"When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."
Matthew 2:10

Steve and I decided that we'd send out Christmas letters this year, instead of our usual Christmas cards. I wanted to make something special to send out to all our family and friends; not so much about its
appearance, but more about
the message to be included in it.
In light of events pointing to Christ's
soon return, our hearts have been heavily burdened for the souls of our lost loved ones. After hearing one of our Pastor's most stirring messages recently, regarding what we do with the time we have left on this earth, I knew I had to reach out through whatever means I possibly could, to share with them the "wake-up call" they so need. This burden kept me up into the wee hours one night, where I imagined my loved ones perishing for all of eternity in hell.
Not the people I love! No!"
The next day, I immediately began writing the following, our Christmas letter.

Dear Family & Friends,
It’s hard to believe another year has almost come and gone! Time sure seems to fly, these days. Thankfully, though, we can say it’s been a good year. The Lord has been so good… as always, so faithful to us. We pray you’ve had a wonderfully blessed year, as well.
I don’t quite know where to begin, in summing up the whole year in just a few short paragraphs. It’s definitely been a busy year. Steve and I have continued to be heavily involved in various ministries within our church. One of which, that we’re so privileged (and proud) to be a part of, is the Reformers Unanimous Addictions Program. It’s a faith-based program, with over 500 chapters, nationwide. Our church began the RU program in February of this year, and we’re excited about the progress our participants are making. We’ve had several men and women give their hearts to the Lord, through this ministry, and it’s such a blessing to actually see their lives transforming right before our eyes. It’s not just for those who are battling alcohol, drug, or gambling addictions, but for anyone who struggles with any type of stronghold. It’s truly an amazing program, and we’re so thankful for the opportunity God has given us, to be able to work in this vital ministry.
Something else that is equally as important to us is our study of Biblical Prophecy. This year, it has taken on a whole new level of urgency, given the headlines we read and hear everyday, and how they line up with Scripture. With all that’s going on around us, both near and far, it’s become more and more evident that the Lord is soon to return. In fact, we could be flying any day now!
On that note, I was thinking about the 3 wise men earlier today, and how the Bible says they were overjoyed when they saw the star. Why were they so joyful? Because they were highly knowledgeable men, when it came to the Scriptures. They knew of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the birth of Jesus. They had been expecting it, and they knew it was time. They had purposely gone to great lengths not to miss it.
My, what an example for each of us today! We all need to know what the Bible says… about why Jesus came to earth (then), and also about His (soon) return. We need to know about the signs of the time, so we can be ready to meet Him when He comes. We don’t want to miss it!
Like I said, I was thinking about those wise men, and how exceedingly glad they were when they finally saw what they had been looking for, for so long. I think about how we, as Christians, will be exceedingly glad when we hear Gabriel’s trumpet sound, and be taken up to meet Jesus in the sky. We ought to be eagerly anticipating that, each and every day.
Sadly, though, there’s a part of my heart not quite as anxious for that moment, as I wish it were. And that’s because I think of all our family and friends who might not be ready. I shudder to think of any of you (whether in our immediate families, or extended) spending eternity in hell, especially if we could have done or said something to change it.
Please know we’re sending this to everyone on our Christmas card list. No one is being singled out, so please don’t be offended. It’s with a heart of love that we send this, because Steve and I care about you, and your standing with God. We want you to understand that we don’t have much time left, and the time we do have, we need to spend wisely… spreading the Word and reaching our family and friends for Jesus. It truly is a matter of urgency these days. If your heart is right, praise God. We rejoice in that! But if it’s not, please humbly seek the Lord today, before it’s too late. Honestly, there’s no more time to waste!
We can’t turn on the TV anymore, without hearing of all the tragedies already taking place, as well as those that could be taking place tomorrow. In addition, our country is at an all-time low, spiritually… we’re in need of a great revival. Yet the Lord has continued to pour out His blessings upon us. Sadly, with each passing day, we seem to only grow more and more wicked. We’ve returned to the days of Noah, as the Bible foretold. We have the characteristics of Sodom and Gomorrah. God was good to them, too… until they were so wicked, He had to pour out His wrath upon them. Keep in mind that yes, He is a loving God, not willing that any should perish. But He’s also a just God, Whom will not be mocked!
Will America be next? Will the Lord return before His judgement falls upon our land? Either way, the urgency remains for each and every one of us to search our heart, and make sure it’s ready to meet the Lord. It’s definitely later than we think!
Someone made mention recently of how great it would be, to be Raptured before Christmas, and then to spend this Christmas in Heaven. That’s a wonderful thought, except for all our loved ones who aren’t yet ready.
Our prayer for each of you is that you do have the assurance of your salvation, knowing without any uncertainty that if you were to die (or if the Rapture took place) today, you’d spend eternity in Heaven. That’s our Christmas wish for all our family and friends this year! We love you and pray you have a most blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year, should the Lord wait a little longer! We look forward to seeing you in the clouds real soon! God bless you all!
With much love,
Steve and Lois Clardy
Our prayer is that through this letter, our friends and family members will realize their need of Jesus. Without Him, none of us can get to Heaven. I think, too often, that's misunderstood. Yet, it's so simple. God loved us so much, that He sent His only Son into this world to pay the sin debt for us.
Friends, if there's any question about where you'd spend eternity, I pray you'll settle that right now. All it takes is a simple prayer, asking Jesus to forgive you of all your sins, to come into your heart. And in return, you make Him Lord of your life. Let Him lead and guide every aspect of your life. This could be your last chance. Tomorrow may be too late.
God bless you!
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