Thursday, August 23, 2007

Update for last post

Last night in our mid-week worship service, Pastor taught on the apostasy predicted in the last days. It was a wonderful study, and I thought it especially fitting, given the subject of my last post. We live in a day in which "anything goes", anymore. There's a lack of morality, respect, modesty, and overall decency in our country. It's disheartening to see how far down this world has gone. I believe God is looking down from Heaven and seeing Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. That's so troubling!

But as I was thinking during the service last night, it isn't just on the outside anymore. The lower
(or no) standards are being brought right inside God's house. And what really troubles (and confuses) me is that there doesn't appear to be too many church-folk upset by that! What's happened to us???

My Bible tells me that the older women (
or the ones that are more spiritually mature) are to teach the younger girls and ladies the things they need to know, as far as the things of God, including proper dress, proper attitudes, proper behavior. If women in the churches today would catch on to this and had the freedom to do as the Bible instructs us to do, and not be more concerned with who they might offend or who might leave the church, maybe our country wouldn't look so much like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Think about it, for a man to commit adultery or fornication, or even to think about doing so, he had to have had some form of enticement from somewhere to get him to this point. I'm being totally accurate when I say that too many church-goers underestimate the power of a shorter hemline, or a low-cut blouse, or even a well-intended hug. People, wake up! It's a different age, and we can't be too careful when it comes to causing someone else to stumble.

Romans 14:21 says, "
It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

Girls, if you don't want to be responsible for homes and lives being destroyed, put some clothes on! Cover up "the temple" in which God
supposedly dwells. (And yes, I emphasize "supposedly". If it don't walk or quack like a duck, it ain't a duck!) If you don't want it to be recorded in the history books of eternity that you caused another Christian to stray by something you did or said, think about how you present yourself to others. By your actions and speech, do others see you as a lady? Or as a tramp? Forgive my choice of words, but seriously, think about the question. If you're honest in your answer, it might surprise you.

And men, don't worry, I've got something for you, too. My Bible tells me that the husband and father is to be the head of the household, the spiritual leader of the family. Not the wife, not the child. But the father. God gave
you this responsibilty. And with His guidance, you are well-equipped to do the job. It's your responsibilty to lead your family in prayer and Bible study, and to train your children in the things of God. Fathers, you have the controlling vote. You can decide what your daughter can or cannot wear. You are to set the tone for how your children behave in the world, inside and outside your home. If you don't step up to the plate and accept this God-given duty, He will hold you accountable when you stand before Him in judgement. But while you're here on earth, this falls under the whole cause and effect routine. If you ignore your responsibilities in raising your children in the ways of the Lord, you will see the day in which you'll wish you had. I promise you that!

Lastly, this part is for today's youth. The Bible has much insight where
you're concerned, too. In fact, last night as I listened to my Pastor preach, I caught something I hadn't really seen before. I mean, I'd seen the passage before (many, many times), but I'd never related it to young people before, until last night.

In 2 Timothy Chapter 3, where it says "men", I don't feel like it's specifically referring to gender. I feel it means all mankind. Thus, when it speaks of how "mankind" will in the last days be, I am reminded of today's youth. I have never seen nor heard of more disrespectful, disobedient, dishonest, ungrateful, boastful kids like we see today! I thought I, and my generation, was a handful! But I truly believe it's safe to say, we don't have a thing on today's young people, when it comes to living ungodly. Why is that???

Well, for one thing, I can remember all too well what happened to me whenever I crossed the line. Mama was a firm believer in discipline. And I don't mean "spanking". I mean, she "whooped" us, when we needed it. Whether it was the belt, a hickory switch, or her hand... she made sure we knew that certain behavior was intolerable. It may have taken us a few "whoopings" to get it, but we learned. And I, in no way, mean that Mama ever abused us. She did not! In fact,
she loved us enough, that she wanted to instill the proper values, and proper behavior in us. I thank God for that! Granted, I didn't think too kindly of the idea when I was receiving "such lessons", but she knew in time we'd understand, and we did. And it does make a difference.

Sadly, parents don't discipline anymore. Why? One reason is because today's kids "have rights", and can turn their parents in to Social Services if they're spanked at all.
(I don't understand that! Whoever started that needs to open their Bible.)

But last night during the service, as we went over these verses, and the characteristics of mankind in the last days, I trembled at the thought of some of these traits. I know youth,
personally, whom were well described here. Proud; disobedient to parents; unthankful; despisers of those that are good; highminded; lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a "form" of godliness; ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Wow!!!

I see it every day. It's bad enough in adults. But in young people, it's scarey. Why? Because should the Lord tarry, they're the next generation. They'll be the ones who teach those after them. So the question is, what will they teach them?

Again, it goes back to the responsibilities God gave us in His Word. He said that the older women were to teach the younger ones. I believe it's our duty to help shape and mold this generation into one that would bring
glory and honor to Christ... not put Him to shame, so they can then pass it on to their children. I believe parents ought to get with the program and teach their children godly wisdom, rather than just book knowledge. They should teach them respect and honesty. They should set examples for their children, and yes, even discipline them when they do things they shouldn't do. Teach them "life lessons" according to Scripture, and not just give them a list of rules and say, "Because I said so." Like I said, it falls back onto the responsibility of the parents, to train up their child in the way he (or she) should go. It shouldn't be a "burden" passed on to another person or group, as their responsibility. Nowhere in Scripture, Parents, does it say the teachers and leaders in the church are to be the ones to raise your child. That's YOUR job! And you're only hurting your child, if you don't! Some things ought to only come from parents.

Just like I said in my last post, one day
the Lord will take care of those (of all ages) who disobey His commands. He will deal with passing judgement upon them. As mentioned, Psalm 37 is chocked full of promises concerning this. And then, too, here in 2 Timothy Chapter 3, Verse 9, it says "But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men." I like that! God will stop it, and it will be known then! Thank you Jesus!!!

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for Your Word, by which You've shown us how we are to live. Lord, I pray for forgivenss in those areas in which I stumble, sometimes on a regular basis. Help me to learn the lessons You would have me learn, and to pass that knowledge on to others, in a way that would be pleasing to You, so that they might avoid the errors I've made. Father, I thank You for sending Your Son to pay the debt for all my sin. What a precious gift! Lord, I pray for anyone who might be reading this post, that they, too, would see things in a different light, and choose to walk according to Your Will, and not the path that would only lead them to destruction. Father, I pray for our youth, that You would ignite a Holy Ghost fire, burning within their hearts, that they would live lives sold out for You, pointing others to Your amazing love. Let there be an anointing fall upon our church, that we would all walk in harmony and in service together for You. I thank You and praise You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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Anonymous said...

A much needed message for today. God bless you for your convictions. I look forward to your articles. You write from your heart. Keep up the good work, hon.

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for the youth in our county, that the Lord would bring them to love and serve Him.