Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jubilee By The Sea 2007

I apologize for the delay in posting. I know some of you are anxious to hear about Jubilee. I didn't mean to keep you hanging, so to speak. I had actually planned to do an update when I got home from church every night, but by the time I walked in the door, it was way past my bedtime already. And then with all the busyness of getting prepared for the following day, I never got around to my blogging. :(

But anyway, Jubilee was definitely a huge success! The Lord poured out His blessings upon each and every service. Souls were saved; burdens were lifted; decisions were made. I believe that many lives were changed... for the better... thanks be to our Heavenly Father, during this year's Jubilee.

It was great to see old friends again, and to make some new ones, as well. We had great attendance numbers this year... 532 on the first night, then 678 during Sunday morning's Jubilee wrap-up. What a blessing!

We raised over $35,000 in a little more than 25 minutes on Sunday, after the preaching service. Glory to God, for always providing what we need financially, as well as spiritually, to keep this annual event going strong!

Afterwards, we ate some of the best (if not THE best) chicken bog on the planet! A big thanks to Preacher Mack Hutson for cooking it for us again this year. He pastors over at Springfield Missionary Baptist Church in Loris... which is where I attended on Sunday night, by the way. We appreciate his sacrifice of time and energy (and sleep). We love you, Preacher Mack!

We enjoyed this past week so much, that some of us have now diagnosed ourselves as having "After Jubilee Letdown", as we adjust to getting back to our normal routines. Of course, we carry the messages of each service with us in our hearts, still. But boy, how we long for that "Jubilee spirit" to continue on!

If you've never attended our Jubilee before, I encourage you to make plans to come next year. (Jubilee is always the first Wednesday through Sunday of November.)

Again, I apologize for the delay in posting. I'll do my best to post atleast 2 or 3 times each week, now that Jubilee is behind us.

Take care and may God's richest blessings be yours... today and always!

Leave a reply by clicking the "comment" link below. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

i wish i could have come, but it is a long way for me to travel. my daughter doesn't let me go that far, since i had to go on oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Lois, We're very proud of you for what you did this week. That's what it's all about. God will greatly bless you for it. We'll see you tonight. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Checked out your blog. Looks good. You have some strong beliefs and convictions. I need to be more like you. Thanks for sharing. MH