This evening at church, I was given a bag of "goodies", if you will. Inside were what my friend, Pam, referred to as "chicken cards" from the children in her 3rd grade classroom. Upon opening the bag and reading what these precious students wrote and drew inside these cards... well, my heart was just overwhelmed, to the point of tears. (Click on each picture to see detailed view.)
Pam had been telling her students about my chickens, ever since I first got them. She's told me how they often ask about the chickens, which of course, I thought was the sweetest thing in itself. :)Well, since the news of my "chicken disaster" this week, they've kind-of made it their class project to research all about foxes, what they eat, how to catch them, etc. Then today, they made cards for me... to cheer me up, and to keep me from getting discouraged. I sooooo appreciate that... so much, in fact, that I wanted to do something special to thank them.
So I'm sharing some of these "chicken cards" with you here. Perhaps someone else needs to be encouraged today. If so, these cards are guaranteed to work. You can't look at them without being reminded of the Lord's faithfulness & goodness, even as we walk through the valleys. As the Whisnants sing, "Even in the valleys, God is good."
I want to thank my friend, Pam, and each of her precious students (3rd grade class at Ocean Bay Elementary) for caring about my broken heart, and for their wonderful acts of love and kindness. They truly touched my heart, and I know I'll be encouraged each and every time I look at these. (Thank you, guys! I love you, too!)
Please keep the prayers going up. I'm hoping and believing that those missing are safe, and that they'll turn up, once they FEEL safe again. Thank you all for your prayers!
May God bless you abundantly!
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sweet Blessings
Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:40 PM 2 comments
Another Update
Still no news on those still missing (2 roosters and 4 hens). I've searched and called, 'til I was almost hoarse, the past 2 days. But no more of them have returned. I'm thinking maybe(?) the other night when the foxes were in so much commotion, chasing after something all night long, they could've gotten them (or else scared them further into the woods).
Steve got back into town last night, I guess around 8:30 or so. Now that he's back, I feel it's safe to share on here about my being at home alone while all of this was going on. He had gone on a missions trip with our Pastor. I don't regret his going, but I'm so glad to have him back at home! It's been one more week! First, finding the dead raccoon at my back door steps (which I wasn't sure was dead... or sleeping... when I first found it). Then having to deal with the burial myself, which I still don't understand Animal Control's thinking on that one. And now this whole thing with my chickens. Like I said, it's been one more week!
Anyway, Steve and I went searching early this morning, and way behind our place is the old Sanders place, which Steve's Daddy bought some years ago. We seldom go back there. Steve & James usually have it bush-hogged, but for some reason, just haven't done it this year. It's grown up really bad. But there's an old barn (actually 2) back there, so I'm praying the chickens made it there to safety, and are roosting in the old barn(s) up high in the loft, maybe, where the foxes can't get to them. It's really shaded back in there, and with it being "run down", I'd say there's plenty of "food" for them to survive on... lots and lots of bugs and worms, and other creepy crawly insects that they enjoy. (Yuck!)
I'm praying that Steve and some other men will take 4 wheelers and our portable chicken cage back there, to see if they're there... and if so, bring them back home. And you can bet, I will NEVER EVER leave them unattended again, IF I even let them out at all!
Please keep praying for them. I'm claiming and believing the Lord has provided shelter somewhere back there, and that they are safe. I have to believe that!
I told Steve I didn't want anymore Christmas presents, nor birthday presents again... EVER... if I can just have my chickens back now. That will make me happy enough. Big change, coming from someone who said she didn't want to fool with them in the first place. (lesson in there)By the way, we did catch a fox in one of the traps. It was a small one, but still, eventually it would do what it's Mama or Daddy has apparently done. A friend of ours took it, and said he'd take it out into a non-populated area and turn him loose. (No worries, we're not killing babies!)
Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them more than you know.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
There's still no sign of the other chickens yet. Last night, I could hear the fox pups crying (not really a "bark"). I thought the traps must've worked, but when I drove down there and shined the flashlight on the one, it was empty. And the noise continued. It was on/off again for several hours. All I could do was pray. There was no way I could out there into the woods after dark. I don't even like doing it in the daytime (not alone, anyway). I'm too afraid of snakes and any other wild animals that might be residing out there. I guess you'd have to call it supernatural gumption, that I've been able to go out there so often these past 2 days... or rather, I suppose the most fitting term would be "LOVE".
I was just looking at my myspace page, which has the pics of the chickens on it (same as my blog), and the song was playing in the background (on my page), "Somebody's Praying Me Through". I couldn't help but think how fitting it was... 'cause I truly am praying them through... trying to, anyway.
I've been outside for the most part of the day. Everytime I come in for something, I keep thinking I hear the roosters crowing. I must be losing it, 'cause when I go running back out and listen, I don't hear a thing. It's like I get my hopes up, only to be let down again... and again... and again.
Of course, I should know it isn't possible for me to be hearing them crow, anyway. Colonel is gone, I'm sure of that. And Bingo doesn't crow very loudly. In fact, his crow is more like a "wanna be crow"... it's like he tries, but it won't come out right. It used to be so funny to me. I would just laugh at him when he'd do it, and then say, "It's okay, Bingo, you tried, didn't you, boy?". And he'd tilt his little head at me, like he always did while I was talking to him. Now I'd give anything to hear him again (for real). Then these tears of sorrow would quickly turn to tears of joy.
I was talking to Daisy, Lily, Dahlia, and Petunia earlier... and telling them how it's gonna be okay, that our buddies will be back soon. It's so sad to watch these 4 in there now... I was noticing today how they go around in circles, seemingly looking for the others. It just breaks my heart.
Speaking of those 4... I got 2 eggs today... one large and one small. That would be Daisy's & Lily's. It's good to know they're still laying, after all they've been through. I'm really surprised that they're laying now at all, because a few weeks ago, when I rearranged their "furniture" (that's what I choose to call their roosting shelves and nesting boxes inside the hen house), they were in such a turmoil over it, they didn't lay a single egg all day, the day after I did it. (I said then they MUST be baptist chickens... being that they don't seem to like change.) So anyway, for them to be laying NOW, after what they experienced Sunday evening... that's pretty good!
Well, I'm gonna go back out and see if I can "call them home". Again, I keep thinking about the message last night, how the sheep know their Shepherd's voice... and I'm hoping the chickens will hear and recognize MY voice, and will follow me on home. Of course, it will be dusk soon, so the foxes will be out again. Please keep praying... not so much for me, but for my little ones to be okay, and to come back safe & sound. Thank you!
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Long Day
I just came in again. I've been outside all evening. I tried working on some things out in the yard, so I could keep an eye out for my babies, if they came back. Unfortunately, they didn't come back... or at least not yet. I've walked out into the woods so many times today. I must be going crazy, 'cause I keep thinking I hear them. I've had last night's message on my mind... about how the sheep know the voice of their Shepherd. I imagine the same could be said of my chickens... knowing MY voice, I mean. So everytime I think I hear them (and even when I don't), I'd walk out into the woods again, calling for them, hoping they'd know it was safe to come on out and follow me back home. Oh, how I wish that had happened!
I feel like everyone must think I'm the biggest idiot on the planet... first of all, for being so attached to "chickens".... then, too, for going off and leaving them out like that. But regardless of what anyone thinks... the fact is, it's true. I let this happen. It's all my fault.
My hens that I do still have (Daisy, Dahlia, Lily & Petunia) are still so traumatized... I've never seen them act this way before. Bless their hearts, I can only imagine the horror they witnessed yesterday. It kills me to think about how everything must've transpired. Oh, my poor babies!
I had grown so attached to Colonel... it's hard to believe he's gone. And it hurts so much to know that he suffered such a violent death. The "remnants" I found of him tell that story all too well. Bless his heart!
I didn't sleep very much last night, and I can tell it. I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight.
Please keep praying for the chickens. I appreciate all your prayers.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Chicken Update
I just came in... I've been out in the woods, looking for my chickens. I got up at daybreak, and went out to feed & water, as usual... hoping to find that my 7 missing ones had come back to eat breakfast. It wasn't the case, however. :(
In fact, in my exploring, I found 2 huge piles of feathers... they were Colonel's... and you can tell it was quite a struggle. Bless his heart, I know I've lost him. There's a trail where the fox(es) took him through the ditch, back to the den.
I have cried, and cried, and cried. I try not to... and try my very best to even be "cold" about it... "They're just chickens", I try to force myself into thinking. But my heart doesn't agree with my reasoning. I am hurting so badly.
I spoke to Steve earlier, and he told me I needed to get out of the woods. So on my way back, I saw something move and it was a reddish/brownish color. I froze, 'cause I thought it was a fox and I didn't have my gun with me. But praise the Lord, it was Daisy!!! She began clucking at me, and I talked to her and shooed her all the way back to the pen. I'm so thankful the Lord answered prayer there and brought her safely back to me.
I've been searching for the others, but nothing. One of our church deacons came over (Steve called him) and was helping me search the woods. He also set 2 traps for the foxes. He said that now that they've had a taste (apparently), they'll be back for more. So I'm watching out very carefully for Abby (my cat), and for those chickens who might be returning.
Please continue to pray that they're just hiding out (like Daisy apparently was), and that they'll be home today. I'm praying for a miracle.
Thank you for your prayers. Not everyone understands, I know. But these are my children and I love them so much. Steve said we'll get more, but I don't want more. I want MINE.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Urgent Prayer Needed
I realize this request is somewhat odd, and may even be considered "frivolous" by some. But I firmly believe God grants us the desires of our heart, if we pray believing. So I'm asking you to join me in praying for my chickens. I came home from church tonight to find that they are all gone, except the 3 smallest ones. I got the big flashlight (more like a spot light), and then discovered several piles of feathers, all different colors, near the chicken coop. I've been frantically searching the edges of the woods, looking up in the trees... and anywhere else I thought they might be taking shelter... all to no avail. I've cried until my eyes hurt, and I've just come inside, hoping (praying) they'll show up, come morning.
I'm usually not so stupid in leaving them out, but it was only a couple of hours, I thought. When I fed them their "snack" before church this evening (I had to be at church a little early, so it was about 5:15 or so), one of them lunged at my feet. (I was wearing flip flops... and for some reason, they always do that, when I wear flip-flops. I think they might think my toes are berries or something, with the bright polish that's on them.) Anyway, it scared me, so I jumped back. And when I did, they all came running out of the fence.
I often let them out for about an hour or so before dark, and then they voluntarily return to the coop, right at dusk. I figured this would be one of those times, and that I'd come home to find them roosting safe & sound, in the coop.
But when I went out there to close the gate and secure it, I noticed 3 of the smaller hens on top of the fence. I tried to get them inside, but they wouldn't budge. They seemed far too skiddish, for some reason. Something told me to look in the hen house, so I did. I was horrified to find that there were none in there. So seven were missing!!!
Like I said, I discovered several piles of feathers, so I know something got after them, and apparently had them in a frenzy. My prayer is that that's ALL that happened... that nothing actually "caught" them and ate them. I'm praying they're just taking shelter somewhere until daylight. It breaks my heart to pieces to think that something could have happened to them. These are my "children", and I've sooooo enjoyed them, especially this past several weeks. It's so relaxing, and truly very special to me, being able to come home and watch them. As crazy as it sounds, I've come to know their different personalities. They really are like children, and for someone who said they didn't want anything to do with them, when Steve first mentioned getting them, I've sure done a complete turn-around. I've grown to love them, so again, I'm asking that you please pray that they're alright, and that they'll come home in the morning. I'll sure be up watching & waiting for them, when they do!
Thank you for your prayers. I will update you tomorrow on what transpires. Please be praying until then.
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Down On the Farm
I just LOVE Spring! It's my absolute favorite time of year! The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding. Everything is green again.... coming back to life after the dreadful winter months. We get back out in the yard, sprucing up the flower beds, adding little touches of the beautiful colors of the season. And for some of us, we get our gardens planted. We did that several weeks ago, and thankfully, it's coming up nicely now.
We planted squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, ceyenne peppers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, banana peppers (Can you tell we like peppers?), roma beans, speckled butterbeans, corn, watermelon, cantaloupe, and peanuts. Now that everything's planted, I absolutely LOVE watching it grow! I try to go out every day (or atleast every couple of days) to monitor... or rather, to "marvel" at how much they've grown since the last time I was out there.
This is the first time I've planted peanuts, so I'm tickled to pieces at what a "pretty" plant they are. I was so excited last weekend, when I saw that they were breaking the ground. Now, they're coming up rather quickly, thanks to some much-needed rain the good Lord sent us last weekend.
It never ceases to amaze me at how something as simple as "planting a garden" can tell the story of Jesus, if we look at it just right. Let me explain...
We all know about the death, burial, and resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Right? Well, my garden tells about all three. First of all, think about where a seed comes from. In all reality, that seed came from the "death" of that particular vegetable (or fruit), because once the vegetable or fruit was picked from the plant, there was no more "life" flowing in it; so therefore, it was "dead". (In this, I am reminded of Jesus' death. God's Word tells us that He bled and died for our sins.)
You can take that seed and "bury" it in the ground, where it remains for a certain amount of time. (This reminds me of Jesus' burial. His body was placed in a tomb, where it stayed until the 3rd day.)
Then, one day soon, the ground begins to break and there appears a sprout coming forth. It's a miracle! That "dead" seed we planted is now "alive" again! (To me, it's a reminder of how Jesus broke the chains of death, when He arose from the tomb.)
I get goose bumps, just thinking about my garden portraying the resurrection story, right before my eyes! What precious blessings God gives to us in the little things of life! Unfortunately, we often miss these blessings, because we don't take the time to see them with spiritual eyes. All too often, we choose only to see with our earthly eyes. That's an area in which we all need to be more watchful.
Anyway, like my garden, my "little darlings" are growing pretty fast, too! (That would be my chickens, for those who don't know.) The boys (Bingo and Colonel) are getting along, despite everyone's warnings about raising them together. And my girls (Oprah, Violet, Daisy, Rose, Lily, Dahlia, Petunia, and Pansy) are laying better than ever! We're averaging about 6 or 7 eggs per day now.
I so enjoy watching them, especially in the evenings, when I let them out for an hour or so before dusk. They each have their own unique personality, and it's sometimes hilarious, how they interact with one another... and other creatures of nature.Take Abby, for instance. She somehow knows how much I love the garden, so she's stepped up to bat, taking on the role of *Garden Security*.
She faithfully patrols the rows, keeping the chickens away from our harvest-to-be. I didn't ask her to do it. She simply volunteered for the position. And the chickens "mind" her very well!Speaking of the chickens' different personalities... Miss Rose seems to think she's an acrobat. She walks the tight-rope back and forth, over and over again. (Okay, so it's not really a tight-rope... it's actually a piece of galvanized conduit, that I placed in their "play-yard" for them to sit on. So far, Rose is the only one I've seen on it, and like I said, she doesn't SIT on it... she walks it... back and forth, over and over again. (I hope she isn't planning to leave me and join the circus!)
Steve built a really nice hen-house for them. I've "remodeled" it for them twice already, and Lord willing, I plan to do so again tomorrow. I look at other hen-houses online and if there's an improvement I can make for them, I want to try to do so. As the old saying goes... "If the ladies are happy, then we're ALL happy." LOL
Well, I suppose that's enough "news" for now. It's late and I need a few winks before a busy, busy day tomorrow (today, now).
God bless!
P.S. Here's a quick slideshow, so you can see each of my feathered friends. Aren't they sweet?
Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:25 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pondering The Good Ol' Days
Do you sometimes get "homesick", and find yourself going through old photo albums, in an attempt to recapture some of your favorite childhood memories? Well, occasionally, I do just that... and when I do, I'm usually caught somewhere between being teary-eyed, and laughing until my insides hurt. But it's a good kind of pain... this reminiscing into the past. It brings to mind all those silly (and often embarrassing) moments, growing up.
I've done alot of "revisiting" lately to my old home church, back home in Spartanburg. My super-sweet eternal friend, Stephanie, has caught me up on the folks I spent much of my childhood with... my teachers, my girl friends, my one and only "crush" (who shall forever remain nameless). It's been great to hear how everyone's doing, what they've all been up to for the past 25 years or so. My, how time flies!
I've also been thinking alot about Mama, and of my little brother ("Buck") and me, as we were growing up. It amazes me to think of how little we had back then; yet, at the same time, how MUCH we had! Truly, things were a lot different in those days, before the world became so.... well, "worldly"!
It didn't cost a thing, other than some sacrificial time and energy, for us to do "family outings" together. I recall how we spent many a rainy afternoons on the front porch, playing a "match-the-number " game (home-made cards cut from empty cereal or tea boxes). Mama wouldn't dare let us have a deck of cards in the house, so that's how we played card games! That's a far contrast to the many gambling establishments and casino boats/hotels that are popping up all over the place now... not to mention the LOTTERY our state now sponsors!
Mama somehow got to be a DSS worker (AKA "the neighborhood babysitter"), despite her age and ill-health. All the kids would gather at our house, so it was expected that she'd have plenty of Kool-Aid on hand... and in return, she'd share a Bible Story with them, and we'd always invite them to church with us on Sunday. We didn't have to have a special occasion like "Friend Day" or a free meal to rustle up some friends to take to church with us. They came simply because we asked... anytime! (Oh, to have that again!)
I remember, too, how Mama also carried the title of "Family Doctor". Whenever we were sick or hurting, no matter what ailed us, she was always "on call", praying for us, first of all... then doctoring us up with much love, and whatever medicine we had, if needed. She seemed to always know just what to do to make it all better. (Nowadays, parents are so quick to rush their children to the doctor's office, where they end up paying a fortune, only to receive an antibiotic that doesn't work any longer, because their child's system has grown immune to it, due to taking so much of it.) If only parents would lay hands on their children and pray for them today, as Mama did for us back then! (I bet the crime rate would decrease tremendously, as a result, as well!)
I used to think we had it so hard, growing up. We didn't have nearly the things (or rather, the "material things") that other kids had. We were raised by our Grandmother, so there again, I felt (at the time) we were missing out on the "normal" parent/child relationship. Was there anything we had, of any value??
Of course, in the years since, I've come to understand what truly mattered most... and that we, indeed, DID possess it. We had a loving, mature, GODLY woman bring us up in the nuture and admonition of the Lord! She taught us about Jesus, raised us in church, taught us right from wrong. Granted, we didn't always do what she instructed us to do. And many of the things she warned us against... unfortunately, sometimes we didn't steer clear from them. But she did her part in providing what meant the most... and that was in paving our walk with the Lord.
This past Sunday being Mother's Day, I've had her on my mind so much more this week. Though it's been over 10 years now, I still miss her terribly sometimes. But I cherish the thought of her being with Jesus now, and if I know her, she's probably looking after my little ones up there in Heaven. What a sweet thought!
I look around, and see the disrespect, disobedience, out-right defiant attitudes and behavior of kids today... especially those who seem to "have everything". It seems it's the children who are ruling the parents, anymore. And it makes me wish I'd appreciated what I had back then, because even though it may have seemed that I was poor... I was richly blessed in many ways. I thank God for granting me this priviledge of being raised by my Godly grandmother. I don't know where I'd be today, had it not been for her prayers and loving care for me back then.
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I've been looking through some old photographs lately. I wanted to share a few of them with you. The expressions and hairstyles are hilarious, but they bring back some of my absolute favorite childhood memories... times when things were simple, before the burdens of modern life today. Enjoy!
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Posted by :: Lois :: at 11:51 PM 1 comments