.
But is it just me, or did you also hate it when you were growing up, and went to your parents about something you wanted really badly, only to be told you had to wait. (Uugghh!!!)
But looking at some of these verses I've been reminded of... that's exactly what our Heavenly Father is telling us to do.
(See Psalm 27:14; Psalm 37:7; Psalm 37:34; Proverbs 20:22; Hosea 12:6; Zephaniah 3:8a)
In looking at many of these verses again, after doing all the research I've been doing on "the new insight" I've recently come across, I kinda feel like that impatient child again, wanting something so badly, only to be told to WAIT.
I have this incredible longing to see and to be with Jesus... more so now, than ever before! We know this world's not gonna get any better. We know it's only gonna get worse, in fact. All the necessary things are in place, for the Lord's coming. The stage is all set. All we're waiting for is to hear Gabriel sound that trumpet.
But yet, we must WAIT.
The impatient brat in me wants to scream and pitch a royal hissey-fit, saying, "Come on, Lord, I'm ready already!", but then I begin to think of the reasons why we must wait for Him, for His timing. Reasons like... family... friends... neighbors... co-workers... classmates... teachers... leaders.
Ah, that brings it into proper perspective. Perhaps He's waiting for me to lead one more person to Him. Perhaps for all of us to bring another soul into the family.
Okay, I get the message, that as we wait, we shouldn't just sit here watching the clock, pacing the floor, tapping our fingers on the table, occasionally looking outside to see if there's anything unusual happening in the clouds. Instead, we should be reaching all those who aren't yet ready. We should sound our own trumpet, one that lets them know there's an emergency on the brink, and that they need to be prepared.
Right now, Hurricane Dean is hitting the island of Jamaica. From the footage they're showing, it will have a devastating and long-lasting effect on this area. That, too, reminds me of the importance of being prepared, heeding the warnings, seeking safety and refuge in Christ. His warnings aren't all-of-a-sudden, like this hurricane, or other natural disasters that are happening around us. He's told us about it all in His Word. We've had it all along. But unfortunately, many still don't see it. They've turned a blind eye to it, even.
But that's where we come in. We can be the emergency crew here, warning everyone we know that there's absolutely no more time to waste... they must be saved TODAY! We need to step out of our comfort zones and sound the alarm, someway, somehow.
What we, as Christians, have in store for us... we want everyone around us to be able to enjoy, as well. All of eternity in perfect peace and in perfect health. To live for ever and ever with Jesus, where we'll be able to thank Him for all that He's done for us. And as I mentioned earlier, no more of the things in this life that can cause us heartache and misery. Ahhh, Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time!
So as we wait upon the Lord's return, let's use what time we have wisely. Let's get busy in this "rescue mission", bringing all those we possibly can into the "life boat", keeping in mind that we'll soon be at home. It's then and only then that we can know just how wonderful Heaven will be, and ultimately be able to say unquestionably that good things come to those who wait!
Heavenly Father, thank You for providing for us the way in which we can live forever with You in that wonderful place called Heaven. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to pay the sin debt for me, and for all mankind, so that we can have that awesome gift. Thank You for Your Word, by which we learn of the Lord's soon return. Father, I ask that You help us and enable us to effectively win souls for You. I ask that You anoint our mouths, give us the words to speak. Give us the boldness to reach those we might not otherwise have even thought about sharing the plan of salvation with. Lord, I ask that You forgive us for our failures and shortcomings, and help us to learn from our mistakes. I praise You for Your goodness and mercy. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:56 PM 18 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Showers of Blessing
I've been amazed lately by how much the Lord has blessed me. I'm absolutely awe-struck, in fact (if there is such a word). He has protected me in so many situations, shielding me from the harm that satan intended for me. He's provided for me, time and time again, those things which were needed, just like He promised He would do. And beyond that, even, there have been so many facets of my life, those secret desires within my heart, that only the good Lord could have known about - He saw fit to grant them, some without my even asking. My, how special that is to me!
I can't help but think of Psalm 139...
(verses 1-6)
O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.
Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
Wow! These words couldn't possibly be any more true to me, if I'd penned them myself. It's overwhelming to think that what's in my heart, King David also felt. It's humbling, in fact, because the Bible tells us that David was a man after God's own heart. (Talk about being in good company!)
(verses 13-18)
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Isn't it amazing to think that God knew us and loved us, even before we were conceived? He knew that we'd fail Him. He knew that we'd lose sight of those things that are of most importance, from time to time. He knew that without His grace, we'd self-destruct. Yet He loved us anyway!
I don't know about you, but to me, that in itself (even without the extra blessings mentioned before), is enough reason for praise. The very thought of Him thinking about me... the Creator of all things thinking about me... more times than the number of grains of sand, at that... it's mind-boggling.
I certainly didn't do anything to merit His thoughts (other than maybe being a nuisance, at times). But He loves me and He thinks about me, just the same. And He doesn't stop there. He pours out blessing after blessing into my little world. Even those things that no one else knows about, He knows... and He supplies. It makes me think of the old hymn... "No One Cares For Me Like Jesus". In all reality, no one CAN care for me, like Jesus!
People often fail us; they turn against us; and they leave us. But Jesus NEVER fails us! He NEVER turns on us! Nor does He ever leave us! (Hebrews 13:5) What comfort there is in that!
Oh Father, I thank You for the many ways You shower me with Your love. Thank You for granting me even those things I haven't requested of You, but yet You knew they were the desires of my heart. I praise Your Name for being so faithful to me, when all others fail me. I bless Your Holy Name for protecting me from the snares of the enemy, who comes in so many disguises. Thank You for revealing to me that which is good, and also that which is not. Father, I pray for continued nourishment and growth from Your Word, should You give me another day in which to live. Thank You for being so good to me, despite my faults and failures. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
No More Baby Food!
Do you ever come across a certain passage of Scripture, perhaps one that you've read hundreds of times before, but suddenly it jumps out at you in a whole new way? It happens to me quite frequently. Then as I explore further, I feel as though I'm walking into another world, in such awe by what I find there.
The interesting thing is that God's Word never changes, but our understanding of it does. I believe He opens our eyes to certain truths in His own time, perhaps because we might not be able to handle it all at once. Remember, one of His character traits is that He's omniscient, meaning He's all-knowing. He knows all things at once, including our very thoughts, our feelings, our desires, our needs. He knows our words before we say them, our thoughts before we think them. (Is that mighty, or what?)
So while He knows absolutely everything about us, inside and out, He sees what we, ourselves, don't see or know... including what's best for us. Hey, I'm the perfect example of "blind idiot" for that point. Whenever I've taken hold of the reigns, I've always had a head-on collision with something or someone, and it's been just the ugliest mess you'd never want to see. (After many crash-and-burn test runs, I've finally agreed to let Him drive.)
If He knows what's best for us, then it's safe to say He also knows how best to care for us, in our specific situations. He knows how much we can chew on at a time. It's like a mother feeding a new baby. She wouldn't give that newborn a bite of steak, would she? (I would say not.) No, she'd give the baby milk, until he was old enough, or mature enough, to go to the next step.
In the same way, our Heavenly Father isn't gonna cut us off a big hunk of meat, when it's all we can do to digest milk. He knows our capabilities, our limitations, our strengths, our weaknesses, and what's more is that He has the answer for all of it, no matter what "phase" we're in. Snap! Just like that, He already knows it. His omniscience allows Him this ability.
But just like the babies, we, too, grow and mature (hopefully). And as we do, He'll give us a little more, then a little more, until one day we're ready for the big stuff. And that's when He rocks our world, showing us things we may have seen hundreds of times before, but have never "seen" it in the way He now shows us. (see Jeremiah 33:3) I find that absolutely amazing, and so very exciting. It's like graduating to the next grade in school, or advancing to the next level in a video game.
Like I said, He's been opening my eyes to "some pretty big stuff" lately. Had He done so before, I don't think I could've chewed it. I would have been crying and gagging, and begging Him to put me back on baby food.
I can promise you this, now that I've had had the "big stuff", I don't want anymore baby food!
Thinking on these things, I've come to understand that in His perfect all-knowing wisdom, He loves me enough to give me just enough, when that's all I can digest. And He loves me enough to give me more, when I'm ready for that next step. That's comforting!
If I'm constantly and consistently in His Word, and in close communion with Him through prayer, He feeds me... as needed.
Lord, I thank You for shedding new light on my understanding of Your Word. I pray that this hunger and thirst will never wax cold. I pray that whatever You reveal to me, You will also enable me to share it with others, rather than keeping it all for myself. Thank You for the blessings of this day, and for always showing me just how much You care. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Much To Be Thankful For
Today, I visited a friend of mine, who's in the battle of his life. Or should I say, the battle for his life. He has a rare form of bone cancer, and hasn't had any treatments for the last several weeks. I can tell you, satan has waged an outright war against Paul, who is a new Christian. He and his wife both were saved not that many months ago, and they've been a real blessing to all of us at GSBC. I'm so thankful I've had the priviledge of knowing them. But like I said, the enemy has shown no mercy to him whatsoever, despite Paul's illness, nor the fact that he has a 5-year old son.
Being a new Christian, Paul was excited to put his faith and trust in Christ, for his healing. He wasn't the least bit ashamed of sharing that faith, even with his doctor. I find that most commendable. However, the doctor wasn't so receptive. In fact, he scoffed and mocked my friend, for his belief. How could someone do that? Especially an educated man like he would apparently have to be, to be a doctor, I mean. Can you imagine what that must do to someone who's just come into the faith? At a time when Paul needs uplifting, encouraging words, here this man was adament in tearing him down, and robbing him of his hope. How frustrating!
Due to the difficulty of going back to this doctor, Paul hasn't been getting any medical help at all lately. He's been "dealing with it" as best as he could, in his home... most of the time, lying in bed, in excruciating pain. It doesn't take a genious to figure out that won't work for very long. And I must say that after seeing Paul today, I'm sure it wouldn't have been much longer at all.
But after much prayer and with the consent of his family, Paul left this evening to go to New York, to stay with his brother, so he can get his medical treatments there. I, like everyone else, was against it at first. But then after hearing (and then today, seeing) what was becoming of him here without the care he so desperately needs, I've come to realize it's for the best. He continues to trust the Lord to heal him, as he told me today, "one way or another".
My prayer is that any and every one who comes across this post will pause for a moment and lift Paul up in prayer. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the doctors who will be treating him (1st appt. tomorrow). Pray for his wife and son, who will be staying here, in order for their insurance to stay in tact. (It's through her job here.) Pray for comfort for them, in being separated from their loved one for who knows how long. I can't imagine the emptiness she must be feeling inside. Pray that the Lord will indeed heal Paul, physically, and bring him to the point of being able to come back home to his family.
My heart breaks for this precious family. I wish you could see the picture I took of them the day they joined our church. I've often said they look like a missionary family, getting ready to embark on a mission field somewhere. I would love to post that picture, but for the sake of their privacy, I'll not do that.
Ya know, as I've been reflecting on this family and especially Paul's outspokenness about his faith in Jesus Christ, it's really brought conviction upon my heart. There have been so many times I could have shared Jesus with someone, or times where I could have spoken up and said, "I know God can do this... or that." But I didn't. Too often I sat idly by, saying nothing.
I suppose in light of death seeming so very real and so close to me, it's easier to see the "bald spots" in the field... those areas where the seed didn't produce. I'm ashamed to say, I have alot of bare places in my life. I see many wasted years behind me.
Thankfully, though, I don't have to dwell on the past. The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians that we're to press on towards the mark, not looking back on those things that are behind us... those things we cannot change. Wow... what a passage of Scripture, to keep us from sinking into a pool of shameful misery! Thank You, Lord!
But in thinking about Paul and his family, and what they're going through, it makes me realize even more that I have so much to be thankful for. I tend to get the "I wants" sometimes, as does most everyone, I assume (or maybe it's just me). I sometimes catch myself desiring to have unnecessary things, like the latest phone or computer gadget. And sadly, it takes going on a missions trip to some other country, and seeing how little those folks have (yet they're perfectly content); or sitting by a friend who has cancer, and watching as he struggles to breathe, even... to make me realize the things I take for granted. My, the shame there! Things like that certainly have a way of putting things into proper perspective.
The Apostle Paul sums it all up best, I think, where he says this...
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have... Hebrews 13:6
I'm still working on all that. I know I have quite a ways to go, but by God's grace, I'm getting there.
Please do pray for my friend, Paul, and for his wife and son. Pray that the Lord's generous hand of mercy be upon every aspect of their lives. The enemy will use this to try and break them, spiritually. But I believe that together, we can pray a hedge of protection around them so high and so wide, the enemy cannot break through. Please join me.
Father, I come before Your throne, asking first of all, that You forgive me for being so caught up in the things of this world... those material things that don't amount to a hill of beans, in the realm of eternity. Lord, I ask that You help me become more and more like you, with each and every day that passes, and that You'll continually show me what and where I need to change. Lord, I thank You for the many, many blessings You've given me, things I've too often taken for granted... things as simple as the air I breathe. I was reminded today that I need to be thankful for each breath You've given me, and that I should use it for Your glory. That is my desire, and with Your help, I long to do just that. Lord, I ask that Your healing hand be upon Paul, as he continues his medical treatments in New York. Lord, I pray for wisdom and guidance for the doctors who will be attending him there. Show them how to best care for him, and with the utmost respect. Father, I pray that You strengthen Paul, and surround him with those who will lift his spirit, and who'll bring him to think on all that You've done in his life thus far, not dwelling on the negative circumstances involved in this battle with cancer. Lord, I pray that You wrap Your loving arms around Janeth and Joshua, and let them feel so close to You during this valley they, too, are walking through. Comfort them and bring to them the peace that passeth all understanding. Let them learn to lean and depend solely on You, and to have joy in their hearts as they wait to see their loved one again. Lord, bless this family, I pray. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:53 PM 1 comments
We're Not Alone In Our Struggle
First of all, let me say of course, we're not alone! Christ is with us, through any and every aspect of our lives. In fact, He's given us His Word that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5b) And I don't know about you, but for me personally, I've never experienced a time when He wasn't true to His Word.
But what I was talking about when I entitled this post was that no matter what we face in life, the Bible is full of examples of godly men and women who have also faced what we're going through. For me, that's comforting to know, because for one thing, I am reminded once again that "it's not about me!" (That seems to be the theme song of my life!) It brings things into proper perspective, knowing that the world isn't gonna end because of whatever crisis "Lois" might be facing at any given time. It didn't end for those folks in the Bible, nor will it with me.
But then, too, in seeing that those who were here before me have gone through the same or similar situations, I can look at their experiences and gain better insight in how to handle my own particular problem. That's what being an example is all about! And I believe that's why the Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible to include them. Think about it. The Lord was looking after us there. He gave us a guide-book to go by, showing us the errors of those before us, so that we could take a lesson. And thankfully, I've finally reached a period in my life where I appreciate that. I figure, I need all the help I can get!
It is indeed of great comfort, knowing that we're not alone in the struggles we face. It brings this big world in, much more snugly, especially thinking of those Biblical examples who also walked the same roads that we walk. God was faithful to them, and He is ever faithful to us, as well.
A friend of mine had a bad day yesterday. The enemy fought tooth and nail to bring anger and resentment into a certain situation. And to be honest, he succeeded in that endeavor. (But the battle isn't over yet!) Why did he do it? The answer is simple. He was betting that if he could bring everyone at odds against one another, then it would turn some away from hearing God's Word, which would in turn (like all of satan's wicked devices do), open up a whole new can of worms, then another, then another.... until pretty soon he has such a stronghold on these lives, they can never enjoy the peace and joy of the salvation for which Christ so willingly sacrificed for them.
The devil uses common folk to do his leg work for him... family, friends, church-family, even. We Christians sometimes have this mental picture of the enemy's "helpers", being that of "grim-reaper" appearance... complete with skulls and crossbones, and adorned in black. But in all reality, his helpers often wear Sunday dresses, and suits and ties.
I think of King David, who in Psalm 55 (verses 12-14) says this...
For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
Wow, even King David faced what my friend faced yesterday! Someone whom he took counsel with went up against him. Some things never change! Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not knocking anyone, or any group of people in particular. I have been the enemy's "assistant" on more than one occasion, myself. I'm not proud of it, in the least. But I have learned that we must be honest with ourselves (and others), and most importantly, before God Almighty, before we can even begin to turn anything around. I can never point my finger at someone else, without having 3 more pointed right back at me. As corny as that old cliche may be, there's quite a bit of truth in it. ('Agree?)
But the bottom line is this. We all face conflicts day in and day out, especially if you're a Christian. The enemy, though he's lost your soul, will still do anything and everything he can do to rob you of your peace and joy. (John 10:10) Why? Because if he can pull you down into a sinking spell, singing "Woe is me...", then he's got you right where he wants you... defeated. And if you're defeated, you're not gonna be out and about singing praises to Jesus (which he hates), nor showing others the way of salvation. That's the reason!
So in times like these, take heart... we've all been there, on some level or another. Many folks in the Bible have been there, as well. But the best combat we have in this spiritual warfare is prayer. We can come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain His mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. What a blessing!
Father, I thank You for Your Word, in which You give us help when we need it. I thank You for the correction and instruction You've given us, by which we can know how to live righteously. I thank You for humbling us, when we get on the wrong course, and for drawing us back to You when we see the error of our way. Father, I ask that You bless my friend, that You work in his situation, bringing peace and agreement among Your people. Lord, I ask that You heal all wounds, and most of all, Lord, that You keep us all in Your Will, in Your Word, and in Your House, that we not fall away from the plan and purpose You have for our lives. I thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, and for all Your many blessings. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Coincidences Defined
Have you ever come across something that you remember having read or heard about already, earlier that same day? Has someone mentioned a certain Scripture to you, that you've just read, yourself, prior to their mentioning it? That happens to me alot, especially lately. I've always heard others refer to it as merely coincidence, but I've come to understand that it's more than that. It's part of God's plan, to show me something He intends for me to "get", and He's not gonna let me miss it.
One such occasion happened to me on Friday. I had so wanted to go to the Coastal Evangelism Conference at Langston Baptist Church, to hear Junior Hill preach. But since my husband and I just returned from a missions trip with our Pastor, I didn't want to take any more time off from work. I thought I'd miss out on what was sure to be a great blessing, but thankfully our music minister mentioned to me that I could watch it online, on Langston's website. Thank God for technology! (And thanks to Doug for telling me about the live video stream!)
Well, as I was listening to Junior Hill's message, he made reference to a quote by the late, great Matthew Henry (you know the guy... "Matthew Henry's Commentaries"). As the story went, while traveling from one town to another, Matthew Henry met upon a band of thieves, who beat him up and took all his money. Yet later that night, in his journal he wrote of how he was thankful for 4 things... First of all, that he was never robbed before. Secondly, because even though they took his money, they didn't take his life. Thirdly, though they took everything he had in his wallet, it wasn't very much. And fourthly, he was thankful that it was he who got robbed, and not he who robbed.
To my knowledge, I had never heard that story before. But it impressed me, so much that I wrote it down, to possibly use in the bulletin or perhaps in Sunday School one day. I remember thinking, "Wow, what a way to look at it. Talk about not dwelling on the negative!"
Then later that same night, just before turning in to bed, I was reading a chapter of "To Fly Again", by Gracia Burnham (a sequel to her first book, "In The Presence of My Enemies", the story of she and her missionary-husband, who were taken and held hostage by Muslim Abu Sayyaf terrorists for over a year in the Philippines). To my surprise, in this particular chapter, I read a familiar story. She, too, noted how Matthew Henry was mugged and robbed; yet that night in his diary, he penned these words...
Let me be thankful, first, because I was never robbed before;
Second, because though they took my purse, they did not take my life;
Third, though they took my all, it was not very much;
Fourth, that it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed.
She went on to list how she had come to look at her own cirucmstances in the same way that Matthew Henry did. There again, this really struck a cord with me, and I'm a strong believer in sitting up and taking note of something when God shows it to me twice in one day. So I began to examine my own heart. There were some things there that I thought were long gone, but somehow began to rear their ugly head. (Is it just me, or do you sometimes wish you hadn't prayed for God to show you things in your heart and life that shouldn't be there?)
Nevertheless, there was a bit of unforgiveness in my heart. I had forced myself not to think about it. "It would only bring up bad memories to do so", I reasoned away (on more than one occasion). I had convinced myself it was best to just leave it alone, so I did. Someone had hurt me a long time ago. I had a big pity party. Then after a while, I buried it. But upon any further mention of it, another pity party was to follow. So again, I felt I was rightly justified in "never going there again", and I was adament in that. I was through with the pity-parties!
But somehow, after hearing (twice in the same day) of Matthew Henry's outlook, in spite of what had happened to him, I realized that as a child of God, I, too, am called to look beyond myself, and to praise God for the good in all things. Sure, I was hurt beyond anything I could ever imagine. But atleast I wasn't killed. I'm still here today. Sure, I was left with a mountain of financial debt. But God provided me with three jobs, in which I was able to climb (work) my way up the mountain even quicker, and He gave me peace in doing so. (That in itself is something to praise Him for.) Sure, my [then] hopes and dreams were crushed in an instant. But God, in His infinite wisdom, had an even greater plan. His hopes, and His desires for my life, are what truly count. He knows best, and He has indeed blessed me abundantly.
I share this with you to say this... No matter what the trials you may face, look for God's handiwork ("His hand at work") in your life. Even when things don't turn out like we plan, we can take comfort in knowing that God's plan is always better. And what's more, He has promised us that He is with us in everything we face, and that He'll never leave us nor forsake us. We have His Word on it!
Father, I pray that the words I've shared here will be used for your Glory. I pray for each and every one who reads them, that their lives might be filled with Your presence, and that they (and I) will always be determined to praise You for the good, and not dwell on the bad, in the "catastrophies" of our lives. Thank You for your love and mercy, and for saving a wretch like me. May my life forever be that vessel created for the Master's use. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 2:44 PM 1 comments