Saturday, November 3, 2007

For Such A Time As This

What a meaningful theme for this year’s Jubilee! While we have many within our church family who are going through crises… some fighting major health battles; others burdened for lost family members; and those facing mountains bigger than any of us could possibly climb in our own strength… how exciting it is to know that we can all come together for an amazing time of prayer and praise, trusting our Heavenly Father to once again pour out His blessings upon our church family for such a time as this!

We are often reminded of the story of Queen Esther, and how God used her to save His people. He likewise uses folks today to minister to, and to reach out to those who are hurting, or are in danger. We none know whom around us He may be using to fulfill His purposes in our lives. I have every confidence that He will use each and every speaker and musical guest during this year’s Jubilee, to fulfill His purpose of drawing each of us ever so close to Him.

We have just completed a thorough study on spiritual warfare. We know, from Scripture, that the enemy is not one who fights fair. His attacks are ruthless and unending, which is all the more reason for us to be prepared for the battle we wake up into each and every day.

We are given Jesus’ example for withstanding such a battle, in the book of Matthew, chapter 4. There, the enemy tempts Him again and again, in an effort to cause Him to stumble, to fall short from the glory for which He is so worthy. But Jesus doesn’t fall prey to the enemy’s attacks. Instead, He uses Scripture to fight off the evil one.

What Christ did, this is what we, also, should do. We need to lift up our Sword, which is God’s Word, to fight off the attacks by which satan meant to cause us to stumble and fall. We need to plow deeper into Scripture each and every day, to know exactly how to handle whatever the enemy throws our way.

Notice, then, that verse 10 says, “Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

You might be thinking you can’t stand up to the enemy, as Jesus did, and tell him to flee. You may be weak and weary in the battle, and don't feel like you can muster up enough courage to do this. If so, note what happens in verse 11.

Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.”

Hang on to this example, and claim it as your own. Remember that where there is praise and mention of the Name of Jesus, the enemy can't stay. Look anxiously for those ministering angels whom the Lord will send.

Join us in praying that this year’s Jubilee will be the breakthrough in which so many are seeking at this time in their lives. Stand strong and seek God’s face for such a time as this.

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Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to coming to Jubilee this year. I'm praying, as you are, that God would bring breakthroughs to those who are awaiting them.

Hope said...

Praying too for a wonderful Jubilee! I can't wait until tonight. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart which inspire all that read!
