Last night, we had the most wonderful blessing of preparing a meal, then taking it and serving it to our friends at Street Reach, a local mission and homeless shelter. I can't put into words what a joy it is to be involved in this ministry. We've seen so many souls saved over the years, as we always share the gospel and do our very best to show them Jesus living in us.
Last night, Bro. George Lowe presented the message, and did a fabulous job, I might add. I can't get over the attentiveness in last night's service. Usually, there are a million distractions, which often quenches the work of the Holy Spirit. But last night, everyone sat perfectly still and as I looked around the room, I was amazed at how they seemed to hang on to Bro. George's every word. What a blessing!
As I've mentioned before, our church does this on the first Tuesday of every month. Other churches are involved, as well, filling the rest of the calendar each month, so that these folks get a good, hot meal every night of the week. I think it's great, the work they're doing there, to help folks who are struggling to get back on their feet. Granted, some of them have done horrible things in their lives, which have ultimately led them to a place like this. But do ya know what?
Some people in churches have done horrible things in their lives, which have ultimately led them to church. (Praise God!)
I know, because I'm one of them. Though I was raised in, and saved in church at a young age, I got out into the world in my latter teen years, and really messed up. It wasn't until about ten years later that I came back, after praying for God to forgive me and then rededicating my life to Him. Thankfully, that was ten years ago, this past October 31st. I've tried to faithfully serve Him ever since!
So you see, it doesn't matter who we are, or where we've been, or even where we are now. What matters is where we're going. And that, my friend, is what it's all about. We're all in the same boat, when it comes to our souls. God made each and every one of us the same. Sure, we can make poor choices, which can cause us much heartache and shame. But it doesn't mean the end. The only "end" we face, is if we die without accepting Christ as our Saviour!
But anyway, these folks there at Street Reach, though they may have fallen on hard times through some fault or failure of their own, they're not "beyond repair", as some might view them. And honestly, they're no more dirty nor sinful than the rest of us! The same blood that covers our sin, covers theirs, as well. And it's our job to lead them to the cross, where they can find that healing flow. That's why I love being a part of this ministry. And I've kind-of made it my calling, to be that traffic-director, so to speak, pointing them to Jesus. Again, what a blessing! Indeed, what a privilege!
We were also blessed, this month, to have so many helpers come and join us. Back at the church, we had lots of hands helping to prepare the meal, and to clean up afterwards. We even had some children come and get involved in giving of themselves and sharing Jesus' love. I can't think of a more valuable lesson to teach young children, in this world of self-centeredness and disrespect!

Mr. Earl Conway is a wonderful asset to us, as well. He's always so willing to jump in and do the heavy lifting for us, and take things from the ovens, so we don't get burned. What a gentleman! (We love and appreciate you, Mr. Earl!)

(Sorry, Nat.)

"Those meatballs sure do smell good!
I think Baby wants to try a few." :)
Again, we're all so blessed to be a part of this wonderful ministry. Together, we're reaching out to those who are less fortunate than we are. And as I've said so many times before, it's only by God's grace that we aren't where they are.
Now is a great time for all of us to share in the joy of giving. I encourage you to take the time to give of yourselves during this most special time of year... a time that's not so bright for some. Follow Christ's example of reaching out to those who are normally shunned by everyone else, and help make their Christmas a blessed one. You will be blessed, in the process!
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Your wonderful blogspot reflects the compassion that Christ wants us to feel for the unfortunate. In order to accomplish His Commandment to, "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself", we need to adapt a practice of spiritual growth and compassion. Judgement of others and their actions should be abolished and replaced by a thorough knowledge of the factors that lead them to their present situations. After all, none of us know if and when WE will walk in their shoes.
Your work is very much appreciated. God bless you for it.
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