As you may have guessed, it's been pretty busy around here lately. More so than usual. (Waaaaaay more than usual.) Thus the reason I've failed to keep up with my blogging. But if you'll bear with me, I'll try to catch you up on the major things that's been going on.
First of all, Steve and I attended a revival last week (Monday - Thursday), at a little country church down the road from our home. I ask that you pray for this little church (the Lord knows its name). They've been struggling enormously with their attendance and with the commitment/dedication of their members. It's obvious the devil doesn't want them to grow, to flourish, nor to reach that undeniable potential that's before them.
But the Lord really poured out His blessings upon this revival. Several of us came out to help support and encourage them. Then, in the process, we received perhaps one of the greatest blessings of all. We were reminded of what it's like to get back to the basics... just a few gathered together to worship God, letting the Spirit be in complete control of the service.
It was good to see that folks still come out to worship, no matter if it's three or four, or one-hundred and four. No number is too small. As long as there's one willing to come, there's always another One willing to meet them there.
Often times, I think one of the problems in larger churches, is that it seems things are far too dependent upon man. When that's the case, things tend to fall apart when someone is out, or when gadgets don't cooperate. Don't get me wrong, technology is a wonderful thing. I'm so thankful for it! But we shouldn't be so dependent upon it, that we leave the work of the Holy Spirit out in the cold. Sure, things need to be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40); just not at the expense of the Guest of Honor. We can't forget that His Presence is what it's all about.
So anyway, being in that quaint little church last week, and seeing how the Lord was working there, despite the lack of many of the things found in most churches today, it was just wonderful. Having grown up in a small church... one a little larger than this one, it really blessed my heart to be reminded that it doesn't have to be a big production. The Word of God stands, with or without the technological advances we often strive to keep up with. (Hmmm....good food for thought!)
Until I get caught up on some things, I must run for now. Lord willing, I'll get another post in sometime this week. :o)
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