Monday, August 27, 2007

A Candle In The Wind?

Like many others throughout the world this weekend, I've spent much time watching the various television specials about the late Princess Diana, marking the tenth anniversary of her death. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, that so captivates us. She was certainly a beautiful woman, as much on the inside as out. Long before her death, we held her in high regard, not just because she was "Princess Di", but largely because she had a certain "humanness" about her, that we failed to see in other members of the Royal family. She appeared to be much more humble than they. We all remember watching the many news stories over the years that documented her charitable work and philanthropic causes. She truly seemed to have a heart of gold, one that wanted so desperately to reach out to those who were hurting, especially. That in itself was cause for the world to love this woman. She touched lives, literally, that no one else would have dared.

I suppose that makes it even harder to understand how such a beautiful life could come to such a tragic end. We've heard the "theories" as to what (or who) actually killed the Princess. It's been quite the blame game. And I must say, since watching a few of the specials this weekend, I now question what I've believed for the past ten years to be her cause of death. I'm sure none of us will ever know for sure, and it will remain one of the unsolved mysteries in this life.

But ya know, as I've thought about all this these past few days, one thing stands out in my mind that I never really thought about until now. The man Princess Diana was involved with at the time of her death (Dodi Al Fayed), was a Muslim. That may not sound like such a big thing, but I can tell you as a Christian, in light of some of the things I've been studying lately, it truly is. Bear with me, please.

Our Bible teaches us that there is only One true God. The worship of any other god is idolatry. I am reminded in Scripture that our God is not mocked.

Princess Diana, though so well loved, was in fact still human. I'm sure she made devastating mistakes, as have the rest of us. As I mentioned earlier, she sought to reach out to those who were hurting (or who were rejected), especially... I think because on a certain level, they reminded her of herself. She felt very unloved, rejected, isolated, so it was easy for her to relate to those who were feeling the same way. (Again, we can look back and recall the many photos of her holding the hand of an AIDS patient, or others who were somehow alienated from being "touched" by the real world.)

Sadder still, is that
her own emptiness and personal desire to be loved led her to a relationship with someone who did not believe in the One true God. He worshiped another god, Allah... a false god. From all indications, Dodi Al Fayed had planned to propose marriage to her on the very night they died. In fact, his own father has stated in many interviews that both Dodi and Diana had spoken to him on the afternoon of their deaths, and told him of their expectancy of a child. Of course, there has been a royal cover-up (no pun intended), as far as her autopsy report, so that none of this could be confirmed nor denied publicly.

But stop and think about that for a minute. Here, Princess Diana, someone watched and loved throughout the world, in a most highly regarded position in millions of hearts, an example and role model for so many (including children)... here she is, on the brink of marrying into the Islamic faith. Just think about that.

I don't know if you've done much research on Islamic beliefs and customs, but one thing that truly gives me chills is that once you get in, you can't get out... alive. When you marry into it, you
must convert. You must raise your children in that belief. The consequences of not following those rules are deadly. In fact, if you convert from Islam to some other religion, someone in your own family must kill you. They view it as justifiable, in their belief... an honor killing. Can you imagine?

So here is Princess Diana, apparently on the verge of marrying into this false religion, and from the testimony of her would-be future father-in-law, she was carrying his grandchild... who would also, then, be a Muslim... not by choice, but by birth. What a birthright!

Again, it's so sad... all of it... absolutely every aspect of her death. But ya know, I suppose it could have been so much worse. What if they hadn't died? What if they'd gotten married and had that child? If she hadn't done so already, she would have been forced to convert to Islam. (Who knows, maybe she already did???) Then at some time later, if for whatever reason, they parted ways and she chose to leave the Islamic faith, what about her safety
then? What about the safety of her children? Not just the child (or children) she and Dodi would have brought into the world, but what about Prince William and Prince Harry? Would their safety also be compromised? It could have been such an awful, terrible tragedy... even worse than it actually was!

But again, in thinking on all this, I keep going back to that passage of Scripture in Galations, in which there's a lesson for all of us.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Princess Diana had so much of it right. She was in an awesome position to make a
true difference in this world, and in many ways, she did. Her tremendous giving and caring nature was so in line with Scripture. Yet she, like alot of us, looked in the wrong place for that much-desired reciprocated affection. She failed to sow in the Spirit, which again, is like so many of us today. (I, myself, have been guilty of that on numerous occasions.)

One thing I've come to understand (from lessons learned the hard way), is that when you're isolated or rejected, perhaps that's God's way of getting you all alone with Him. It's during those times that He draws us nearer to Him, and reveals so many things we wouldn't have understood otherwise. Personally, I can look back now and thank Him for those times. Granted, I didn't always think they were so great at the on-set of them, but once I got into His Will and began to pay attention to what He was telling me, it was like His arms were wrapped around me so tightly. I've never felt more safe nor secure than in those times when I was all alone with Him. Others' affection didn't matter so much to me then.

If Princess Diana had only seen and experienced this for herself. When others caused her pain and diappointment, rejecting her love and devotion... what if she had turned to the Lord, rather than to someone who worshiped a false god, for love and comfort. How different would things be today, not just for her, but for the entire world? What if she had used her highly publicized, highly esteemed position to point the world to Christ??? Imagine the former Princess of Wales, a great evangelist of the gospel!!! Tears fill my eyes at the very thought, as it reminds me of how precious life truly is, and that none of us are promised tomorrow. The things we could (or should) have been doing already, perhaps we'll never have another chance to do, if we don't do so today.

I wish Princess Diana had turned to the Lord, rather than to Dodi Al Fayed. I wish some godly saint had walked into her life at just the right time, to help guide her in the wisdom of the Lord, when it came to making these monumental, catastrophic mistakes. I think of Ms Sharon, here at my church. She would have been good for Princess Diana. She would have been that spiritual mom to her, that she so needed (whether she realized it or not). What a sweet picture that is, in my mind!

Nevertheless, we cannot change history... only today, and if God willing, tomorrow, and the next day. We can look at this beautiful life and learn from it. We can open our Bibles and see how God would have
us live, while we still can. We can point others to Him. We can be that godly counsel to those in need. We can pray that our life is an ever-burning torch, lighting the way for the world to see Him... and not merely a candle in the wind, giving way to the darkness.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for your presence with us, and for wrapping Your arms around us as we draw near to You. I praise You for the lessons learned, in my own life, and in the lives of those around me. I pray that we'll all look to You and You alone to fill the void that might be in us. I pray that glory and honor be brought to Your Name, through these thoughts I've included here today. I pray that we'll all see how necessary Your Word is for our lives, no matter who or where we are. Lord, help us to be mindful of our place here. We are but clay in Your hands, yet sadly we often turn it around and try to do the making and molding ourselves, which only causes brokenness. Lord, help us to look to You for all our needs. I thank You and praise You. In Your loving Name I pray, Amen.

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Anonymous said...

That is so true. Our God will not be mocked. I wish, too, that Princess Diana had come to know the Lord, instead of getting involved with false religion. Thank God we know who the true God is! Amen!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about any of this, but I know she was a wonderful person.