Today has just been FULL of blessings. I feel I'd be doing God a terrible injustice, by keeping it all to myself. He's been so good, and so faithful to me, despite all my failures and shortcomings. I just have to share with you how wonderfully blessed I'm feeling right now.
First of all, I heard from someone today whom I'd helped relocate to another city recently, in hopes of a fresh start... a clean slate, as he got his life back on track. I'd been concerned, because I hadn't heard from him since my husband and I drove him to his new home there, more than 2 weeks ago. But thankfully, I did today... and he seemed to be doing really well. Everything he said was positive and with much appreciation for his new life there. There seemed to be much progress, for which I'm very thankful. Praise God for never giving up on us when we mess up! And praise Him for putting those people in our paths, who would help to steer us in the direction we need to be going, to fulfill God's purpose for our life. He's sure done so for me, throughout my life. It's only fitting that I use what He's taught me, to help others find their way, as well.
And on that note, we had a young college girl come by the church office this afternoon, just totally adrift. She was almost like a suddenly-blinded bird, having lost all sense of direction in life, wanting desperately to find her way. Our hearts went out to this young girl, after hearing of her struggle with various difficulties. It's so obvious that satan never meant for this girl to find the happiness and peace in life that God intended for her. One of my coworkers, Kenny Beard, talked with her about receiving Christ, and ultimately led her in the sinner's prayer, where she asked Jesus into her heart. He gave her a new Bible, and bless her heart, she was so hungry to learn, so full of questions, which we answered as best as we could. I then talked with her about our RU program, and she seemed so excited about coming to it. Please pray for her, that the devil won't talk her out of coming tomorrow night, and that she'll follow through in this comittment she's made to live her life now for Christ. What a joy it was to see the Lord working in one's heart, starting that transformation right before our eyes!
Right after this happened, we completed this semester's Good News Club at Forestbrook Elementary School today... with salvations. It's such a blessing to be able to serve in this ministry, where we're allowed to actually go into the public schools and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with precious little ones, who are so hungry for God's love. Earlier in the semester... on my first day, actually... I was privileged to lead a young girl in 1st grade to Jesus. I've prayed with several more, in the weeks since, for various burdens and needs expressed. Then today, on the last day for this semester, I was blessed to lead an exceptionally bright young fellow to the Lord. Despite only being in Kindergarten, he was so full of questions, and just amazed me with his longing to know for sure how he could get to Heaven. What a blessing it was to show him in God's Word the answers to all his questions.

Then they listened attentively as Mr Allen brought the lesson.
And after the lesson and counseling time was over, we then presented each child a new Bible of their own, compliments of our church. Should the Lord tarry, how wonderful it'll be for the children to be able to remember their time spent in the Good News Club, each time they look at their Bibles. For some, an even more special memory, as this was where they came to know Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Again, I'm so thankful for being privilege of being able to serve in this vital ministry. We have to reach them while their hearts are young and tender, before satan has a chance to corrupt their minds with lies, and cause them to follow down the road leading to destruction.
Later this evening, our church had our annual Ladies Christmas Dinner, where we enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship and fun. Several of our Sunday School Classes sponsored a table, which we decorated and set for a full-course meal for 8. There were several beautiful tables again this year.
(Mine, pictured below, didn't win, but that's okay.)

This (below) is the table that actually won. Congratulations to the Young Couples' Sunday School Class, for doing a great job! (I think this was 2 years in a row, for them.)

We had a wonderful meal, catered by "The Trestle" in Conway. Then Roxanne's Mom gave her testimony, which was amazingly similar to my own, in many ways. She truly touched our hearts, and we're thankful she was willing to share her story with us. We never know whose life our testimonies may touch in a special way.

We also played some fun little Christmas games, got to know our Sisters-in-Christ better, and as women tend to do, we laughed and cried together. (What more could we have asked for?)
I was blessed to have some of the most beautiful women in our church seated at my table. My special friends include Cynthia Garris, Tammy Sims, Natalie Brown, Louise Wells, Debbie Mattocks, Mary Nelson, and the infamous Julia Goins (love ya, Ms Julia!). The conversations we had during the course of the evening, proves to me all over again that I am indeed very blessed. God has placed me here for a reason, and I praise Him for the opportunities and for the friendships He's given me. Truly, our God is great. Our God is good!
By the way, one more word of praise... at the dinner, Ms Julia gave me the newest edition of The Christian Voice Magazine, (hot off the press) in which another article of mine appears (page 18). I had a burden to share this message so that hearts would be softened, and hopefully led to reach out to folks in brotherly love, no matter where they come from or where they are now. Jesus loves us all, and so should we! (John 15:12)
You can find these magazines in many area Christian bookstores and churches. (Yes, we have plenty of them available at Grand Strand Baptist. See me if you have trouble finding one.)
If you're a business owner or church Pastor, you might want to consider advertising in The Christian Voice. Follow the link to their website, and then contact Mr. Dave or Ms Julia for further information. (Tell them I sent you.)
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You certainly have a wonderful blog. It is very encouraging, and quite informative. I love the pictures that clearly validate your words and capture the joy of each event. You sound like a very nice person, and one who truly loves our Lord and ENJOYS serving Him. It was nice to find and read your blog today.
Bonnie in FL
Sweetie, wish I could've been there for the dinner. Sounds like you all had a really nice time. Praise God for allowing you all into the schools to share Jesus with the children, in this day and age! Love you, honey!
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