Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Way To A Prosperous New Year


For the start of this fresh new year, I wanted to share an article I wrote for the Christian Voice magazine, for this month. It's something the Lord laid upon my heart to write, for the purpose of helping others who've made (or are about to make) the same poor choices that I, myself, have made. My prayer is that it will be used for the glory of God. I'm already feeling that I did the right thing in sharing it, because the devil has fought tooth and nail since. He doesn't want folks to obtain freedom from the bondage of debt, nor from the snares he sets for us, so it's to be expected that he fights. But thankfully, at such times, God gives more grace, and therefore, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me!

"The Way To A Prosperous New Year"

I suppose we’ve all had the same thing on our minds as of late. With so many companies “going under”, so many jobs having been lost, and the value of the dollar decreasing more and more everyday, we’ve all been concerned with our economic situation… more so now, than ever before in this generation.

The “good life” in which many of us have grown accustomed has in reality “spoiled” us. Honestly speaking, we must admit that it’s become a way of life for us to eat out more than two or three times per week. We’ve “busied” ourselves so much, that we feel we’re justified in blaming our wastefulness on TIME… or rather, the lack of it. I, for one, shamefully accept responsibility for doing so. Isn’t it funny how we sometimes end up peddling backwards in one area, to advance in another? But that isn’t God’s Will.

My husband and I have recently begun taking inventory of our own spending habits. I must say, he’s a lot better at it than I am. I’m continually learning that his “old standards” are proving to be more and more practical, regardless of the ribbing he receives for it (yes, even by me). Truly, I am amazed at just how wise my husband is, when it comes to financial matters. He’s worked hard and saved, all his life. He never knew much about “overspending”… that is, until he met me.

Society has taught us to laugh and joke about how the man goes to work and makes the money, while the wife goes to the mall and spends it. But society has failed to teach us how foolish it is to live by such standards. Perhaps there needs to be more said and taught about the importance of saving. Perhaps we’d all be better for it.

I’ve learned (the hard way) that all those trips to the mall (and to Wally World) add up. All those credit cards come with finance charges. Yet, we continue to spend and charge, as if living only for the moment. How foolish!

It would be a good thing for all of us to “get back to the basics”, regardless of our current economic condition. But for those of us who are now seriously concerned about it, it’s even more crucial. We need to focus our purchases on the things we NEED, and less on the things we WANT. There is a difference, as I’ve come to know.

As the New Year rolls in, I pray that each of us would be more mindful of what we do with all that God has so richly blessed us with. We’ll be doing a month-long study on Stewardship entitled, "God Is Able", in our Bible Study Fellowship classes at Grand Strand Baptist, throughout the month of January, and as I was thinking the other day, what a better way to really find the key in managing our finances, our time, and our talents!

What would God have us do differently in 2009, than we’ve done in 2008? When I ask myself that question, I’d be too ashamed to admit here my answers. But I can thankfully say that just as the Spring comes after the Winter, there’s always room for a fresh start, a new beginning… a new opportunity to do differently and to improve on what have been our weaknesses.

That’s the way it is with our God. He offers new beginnings. He gives second chances… and third… and fourth… and so on. His Word tells us that He never grows tired of our coming to Him and trusting Him to help us and to see us through. That’s what He so desires to do. When we’re in that intimate communion with Him and seek His guidance, all else will fall in place. I should say, “if” we then listen to Him. (Sometimes we aren’t so good at that part.)

But anyway, as we get into this new year, let it be just that… a NEW year. Remember that “…old things are passed away, behold all things are become new”. What a blessing! Seek God’s face in 2009 like you’ve never done before. He is faithful, and has promised that if we call upon Him, He will show us great and mighty things. I’m looking forward to making that my New Year’s resolution!

God bless you, and I pray that you will have a blessed and prosperous New Year!

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1 comment:

Lynn Crawford said...

Wonderful article Lois. Full of wisdom, honesty, and encouragement :)