Friday, December 12, 2008

'Twould Be A Wonderful Christmas Gift

It’s hard to believe it’s almost time for Christmas. Seems like just yesterday, I was out in the yard, enjoying my spring flowers, as I watched my precious little ones digging for worms. (For those who may not know, my “little ones” are my chickens. Yes, I know… I’m strange. But hey, some folks have children, I happen to have chickens. Nothing wrong with that.)

But anyway, where did the time go? I suppose we’ve all been so caught up with the news, that time just flew by us, as we listened to the strategies (and lies) during those last months of political campaigning. It seems some of us shared the same feeling of gloom, given the choice of candidates, once Mike Huckabee was no longer a contender. But then when John McCain announced his choice for running mate, we regained our momentum. We praised God for the principles this fresh new vice-presidential candidate brought to the table. She was pro-life, regardless. She had a vision to see our nation return to those godly values that we were founded upon. In longing for that same goal, I so wanted to see this team go into office.

But in His infinite wisdom, God has a different plan… one that will usher in the reign of the ultimate “Commander in Chief”. We know from reading His Word that certain things must come to pass before Jesus returns to call His bride home. As much as we despise the things that are happening around us… the violence, the drugs, the homosexuality and immoral behavior of all kinds… the silver lining within that cloud is that God’s Word is being fulfilled more and more each day, which means Christ is soon to come! Praise God!

We’ve just celebrated our annual “Jubilee by the Sea” at our church, in which this year’s theme was, “I Want To See Him”. Truer words have never been uttered, for indeed, we are longing, like never before, to see His blessed face. Psalm 17:15 says, “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” Just to think that one day soon, we’re gonna see the One Who paid the price for our sin; we won’t have to endure the pain, nor sorrow of this sin-sick world any longer; we’ll be forever removed from this far-from-glory temporal home. I can hardly wait!

In fact, in reflecting upon my Christmas wish list (as someone was inquiring of me the other day), I can honestly say there’s only one thing I long for more, and that’s the salvation of all my family and friends who don’t know Christ personally. I believe lots of folks (family included) have the misconception that just because they “know of” or “know Who Jesus is”, that they “KNOW” Him. But that’s not the case. In knowing Christ, there has to be a point in which He is made Lord of our life. HE must be the One to whom we give our devotion and allegiance.

Matthew 6:24 tells us that, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

We can’t ride the fence. And that’s one of the biggest downfalls I’ve witnessed firsthand… yes, even within the church. Too many people present themselves as holy on Sunday, but then live completely opposite of that the rest of the week. We simply can’t do that! Whether it be immorality; the love and worship of money and material possessions… in doing so, we are making those things to be our god. And that goes against the very first commandment. (“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” – Exodus 20:3 )

In the words of Joshua, “…choose you this day whom ye will serve...”

How truly an excellent Christmas gift, if everyone we know could say, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Amen!!

This holy season, as we reflect on the birth of Jesus, if you don’t already know Him as your Lord and Savior, please settle it before it’s too late. We don’t have much time left. Things are coming to pass quicker than ever before, prophecies are being fulfilled all around us. The signs are truly everywhere! There’s no time to delay any longer. Please call upon the Lord and ask Him to forgive your sins, and to help you to live for Him. There are no eloquent words to memorize. It’s an honest prayer, asking Him to be Lord of your life.

And if you do make that decision, please call or go to someone and let them know of your decision. Perhaps you have a family member who has been praying for you for a number of years… if so, go to them, tell them you asked Jesus into your heart. As a believer, they will be excited to rejoice with you, together with the angels who will be rejoicing, as well. What a wonderful Christmas gift, you’d be giving them!

God bless you and may you have an abundantly blessed Christmas. I’ll see you in the clouds real soon!

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

When Life Isn't Fair

I’ve given much thought recently to how unfair life can be sometimes. I can tell you the reason for my thinking along those lines… it’s because I, perhaps like yourself, busy myself with serving the Lord and doing things in His Name; yet, seem to face more and more opposition in the process, and struggle with things that the “lost” don’t seem to be bothered by at all. I often find myself palms up, shaking my head in question… “Why??”

All around us are the little things, as well as the big, that would cause us to pose this question. I think the biggest reason of all is that the enemy wants to take our minds off Jesus and to break that close communion with the Saviour. Satan would love for us to just throw our big pity parties and have our royal sinking spells, wallowing foolishly in the muck of all our woes. If we do that, we’ll feel low and defeated, with the attitude of “It’s all about me.”, rather than “Here I am, Lord, do with me as You will.” It’s quite a strategy, I’ll give him that. It happens to all of us, at some point in our lives. (Some of us happen to be “hard learners”.)

I can remember a few short months back, when I lost 6 of my beloved chickens (yes, “chickens”) to at least one hungry fox. My world came to a halt as I poured every waking moment into searching for, and then mourning for them once I realized they were indeed gone. Though merely “yard birds” to some, they were important to me. I took good care of them. (I spoiled them, even.) We had our little routines, which brought much happiness to this heart of mine. As crazy as it might sound, I’d often sit and watch them in the yard, or out by the garden, and I’d just thank God for this special blessing. So then imagine my disappointment when God didn’t allow them to stay with me. I wasn’t “mad” at Him, but I sure didn’t understand how or why this had to be.

I recall, too, how we’ve battled snakes something awful this summer, after we bush-hogged around the property. As a result, we’ve had to kill many of them, upon finding them in the hen house or there around. Who knows how many eggs we lost to those ugly slimy creatures! I can tell you, we lost 3 sets of bird eggs (my husband is raising homing pigeons). No matter what “preventative” we’ve used, we always seemed to end up with another snake to deal with.

We were so excited when Patty the Pigeon determined she wasn’t gonna allow a snake to get her eggs anymore. She sat on that nest night and day. I don’t think she ever got off of it, even to eat. I witnessed the other two birds bringing food to her on several occasions, which was a sweet blessing to discover how God gives all His creatures the intuitive skills to take care of one another in such a time as this. (We could all take a lesson there!) Well, the eggs hatched and the 2 baby birdies grew. They were the cutest little things, and it seemed Pete & Patty were quite proud of the fact that they’d succeeded in keeping their bird family safe.

But one night as we came home from Bible Study, we found that a snake was in the bird house… he had eaten one of the little ones, and had already killed the other one… apparently getting ready to eat it, as well. What disappointment we felt! After all we’d been through, here we go again! Why??

Mama taught me at an early age not to question God. But in our humanity, we often find ourselves doing just that. Why, if we’re doing all we can do to serve Him, would He allow these bad things to happen? (And yes, I do realize these particular things are incomparably minute, given the burdens and heartaches others face… but these are just examples I’ve dealt with recently. I, in no way, intend to trivialize anyone’s hardships, by sharing these examples.)

I believe God gave us an answer for all our “why’s” in His Word. One verse that kept coming to my mind as I dealt with disappointment is Matthew 5:45… “…for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” Those words reminded me that good things happen to bad people and that yes, sometimes bad things happen to good people. Through this one verse, I was able to toughen up and deal with the fact that yes, things are often unfair. Foxes do kill pet chickens. Snakes do kill baby birds.

As I mentioned before, the more we try to serve the Lord, the harder satan will try to trip us up. He’ll use those things (and people) that we hold near and dear to our hearts, to try and turn our hearts against God. I think about Job, and all that he dealt with. God allowed trouble and heartache to come into his life…. for a reason. And praise God, Job didn’t waiver… despite the advice he received from family and friends. That’s the way I want my life to be… that despite all the obstacles I encounter, I will hold fast.

I’ve determined recently to make it a point, each time I’m drawn to ask of God, “Why??”, I’m gonna ask myself, instead, what Job’s wife asked him… “Dost thou still retain thine integrity?” That’s my own personal challenge, and I’d like to ask you to take that challenge, as well. Whenever you’re compelled to throw up your hands and scream, “Why is this happening to me?”, ask yourself, instead, “Am I still holding on to my integrity?” I promise, it’s a convicting question, one that will make you see things from a different perspective.

My prayer is that I (and you) would be like Job, whenever life seems unfair. He knew Who held his tomorrow, as should we. There's no need to worry and fret so, over things that might catch us off-guard and take us by surprise. Nothing is a surprise to God!

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

An Interesting Look At G.W.

"Global warming" is politics and always has been. In fact, 1850 was the coldest year in thousands of years, yet that is the year "scientists" use as the benchmark when proving their point.

Climate change is obviously happening, but there's never been a time in history when the climate wasn't changing. There's nothing in this world that doesn't change.

Also, with few exceptions, warmer temperatures has brought prosperity to the Earth. The first major civilization (Ancient Egyptians) prospered during a warm period, and suffered when the world cooled. The Roman Empire had the same thing happen to them.

Global warming is caused by the sun's activity. Every planet has warmed and cooled just as much as the Earth since we've had instruments measuring the temperature on the other planets in our solar system. Obviously, at the same time as us.

It is a fact that the Holy Bible predicted was going to happen. And now that it is starting to be fulfilled as stated by Scripture, people are coming up with all the scientific HOGWASH. (As will they also do when the Rapture takes place…. we’ll either be abducted by aliens, or we’ll spontaneously “combust”, or something.) That will be the “scientific” response. Personally, I choose to put my trust in God’s Word, than in mere scientists.

Rev. 16:9: “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.”

Psalm 9:17: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Psalm 50:22: “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

Yes, we most definitely need to take care of our planet. The Bible speaks clearly about how we are to manage and care for all that we’ve been given… all that we’ve been blessed with. We have failed miserably in much of that, I agree. And we do need to strive to show better stewardship, while we still can.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9-11

I have vivid memories of September 11th, 2001. I was working in Atlanta, and had gone into work early that morning. I didn't get to see any news shows, which was unusual for me. (I like to keep up to speed on all that's going on in the world.) I thought nothing of it, however, especially having gone in so early. I assumed I'd catch up when I got off work later in the day. Little did I know what all I'd have to catch up on!

There was a guy who ran into our building, yelling something about there being a terrorist attack in New York, in which a plane had flown into a sky-scraper there. There were no TV's on the premises, so several of us began tuning into radio stations to see if what he said was true. And much to our dismay, we learned that he was right. But then it got worse. A second plane had flown into the other twin tower, and then we learned about the plane which had flown into the Pentagon.

There were announcements that all US flights had been cancelled, due to terrorist threats. Rumors were the only thing flying throughout the remainder of that dreadful day... we heard that terrorists had threatened some of the major jetports... one of them being the Atlanta airport, which was only a mile or so away from the jobsite I was on. I feared that what happened in New York might also happen there, near where I was.

I remember going to a Waffle House to grab some coffee, for the sole purpose of watching whatever footage I could "see". I had no idea, from only being able to "listen" to it on the radio prior to this, just how horrible these images would be. What I remember standing out the most, I think, was seeing people up in those towers, so fearful of burning up in the buildings, jumping out of windows to their deaths. Can you imagine how scared and hopeless they must've felt?

It's hard to believe it's been 7 years now, since that awful day. Our hearts are still tender when we pause to remember the number of lives lost that day. My prayer is that they all knew Jesus Christ as their Savior, prior to the moment they drew their last breath.

It was an everyday normal day... then all-of-a-sudden, everything changed. Life is like that. We are told in the Old Testament that life is like a vapor. We none know how long we have here on this earth. But whether it's a few years, a few decades, or half-a-century...... it is indeed but a vapor, compared to all of eternity. The question is, when this life here is over, where will we spend eternity? We must choose TODAY!

God bless our country... protect us from the evil that would seek to destroy us. Draw us back to the Godly principles upon which it was founded. Draw us each and every one to YOU.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Standing Fast

(As sent to a friend of mine, who was going through a struggle... maybe someone else can benefit from this, as well...)

Jeremiah was a prophet in the OT who was told by God early in his ministry that his preaching would be rejected by the people of Israel (Jer. 7:27-29). Undaunted, Jeremiah continued to fulfill God’s purpose for his life and ministry. He preached forth God’s message for portions of five decades, boldly confronting the last five kings of Israel and their spiritually rebellious people. And, in spite of death threats, physical deprivation, humiliation, and resistance to his message, Jeremiah preached for 40 years.

Many of Jeremiah’s prayers were prompted by the treachery and cruelty of his own people. To his surprise, the people of his hometown were plotting to kill him (Jer. 11:18-23). They were angered by his repeated predictions of doom. But what did he do? He stood fast and prayed! He asked God to judge righteously, and God honored that prayer.

Then Jeremiah prayed further… for relief. He was weary of the everyday battles. He was ready for some “down time”, when satan would leave him alone for awhile. He contrasted himself with the wicked, in essence, by praying, “God, You know me. You know my heart. You know I’m not like these people who talk about You with their mouth, yet have You far from their mind. Can you cut me a break here?” (Paraphrased, but see Jer. 12:2.) Simply put, in the tough times, he called upon his God for relief… as should we. But we can learn from Jeremiah’s experience here that throughout all of his trials, God was preparing him… strengthening him. God basically asked Jeremiah at one point, “If you think what you’re experiencing now is bad, what will you do when the battle gets even harder?”

When we, ourselves, experience weariness and battle-scars from our own “fights” and everyday struggles, we can know that it’s in these times God is molding us, shaping us into the strong serviceman He would have us be, in HIS army. That’s right… the fights aren’t “ours”… they’re HIS. We are soldiers in HIS army. Jeremiah wasn’t the only one who faced opposition in standing firm for Christ, despite what the “talk” around him was. We face that same struggle every day, as Christ followers. But isn’t it great to know we can call upon our God, as Jeremiah did, when we face those same trials and times of persecution?

Stand firm! Remember, God is faithful!

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Don't Believe Everything You See

Someone sent me a couple of videos this morning, and after viewing them twice each, I must say... I AM LIVID! So much so, that I feel compelled to denounce them here, in hopes that all my friends and family will share my burden in defending this great man of God, and help spread the word that these videos are FALSE.

Please take a look at them, but before you do, please know that these videos were created purposely to distort Evangelist Billy Graham's words. They are obviously pieced together, undoubtedly by someone who would like to cause confusion in the body of Christ.

Believe me when I say, THEY ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FALSE, in regards to what this great soul-winning preacher believes and has preached for many, many years! His words, as spoken in these videos, were taken outrageously out of context, twisted and distorted to make people believe he is a liar. But as Christians, we should all know who the liar is... it's satan himself. And he's the one behind all of this.

Fellow believers, please beware... don't listen to this garbage and draw false conclusions about God's man. Instead, pray for those who would have us believe these heresies! May conviction fall upon their hearts for even attempting to go after Billy Graham in such a way!

God bless this wonderful soul-winning evangelist, and may his work be honored forever.

"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:10

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Seeing In The Rain

On the way home from work today, I drove through a torrential downpour. It was much needed, after the extremely dry summer we've had. But I noticed something as I drove, as I met other cars on the road. I noticed how they all had their wipers on "high", while I didn't have to turn mine on at all.

Yes, it was raining on my side of the road, too. In fact, it was coming down pretty heavily. But I never once had to turn my wipers on, through the entire rainstorm. Why was that? Because my windshield was treated with a wonderful solution called Rain-X, which I also keep mixed in with my wiper fluid (but only use as a quick means of “washing” my windshield, as needed). As the rain hits the windshield, it just beads up and is blown back by the wind, and because of it, my vision is kept clear; thus, giving me no reason to have to turn on the wipers. I love it!

I watched car after car after car, as I drove towards home... their wipers running frantically. I guess I was hoping to see at least one other vehicle whose owner had come to realize what an ingenious product this stuff is. I was blown away by the apparent fact that not a single car on the road that day had been treated with Rain-X. Interesting!

But anyway, as I thought about this, it reminded me that when we, as Christians, keep our hearts filled with God’s Word, there’s no need for us to get all frantic and flustered in the midst of a storm. He gives us that protection within, to keep our vision clear and focused upon Him; and thus, able to withstand those torrential showers that life has a way of dumping all over us.

Whether it be a not-so-welcomed diagnosis from the doctor… the loss of a loved one… the betrayal of a close friend… financial difficulties… decisions that aren’t so easily made… no matter what the circumstance, the more we take in of God’s Word, filling our hearts and minds with His promises and the guidance therein, the more protected we are against the hardships in life.

We can all take a lesson from Peter, who in his moment of weakness, took his eyes off of Jesus, and then fell into the water. Rather than do what Peter did, we can keep our eyes on the Saviour, fully trusting in Him to keep us afloat in our own perilous situations. But we HAVE to be filled with His Word, in order to be protected and able to stand. It takes daily reading or hearing of the Word, and then meditating upon it. We have to “take it in”, not just simply reading over it.

I’m so thankful, that after several years of not “getting” that, I’m finally seeing and experiencing the joy of meditating upon God’s Word, and listening to Him speak to me, as I uncover more and more truths therein. I’ve found that the more I take in, the stronger I become; the better I can see through what once would’ve misguided me; the clearer and more I long to see of Him.

In all the years of mere “Bible-READING”, I never experienced that. So again, I stress the fact that it has to be “taken in”, in order to gear us and protect us in those torrential rainstorms.

Are you geared up? Is your heart filled with the only solution that truly makes a difference? Today would be a great day to do a fluid “check-up”. If you find that you’re running a bit low, it’s always a good time to add more. And one of the greatest blessings that I’ve found is that there’s no cap to how much you can take in… you can never add too much!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm very excited to tell you about this wonderful, wonderful movie I saw tonight... "Fireproof". I had seen the promo's on TBN about 3 weeks or so ago, in which Kirk Cameron told about this, his latest film.

It's another production of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA. (The first being "Facing The Giants", a few years back.) I knew THAT in itself was enough to make me want to go see it. But then I was extremely disappointed to hear that the movie wouldn't be out until late September. (bummer!) :(

Isn't it just like our wonderful God, though, to grant us the desires of our heart? It was only a few days after seeing the promo's on TBN, that I got a card in the mail from Lifeway, inviting me to attend a free, private pre-screening of the movie, when it came to our area... which was tonight. So I didn't have to wait until September after all! Isn't God good!

Anyway, in the movie, Kirk Cameron plays Capt. Caleb Holt, a firefighter, who at work, lives by the old fireman's adage, "Never leave your partner behind". But at home, in the cooling embers of his marriage, he lives by his own rules... filled with selfishness & inconsideration for his wife, and also struggles with internet pornography.

After 7 years of marriage, he and his wife have drifted so far apart, that they wish they had never gotten married. Neither one understands the pressures the other one faces. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, and household responsibilities have brought them to the point of calling it quits. And as they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his son to commit to a 40-day journey based on a book he calls "The Love Dare". The hand-written journal outlines one simple act of love to be offered each day, whether or not it is accepted. He agrees, and then begins to learn about unconditional love... first, the unconditional love of our Saviour; then the unconditional love we are to have for our spouse.

The scenes are both brutal and realistic as they portray the struggle to rebuild marital trust. One thing I feel makes this movie "relate-able" is that it doesn't sugarcoat the real-world conflict between couples who have drifted apart. It's REAL.

One of my most favorite scenes is when Caleb comes to the realization that his wife's rejection of him, despite all his attempts to show her that he loves her, is parallel to the way he has been rejecting Christ. Truly a touching, yet powerful demonstration shown, as Kirk's character then receives Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour! Well done, Sherwood Baptist!

My other favorite scene is when Catherine comes to the firehouse and emotionally tells Caleb that she is sorry, that she forgives him, and that she loves him. It's what he's been waiting so long to hear, which again, in my opinion, parallels that moment when we come to Christ for forgiveness. What a blessing to see it relayed this way! My prayer is that people will see this and finally "get it".

The trials Caleb faces in this 40-day journey remind me of the process that we ALL go through, spiritually. We are placed in the refiners fire... and the heat is turned up... WAY UP. But as much as it hurts, ultimately, it's well-worth it in the end. The Lord works it all for our good. And that's the case for Caleb and Catherine, here in this movie. Ultimately, it all works out for their good... the end result being far better than either of them ever could've imagined.

Unfortunately, Steve wasn't able to make it home in time to go with me (he was swamped at work), but our friends Shamus and Sheri were able to go. I don't know who enjoyed the movie more, them or me!

As much as I loved "Facing the Giants", that movie has nothing on this one! I highly recommend it to anyone... but especially to couples. No matter how old you are; no matter how long you've been married; no matter how good your marriage is... you've GOTTA see this movie! It will change your life!!!

Now I can't wait until September gets here, so I can see it again! :)


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News, Updates...

Well, it's certainly been a busy couple of weeks! (Who am I kidding? It's busy ALL the time!)

But praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy, which follow me through all the days of my life! I'm so glad to know that even through these crazy, BUSY days... He is with me, and He will work it all for my good! :)

I want to say a special thank you to each and every one who has been (and is) praying for my Daddy. He's doing much better now. His ulcers seem to be okay... no evidence of bleeding at all, anymore. His blood pressure is still a bit low, but nothing at all like it has been. Atleast it's close to 100 now. But I do thank you for praying, and I ask that you continue to lift him up in your prayers... not just for his physical needs to be met, but most of all, for his spiritual needs. I would so love to see him draw nigh unto God, get back in church, and to just be "ON HOLY GHOST FIRE" for the Lord. Please continue praying!

While Daddy was in the hospital, we were having VBS at church. Pastor did a study for the adults on "The 7 Feast Days", which was wonderful. I'm so thankful I was able to attend... I had been looking forward to it a great deal. Daddy was in ICU; therefore, I could only go back and see him at certain times, so everything worked out perfectly, that I could attend the study, and still go visit Daddy afterwards. (Just another one of those "icing-on-the-cake" blessings.)

The home Bible studies have been going great, as well. We've been learning from the book of Matthew on Thursday nights at our friends, Derrick & Pam's house; and then studying Proverbs on Mondays or Tuesdays, here at home. Tonight, it was just Steve and I, along with our friend, Eddie. We were pretty deep into it, until around midnight. It was sooooo good! I can't help but think of the words to this song...

There's a sweet sweet Spirit in this place
And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord

There are sweet expressions on each face
And I know that it's the presence of the Lord

Sweet Holy Spirit
Sweet heavenly dove
Stay right here with us
Filling us with your love
And for these blessings
We lift our hearts in praise
Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived
When we shall leave this place

We're very thankful for how the Lord is at work. We've witnessed firsthand how He's been transforming lives right before our very eyes... including our own. What a blessing!

I'm excited about going to the pre-screening of the movie, "Fireproof", tomorrow night. I've been counting down the days. I do pray (and ask that you do, as well) that Steve will be able to get off work in time to go. Even if it means going back later, it would be such a worthwhile investment to do so, in order to attend this movie with me.

It isn't often that good, Godly movies make it to the big screen, not to mention one that deals with relationships... specifically, the marriage relationship. (Do you think the devil has a reason for that??) Uhhh.......... YEAH!

Kirk Cameron is in this movie. He plays a firefighter, Capt. Caleb Holt, whose job is rescuing others. But now he finds himself in the position of having to rescue his marriage. I'm sure this movie has MUCH to offer the younger and older couples alike, who may not even realize their marriage is under attack. (Remember, the devil is subtle... little things, little by little.) But knowing about the warnings in advance can keep us from going down the wrong paths in the future.

Well, I'm beginning to have a little trouble holding my eyes open, so I think I'll head on to bed for a few winks. 6:00 will be here before I know it... "time to feed the chickens."

Have a blessed week in Jesus!

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So Long, Cowboy!

This past Sunday was our Youth Pastor (Andrew Wade)'s last day at Grand Strand. I wanted to make mention of it, and let Andy know how much we've enjoyed his presence here.... despite being shot at by him on a regular basis! (No worries, it was a nerf gun.)

Seriously, though, I think there are a lot of things people don't realize Andy had a hand in, nor a burden for, while serving as our Youth Pastor, so I wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for all those "unseen things", in case they may have seemed unnoticed.

Andy has taken the Associate Pastor position of a new church being started in Conway (Mercy Baptist). He left Grand Strand under no ill-will; but simply, following the Lord's leading to another opportunity to utilize the talents and spiritual gifts he has been blessed with.

"Andy, we love you and we'll miss you around here. We wish you the very best in the new opportunities the Lord has placed before you. Keep in touch, and come back to visit us... often.
(You can leave the guns at home. LOL)

We'll be praying for you. Love you, man!"

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

As you know, I work with an addictions program at my church every Friday night. One of the greatest blessings in it, for me, is seeing how our Heavenly Father can take someone with NO hope, and give them THE hope, and then witnessing firsthand the results stemming from their acceptance of Him. What a beautiful picture of God's grace!

But ya know, it's that same grace He showered each of us with, when WE became believers. We all have a story... an account... of how our lives have changed, since making Jesus our Lord and Saviour. We can all testify (hopefully) as to how He's shaped and molded us along the way, changing us into who He would have us be. Speaking for myself here, it's a continual work. I've often not been as pliable as I should have been (though I am striving to change that, daily). But nonetheless, He HAS made a difference in my life. I'm not the person I once was... Praise God!

If we could each have a turn to share what He's done in our lives, and reveal the many ways He's turned things around for us... and in us... there's just no way to know how our testimony might make a difference in someone else's life. That's the reason I do this... my blogging, and my MySpace page. It isn't about ME. As much as I love my my family, my friends, my church, and yes, even my chickens... it isn't about them, either. It's all about bringing God praise and glory for what He's done (and continually does) in my life. The Bible tells us to give Him praise in all things. So that's what I'm doing... here in my blog... and on MySpace. It's just another way to tell others that I love Jesus, and what He's done for me.

But getting back to the point, someone sent me a profound video today. It moved me to tears... so much so, that it took me a few moments to regain my composure. I thought it especially worthy of sharing here, so please do watch it. And remember, we all have PLENTY to give Him praise for. So be creative, and do so joyfully, despite the enemy's intentions of keeping you from it. God bless!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Good Fight of Faith

Today was the big day for candidates in the primary elections. Some walked away with a smile of victory, at the completion of what seems like a hideously long and drawn out campaign. Others weren't showing their pearly whites, but instead donned grimaces and other signs of weariness, in their defeat.

These faces made me think of the Apostle Paul, and how he exhorted us, as Christians, to fight the good fight of faith, and to not grow weary in well-doing. Paul, himself, spoke of his own fight, and how he had kept the faith. We can only benefit from his example.

We all have "fights" that we endure. Whether they be literal disagreements with family and friends, the surprise bumps in the road that throw us off-course at times, or the spiritual snares that satan seeks to entrap us with... we all have our daily battles. (If you don't have one today, you've either just come through one, or you're getting ready to go into one.) It's a part of life... ESPECIALLY for the Christian! Though we obtain joy, hope, and peace in our life at salvation, we can expect to have our world turned upside down every so often! The question is, "How do we handle it, when it comes?"

Again, we can look at the life of the Apostle Paul, and learn from "the expert in trials and tribulations". Here, we see a man who, at one time received 39 stripes; was beaten 3 times with rods; was stoned once; was shipwrecked 3 times; spent a night and a day on the open sea (without a boat). In his journeys, he faced danger from floods; from robbers; from his own countrymen; from the heathen; in the city; in the wilderness; at sea; among false brethren...... despite his own weariness and pain; his hunger and thirst; his regular fasting; his cold and nakedness. And to top everything else, he still bore the burdens of all the churches (daily). I'd say we could learn ALOT from our dear brother, Paul!

I get convicted, just reading about all that he endured for the sake of the gospel. This same man who once persecuted believers... what a great man of God he became!!!

I share all of that to say this..... there are times when we feel like we're up against the whole world. There's "wrong" all throughout the camp; We're tired and battle-scarred from the many fires we fight daily; "Fairness" seems to be just a delusion; And just when we think it can't get any worse, the other shoe drops (Add another impending heart attack).


We don't have to live in bondage to our battles. We don't have to make ourselves sick with worry, over the problems we face. We have the glorious opportunity (privilege) of going boldly unto the throne of grace. We can take all of our cares, and all of our petitions to Christ, and leave them there with Him. We know that He works all things for our good, so no matter how "crazy" and "unfair" life is, at times, we know that the end result will be in our best interest. That's NOT to say things will always line up perfectly with OUR will... He never promised us that. But whatever HIS WILL is, we can trust that it will be for our good.

I think about the elections yesterday, and also the presidential election coming up in about 5 months... it may turn out that "right" doesn't win... that "wrong" is exalted and applauded (it happens everyday). But regardless, if our hope and trust is in Jesus, we don't have to worry about it. We just need to keep our eyes focused on Him, and remember that HE is the One in control... no matter what the enemy would have us believe.

And the same is true in our other battles, as well. It does us absolutely no good whatsoever to kick and fuss, nor throw an old-fashioned hissy fit. In fact, it's been proven that when we do that, we only end up making things worse! So ultimately, it all boils down to our trusting the Lord to handle everything according to HIS perfect Will.

If there's anything troubling you, I pray you'll give it to the Lord... and let Him keep it. It's not His Will for you to be troubled (nor to be someone else's stumbling block). His desire is for each of us to be free from the bondage of anything and everything that isn't of Him. That's when we can truly have the smile of victory! Anything else is just counterfeit.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

What Does Your GPS Say?

Steve was looking through one of the circulars that came in the mail this week, when he pointed out a great deal on a GPS navigation system. I agreed it was a pretty good price, and then walked away, busily going about whatever it was I had been doing.

As I continued, I thought more and more about that GPS system, and it occured to me how great it would be if people had their own built-in GPS systems, which told them they were lost and on their way to hell (those who aren't saved, of course).

Think about that for a second. We're always saying that the first step in leading someone to Christ is helping them see that they're lost. And it's true. Before anyone can come to Christ, they first have to realize their "location"... lost, without Him... and on their way to hell. However, it's been my experience that sometimes people just aren't willing to admit their failures/strongholds, nor are they the least bit interested in anyone else pointing them out. Perhaps it's a pride issue. Or perhaps they have a problem with being in submission to authority figures. So wouldn't a built-in GPS system be a useful tool in speeding the process along? It wouldn't be "our" telling them... but rather, it would be their own GPS telling them.

We already DO have something that does all this. But sadly, people all too often fail to "plug it in". They may have it sitting on their library shelf, or even on the coffee table (for folks to see and believe that they do). But when it comes to actually "using" it to find their present location in this world... much less to chart their future course... they just don't get it. And that's sad.

Why, if we have something available to us to help us in our journey, would we NOT utilize it to the fullest intent?? That's a good question... one in which we'll all be held accountable one day. My prayer is that we'll all realize what a precious gift we've been given, in God's Word, and that we'll TRULY use it to direct our paths in this life.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105

What does your GPS say to you today?

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Friday, June 6, 2008

We Have A Name!

I'd like to say a special "thank you" to those who've taken the time to email me or leave me a comment here, with suggestions as to what I should call this new fiery-looking friend of mine. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, I wanted her (one of my new chickens) to have the perfect name... a flower name, somehow referencing her "flame-like" feathers, given her beautiful colors and markings.

Since I couldn't seem to come up with anything I liked on my own, I thought it would be fun to kind-of make a game or contest out of it. I received many wonderful suggestions, for which I'm very appreciative of each. I could tell you've really been searching, to help me come up with just the right name for her. (If only she knew how special she is!)

Well, after considering all the suggestions, I have made a decision.

(drum-roll please)

May I present to you...


This is one of her name-sake flowers... it's a Dahlia Sunburst. I absolutely love it! See how the petals kinda resemble flames? Just beautiful!

This next one is a Sunburst Sunflower, which also bears the likeness of fire (in my opinion). It's another reason I chose the name "Sunburst". Isn't it gorgeous?

Again, thank you all for the suggestions. You came up with some great ones, no doubt. A special thank you to Taranda and Kim, who ultimately came up with the winning name.

I'll be posting more pics of Miss Sunburst, and the others, later on... might be tonight... or maybe tomorrow morning. Anyway, take care and may God bless you!

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pulling Weeds

It’s funny how almost every little thing reminds me of my chickens. No matter which way I turn, it seems, there’s always some special memory that comes to mind. One such memory sprang forth on Monday night, while I was pulling weeds from my flower bed. The chickens used to love getting into the flower bed, and at first, I was real quick to shoo them out. But then I noticed that they were only bothering the weeds… they never touched my plants nor flowers at all. So, of course, I let them do the “weeding” for me. I thanked the Lord for providing for their nutritional needs, and also for saving me from that much work. :)

However, now that those chickens are gone, and I’m too afraid to let my new flock out, I haven’t exactly been thanking God for the weeds, anymore. They’d come up, and I’d hoe… they’d come up, and I’d hoe. An endless cycle, indeed. Yet still, the Lord has blessed it.

As I was hoeing the other night, I noticed that there were a few “new” weeds, that had really taken root. They were stubborn, and I had to exert myself a bit, to get them ripped up. I remember thinking how glad I was to have a good, sharp hoe in hand, for a such a job as this. Had I just been pulling them up by hand, I probably wouldn’t have gotten them at the source.

Then I thought about how very similar this is to the sin in our lives. You see, it isn’t enough just to scrape the surface, in getting rid of it. We have to go deep and pull it up by the root, or else it’s just gonna continue growing, and pretty soon, we’ll begin to see more and more weeds popping up all around it. (Sin begets sin.) And it’s not something we can handle in our own flesh. We need God’s Word… a wonderful tool for going deep and attacking sin at its source. In fact, in Revelation 1:16, we read that it’s a sharp two-edged sword. There is no better “tool” for cleaning sin up at its roots!

I’ve been thinking about my life, and the things I’ve battled in recent months… my own stubborn strongholds. Not “big sins”, like murder or anything. (You know how we Baptists are, always labeling them “big sins” and “little sins”.) But even the “smallest” sins (or what might seem small to us) are still a disgrace to our Heavenly Father. In His eyes, sin is sin. There is no scale that measures one sin from another. Sin is sin. And that’s it.

Whether it be unforgiveness; harboring ill will towards someone; that “little white lie” that only you and the fencepost knows about... it’s all the same to God as if we had killed someone. There’s no difference in His eyes.

As convicting as that is, there is good news. All of those sins (regardless of what label we may choose to place on them) can be forgiven. If we’re a blood-bought child of God, we already know about how His blood washes away our sin. At salvation, we had to confess our sins to Him, and ask Him to forgive us. And He was faithful to do so! We have His Word on it! BUT…

When we commit “new sins” (yes, even those we might not easily classify as sin), we must also confess those to Him… and allow Him to take them from us… by the root. It may be a painful process, sometimes, but if we’re sincere about walking and talking with Him, and having that close relationship with Him, it’s something we must do.

How do we do this??

This is where the two-edged sword comes in. We need it to show us where our failures and shortcomings are, and to strengthen us (spiritually), so that we can live the life that Christ would have us live (by His example). We need it to guard our hearts and to prepare us for the spiritual battles that we face each day… on a personal level, in our families, in our workplace or school. And if you’ve watched the news at all lately, you should know that we, as a country, are in for quite a battle, as this presidential election draws near.

My, my, how we all need to rid our lives of all those stubborn strongholds! Again, we can’t do it in our own flesh. We need that two-edged sword to dig deep and grasp it at the root, so we can go forward in God’s army without that “baggage of sin” weighing us down. We can accomplish so much more for Him if we get rid of that dead weight!

Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me at how God chooses to reveal Himself to us, even in the most unusual of places. It was a two-fold blessing for me, in my flower bed the other night, in that He took my mind off my chickens (my missing them, I mean). But then, too, He reminded me of such a powerful truth. ( I love it when He does that!)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great
and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeremiah 33:3

I’m so thankful to Him for my salvation, and for the many blessings He’s poured into my life these past 11 years or so, since I came back to Him. I haven’t always made the best choices, nor done exactly as I should have. But each day is a new opportunity to live and do what’s right, according to His Will.

Be blessed! Have a wonderful day in Christ!

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

A New Flock

My husband, Steve, thought it a good idea to go ahead and replenish our hen house, MUCH to my disapproval. "It's just too soon," I insisted, "why don't we just wait a while, and in the meantime, we'll keep watching out for our beloved MIA's to return."

He was persistent, so yesterday I went with him to pick up the new flock, to combine with our 4 remaining hens. Granted, they're very beautiful... actually GORGEOUS... this new flock, consisting of 1 rooster and 10 hens. (Yea, I know... that's alot!) But despite their beauty, and my husband's well intentions, they're just NOT the same. They're not "trained" to do some of the things my others did... like come to me when I call, "Kitty, kitty, kitty." Nor do they respond to my talking to them in the same way my original group did. And what's worse, they don't get along very well with my 4 hens. I've broken up several fights already, and it's only been 24 hours or so.

My friend, Pam, has been encouraging me this past week by telling me she's praying for chicken mercies. Well, Lois definitely needs some chicken mercies about now! I want to get over the fact that they're "different" from MY chickens. I want to grow to love them, and to love them as much as I do my others. I suppose it'll take some time, and quite a bit of observation, to get to know them (and them, I), for us to have the same kind of bond I had with the others. So please pray that the Lord will bless the situation, and also for them to get along with Daisy, Lily, Dahlia, and Petunia.

I've already been working on names. I wanted to keep with the "flower" theme... minus the rooster, who was already named.
(Meet "Roscoe", by the way.)

He's a gorgeous fella, as you can see, but he's kind-of mean. We're gonna try to trim his spurs this week, because his previous owners warned us of his "attacks". (Oh joy!)

But anyway, I've come up with names for the girls, all except one. She's a beautiful creature, whose colors remind me of flames. (This photo doesn't do her justice.) I've never seen one quite like her, but I'm searching for a flower-name, that has something to do with fire or flames, given her flame-like feather features (say that 3 times really fast). This is where YOU come in. I'm asking for suggestions, and from those, I'll pick out one that best suits her. I did find a *fire flower*, which greatly resembles her markings. But I just don't like that name. So please leave me a comment with any and all of your suggestions. OK?

Well, I'd better run for now. I'm still praying for my other little ones to come home. Steve doesn't think they will, but I'm praying, regardless. What a happy day that will be, when they do!

"...Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee..."
Matthew 8:13
"...Believe ye that I am able to do this?
...According to your faith, be it unto you."

Matthew 9:28,29

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sweet Blessings

This evening at church, I was given a bag of "goodies", if you will. Inside were what my friend, Pam, referred to as "chicken cards" from the children in her 3rd grade classroom. Upon opening the bag and reading what these precious students wrote and drew inside these cards... well, my heart was just overwhelmed, to the point of tears. (Click on each picture to see detailed view.)

Pam had been telling her students about my chickens, ever since I first got them. She's told me how they often ask about the chickens, which of course, I thought was the sweetest thing in itself. :)

Well, since the news of my "chicken disaster" this week, they've kind-of made it their class project to research all about foxes, what they eat, how to catch them, etc. Then today, they made cards for me... to cheer me up, and to keep me from getting discouraged. I sooooo appreciate that... so much, in fact, that I wanted to do something special to thank them.

So I'm sharing some of these "chicken cards" with you here. Perhaps someone else needs to be encouraged today. If so, these cards are guaranteed to work. You can't look at them without being reminded of the Lord's faithfulness & goodness, even as we walk through the valleys. As the Whisnants sing, "Even in the valleys, God is good."

I want to thank my friend, Pam, and each of her precious students (3rd grade class at Ocean Bay Elementary) for caring about my broken heart, and for their wonderful acts of love and kindness. They truly touched my heart, and I know I'll be encouraged each and every time I look at these. (Thank you, guys! I love you, too!)

Please keep the prayers going up. I'm hoping and believing that those missing are safe, and that they'll turn up, once they FEEL safe again. Thank you all for your prayers!

May God bless you abundantly!

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Another Update

Still no news on those still missing (2 roosters and 4 hens). I've searched and called, 'til I was almost hoarse, the past 2 days. But no more of them have returned. I'm thinking maybe(?) the other night when the foxes were in so much commotion, chasing after something all night long, they could've gotten them (or else scared them further into the woods).

Steve got back into town last night, I guess around 8:30 or so. Now that he's back, I feel it's safe to share on here about my being at home alone while all of this was going on. He had gone on a missions trip with our Pastor. I don't regret his going, but I'm so glad to have him back at home! It's been one more week! First, finding the dead raccoon at my back door steps (which I wasn't sure was dead... or sleeping... when I first found it). Then having to deal with the burial myself, which I still don't understand Animal Control's thinking on that one. And now this whole thing with my chickens. Like I said, it's been one more week!

Anyway, Steve and I went searching early this morning, and way behind our place is the old Sanders place, which Steve's Daddy bought some years ago. We seldom go back there. Steve & James usually have it bush-hogged, but for some reason, just haven't done it this year. It's grown up really bad. But there's an old barn (actually 2) back there, so I'm praying the chickens made it there to safety, and are roosting in the old barn(s) up high in the loft, maybe, where the foxes can't get to them. It's really shaded back in there, and with it being "run down", I'd say there's plenty of "food" for them to survive on... lots and lots of bugs and worms, and other creepy crawly insects that they enjoy. (Yuck!)

I'm praying that Steve and some other men will take 4 wheelers and our portable chicken cage back there, to see if they're there... and if so, bring them back home. And you can bet, I will NEVER EVER leave them unattended again, IF I even let them out at all!

Please keep praying for them. I'm claiming and believing the Lord has provided shelter somewhere back there, and that they are safe. I have to believe that!

I told Steve I didn't want anymore Christmas presents, nor birthday presents again... EVER... if I can just have my chickens back now. That will make me happy enough. Big change, coming from someone who said she didn't want to fool with them in the first place. (lesson in there)

By the way, we did catch a fox in one of the traps. It was a small one, but still, eventually it would do what it's Mama or Daddy has apparently done. A friend of ours took it, and said he'd take it out into a non-populated area and turn him loose. (No worries, we're not killing babies!)

Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them more than you know.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


There's still no sign of the other chickens yet. Last night, I could hear the fox pups crying (not really a "bark"). I thought the traps must've worked, but when I drove down there and shined the flashlight on the one, it was empty. And the noise continued. It was on/off again for several hours. All I could do was pray. There was no way I could out there into the woods after dark. I don't even like doing it in the daytime (not alone, anyway). I'm too afraid of snakes and any other wild animals that might be residing out there. I guess you'd have to call it supernatural gumption, that I've been able to go out there so often these past 2 days... or rather, I suppose the most fitting term would be "LOVE".

I was just looking at my myspace page, which has the pics of the chickens on it (same as my blog), and the song was playing in the background (on my page), "Somebody's Praying Me Through". I couldn't help but think how fitting it was... 'cause I truly am praying them through... trying to, anyway.

I've been outside for the most part of the day. Everytime I come in for something, I keep thinking I hear the roosters crowing. I must be losing it, 'cause when I go running back out and listen, I don't hear a thing. It's like I get my hopes up, only to be let down again... and again... and again.

Of course, I should know it isn't possible for me to be hearing them crow, anyway. Colonel is gone, I'm sure of that. And Bingo doesn't crow very loudly. In fact, his crow is more like a "wanna be crow"... it's like he tries, but it won't come out right. It used to be so funny to me. I would just laugh at him when he'd do it, and then say, "It's okay, Bingo, you tried, didn't you, boy?". And he'd tilt his little head at me, like he always did while I was talking to him. Now I'd give anything to hear him again (for real). Then these tears of sorrow would quickly turn to tears of joy.

I was talking to Daisy, Lily, Dahlia, and Petunia earlier... and telling them how it's gonna be okay, that our buddies will be back soon. It's so sad to watch these 4 in there now... I was noticing today how they go around in circles, seemingly looking for the others. It just breaks my heart.

Speaking of those 4... I got 2 eggs today... one large and one small. That would be Daisy's & Lily's. It's good to know they're still laying, after all they've been through. I'm really surprised that they're laying now at all, because a few weeks ago, when I rearranged their "furniture" (that's what I choose to call their roosting shelves and nesting boxes inside the hen house), they were in such a turmoil over it, they didn't lay a single egg all day, the day after I did it. (I said then they MUST be baptist chickens... being that they don't seem to like change.) So anyway, for them to be laying NOW, after what they experienced Sunday evening... that's pretty good!

Well, I'm gonna go back out and see if I can "call them home". Again, I keep thinking about the message last night, how the sheep know their Shepherd's voice... and I'm hoping the chickens will hear and recognize MY voice, and will follow me on home. Of course, it will be dusk soon, so the foxes will be out again. Please keep praying... not so much for me, but for my little ones to be okay, and to come back safe & sound. Thank you!

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Long Day

I just came in again. I've been outside all evening. I tried working on some things out in the yard, so I could keep an eye out for my babies, if they came back. Unfortunately, they didn't come back... or at least not yet. I've walked out into the woods so many times today. I must be going crazy, 'cause I keep thinking I hear them. I've had last night's message on my mind... about how the sheep know the voice of their Shepherd. I imagine the same could be said of my chickens... knowing MY voice, I mean. So everytime I think I hear them (and even when I don't), I'd walk out into the woods again, calling for them, hoping they'd know it was safe to come on out and follow me back home. Oh, how I wish that had happened!

I feel like everyone must think I'm the biggest idiot on the planet... first of all, for being so attached to "chickens".... then, too, for going off and leaving them out like that. But regardless of what anyone thinks... the fact is, it's true. I let this happen. It's all my fault.

My hens that I do still have (Daisy, Dahlia, Lily & Petunia) are still so traumatized... I've never seen them act this way before. Bless their hearts, I can only imagine the horror they witnessed yesterday. It kills me to think about how everything must've transpired. Oh, my poor babies!

I had grown so attached to Colonel... it's hard to believe he's gone. And it hurts so much to know that he suffered such a violent death. The "remnants" I found of him tell that story all too well. Bless his heart!

I didn't sleep very much last night, and I can tell it. I'm gonna try to get some sleep tonight.

Please keep praying for the chickens. I appreciate all your prayers.

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Chicken Update

I just came in... I've been out in the woods, looking for my chickens. I got up at daybreak, and went out to feed & water, as usual... hoping to find that my 7 missing ones had come back to eat breakfast. It wasn't the case, however. :(

In fact, in my exploring, I found 2 huge piles of feathers... they were Colonel's... and you can tell it was quite a struggle. Bless his heart, I know I've lost him. There's a trail where the fox(es) took him through the ditch, back to the den.

I have cried, and cried, and cried. I try not to... and try my very best to even be "cold" about it... "They're just chickens", I try to force myself into thinking. But my heart doesn't agree with my reasoning. I am hurting so badly.

I spoke to Steve earlier, and he told me I needed to get out of the woods. So on my way back, I saw something move and it was a reddish/brownish color. I froze, 'cause I thought it was a fox and I didn't have my gun with me. But praise the Lord, it was Daisy!!! She began clucking at me, and I talked to her and shooed her all the way back to the pen. I'm so thankful the Lord answered prayer there and brought her safely back to me.

I've been searching for the others, but nothing. One of our church deacons came over (Steve called him) and was helping me search the woods. He also set 2 traps for the foxes. He said that now that they've had a taste (apparently), they'll be back for more. So I'm watching out very carefully for Abby (my cat), and for those chickens who might be returning.

Please continue to pray that they're just hiding out (like Daisy apparently was), and that they'll be home today. I'm praying for a miracle.

Thank you for your prayers. Not everyone understands, I know. But these are my children and I love them so much. Steve said we'll get more, but I don't want more. I want MINE.

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Urgent Prayer Needed

I realize this request is somewhat odd, and may even be considered "frivolous" by some. But I firmly believe God grants us the desires of our heart, if we pray believing. So I'm asking you to join me in praying for my chickens. I came home from church tonight to find that they are all gone, except the 3 smallest ones. I got the big flashlight (more like a spot light), and then discovered several piles of feathers, all different colors, near the chicken coop. I've been frantically searching the edges of the woods, looking up in the trees... and anywhere else I thought they might be taking shelter... all to no avail. I've cried until my eyes hurt, and I've just come inside, hoping (praying) they'll show up, come morning.

I'm usually not so stupid in leaving them out, but it was only a couple of hours, I thought. When I fed them their "snack" before church this evening (I had to be at church a little early, so it was about 5:15 or so), one of them lunged at my feet. (I was wearing flip flops... and for some reason, they always do that, when I wear flip-flops. I think they might think my toes are berries or something, with the bright polish that's on them.) Anyway, it scared me, so I jumped back. And when I did, they all came running out of the fence.

I often let them out for about an hour or so before dark, and then they voluntarily return to the coop, right at dusk. I figured this would be one of those times, and that I'd come home to find them roosting safe & sound, in the coop.

But when I went out there to close the gate and secure it, I noticed 3 of the smaller hens on top of the fence. I tried to get them inside, but they wouldn't budge. They seemed far too skiddish, for some reason. Something told me to look in the hen house, so I did. I was horrified to find that there were none in there. So seven were missing!!!

Like I said, I discovered several piles of feathers, so I know something got after them, and apparently had them in a frenzy. My prayer is that that's ALL that happened... that nothing actually "caught" them and ate them. I'm praying they're just taking shelter somewhere until daylight. It breaks my heart to pieces to think that something could have happened to them. These are my "children", and I've sooooo enjoyed them, especially this past several weeks. It's so relaxing, and truly very special to me, being able to come home and watch them. As crazy as it sounds, I've come to know their different personalities. They really are like children, and for someone who said they didn't want anything to do with them, when Steve first mentioned getting them, I've sure done a complete turn-around. I've grown to love them, so again, I'm asking that you please pray that they're alright, and that they'll come home in the morning. I'll sure be up watching & waiting for them, when they do!

Thank you for your prayers. I will update you tomorrow on what transpires. Please be praying until then.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Down On the Farm

I just LOVE Spring! It's my absolute favorite time of year! The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding. Everything is green again.... coming back to life after the dreadful winter months. We get back out in the yard, sprucing up the flower beds, adding little touches of the beautiful colors of the season. And for some of us, we get our gardens planted. We did that several weeks ago, and thankfully, it's coming up nicely now.

We planted squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, ceyenne peppers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, banana peppers (Can you tell we like peppers?), roma beans, speckled butterbeans, corn, watermelon, cantaloupe, and peanuts. Now that everything's planted, I absolutely LOVE watching it grow! I try to go out every day (or atleast every couple of days) to monitor... or rather, to "marvel" at how much they've grown since the last time I was out there.

This is the first time I've planted peanuts, so I'm tickled to pieces at what a "pretty" plant they are. I was so excited last weekend, when I saw that they were breaking the ground. Now, they're coming up rather quickly, thanks to some much-needed rain the good Lord sent us last weekend.

It never ceases to amaze me at how something as simple as "planting a garden" can tell the story of Jesus, if we look at it just right. Let me explain...

We all know about the death, burial, and resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Right? Well, my garden tells about all three. First of all, think about where a seed comes from. In all reality, that seed came from the "death" of that particular vegetable (or fruit), because once the vegetable or fruit was picked from the plant, there was no more "life" flowing in it; so therefore, it was "dead". (In this, I am reminded of Jesus' death. God's Word tells us that He bled and died for our sins.)

You can take that seed and "bury" it in the ground, where it remains for a certain amount of time. (This reminds me of Jesus' burial. His body was placed in a tomb, where it stayed until the 3rd day.)

Then, one day soon, the ground begins to break and there appears a sprout coming forth. It's a miracle! That "dead" seed we planted is now "alive" again! (To me, it's a reminder of how Jesus broke the chains of death, when He arose from the tomb.)

I get goose bumps, just thinking about my garden portraying the resurrection story, right before my eyes! What precious blessings God gives to us in the little things of life! Unfortunately, we often miss these blessings, because we don't take the time to see them with spiritual eyes. All too often, we choose only to see with our earthly eyes. That's an area in which we all need to be more watchful.

Anyway, like my garden, my "little darlings" are growing pretty fast, too! (That would be my chickens, for those who don't know.) The boys (Bingo and Colonel) are getting along, despite everyone's warnings about raising them together. And my girls (Oprah, Violet, Daisy, Rose, Lily, Dahlia, Petunia, and Pansy) are laying better than ever! We're averaging about 6 or 7 eggs per day now.

I so enjoy watching them, especially in the evenings, when I let them out for an hour or so before dusk. They each have their own unique personality, and it's sometimes hilarious, how they interact with one another... and other creatures of nature.

Take Abby, for instance. She somehow knows how much I love the garden, so she's stepped up to bat, taking on the role of *Garden Security*.
She faithfully patrols the rows, keeping the chickens away from our harvest-to-be. I didn't ask her to do it. She simply volunteered for the position. And the chickens "mind" her very well!

Speaking of the chickens' different personalities... Miss Rose seems to think she's an acrobat. She walks the tight-rope back and forth, over and over again. (Okay, so it's not really a tight-rope... it's actually a piece of galvanized conduit, that I placed in their "play-yard" for them to sit on. So far, Rose is the only one I've seen on it, and like I said, she doesn't SIT on it... she walks it... back and forth, over and over again. (I hope she isn't planning to leave me and join the circus!)

Steve built a really nice hen-house for them. I've "remodeled" it for them twice already, and Lord willing, I plan to do so again tomorrow. I look at other hen-houses online and if there's an improvement I can make for them, I want to try to do so. As the old saying goes... "If the ladies are happy, then we're ALL happy." LOL

Well, I suppose that's enough "news" for now. It's late and I need a few winks before a busy, busy day tomorrow (today, now).

God bless!

P.S. Here's a quick slideshow, so you can see each of my feathered friends. Aren't they sweet?

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