It’s hard to believe it’s almost time for Christmas. Seems like just yesterday, I was out in the yard, enjoying my spring flowers, as I watched my precious little ones digging for worms. (For those who may not know, my “little ones” are my chickens. Yes, I know… I’m strange. But hey, some folks have children, I happen to have chickens. Nothing wrong with that.)
But anyway, where did the time go? I suppose we’ve all been so caught up with the news, that time just flew by us, as we listened to the strategies (and lies) during those last months of political campaigning. It seems some of us shared the same feeling of gloom, given the choice of candidates, once Mike Huckabee was no longer a contender. But then when John McCain announced his choice for running mate, we regained our momentum. We praised God for the principles this fresh new vice-presidential candidate brought to the table. She was pro-life, regardless. She had a vision to see our nation return to those godly values that we were founded upon. In longing for that same goal, I so wanted to see this team go into office.
But in His infinite wisdom, God has a different plan… one that will usher in the reign of the ultimate “Commander in Chief”. We know from reading His Word that certain things must come to pass before Jesus returns to call His bride home. As much as we despise the things that are happening around us… the violence, the drugs, the homosexuality and immoral behavior of all kinds… the silver lining within that cloud is that God’s Word is being fulfilled more and more each day, which means Christ is soon to come! Praise God!
We’ve just celebrated our annual “Jubilee by the Sea” at our church, in which this year’s theme was, “I Want To See Him”. Truer words have never been uttered, for indeed, we are longing, like never before, to see His blessed face. Psalm 17:15 says, “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” Just to think that one day soon, we’re gonna see the One Who paid the price for our sin; we won’t have to endure the pain, nor sorrow of this sin-sick world any longer; we’ll be forever removed from this far-from-glory temporal home. I can hardly wait!
In fact, in reflecting upon my Christmas wish list (as someone was inquiring of me the other day), I can honestly say there’s only one thing I long for more, and that’s the salvation of all my family and friends who don’t know Christ personally. I believe lots of folks (family included) have the misconception that just because they “know of” or “know Who Jesus is”, that they “KNOW” Him. But that’s not the case. In knowing Christ, there has to be a point in which He is made Lord of our life. HE must be the One to whom we give our devotion and allegiance.
Matthew 6:24 tells us that, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
We can’t ride the fence. And that’s one of the biggest downfalls I’ve witnessed firsthand… yes, even within the church. Too many people present themselves as holy on Sunday, but then live completely opposite of that the rest of the week. We simply can’t do that! Whether it be immorality; the love and worship of money and material possessions… in doing so, we are making those things to be our god. And that goes against the very first commandment. (“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” – Exodus 20:3 )
In the words of Joshua, “…choose you this day whom ye will serve...”
How truly an excellent Christmas gift, if everyone we know could say, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Amen!!
This holy season, as we reflect on the birth of Jesus, if you don’t already know Him as your Lord and Savior, please settle it before it’s too late. We don’t have much time left. Things are coming to pass quicker than ever before, prophecies are being fulfilled all around us. The signs are truly everywhere! There’s no time to delay any longer. Please call upon the Lord and ask Him to forgive your sins, and to help you to live for Him. There are no eloquent words to memorize. It’s an honest prayer, asking Him to be Lord of your life.
And if you do make that decision, please call or go to someone and let them know of your decision. Perhaps you have a family member who has been praying for you for a number of years… if so, go to them, tell them you asked Jesus into your heart. As a believer, they will be excited to rejoice with you, together with the angels who will be rejoicing, as well. What a wonderful Christmas gift, you’d be giving them!
God bless you and may you have an abundantly blessed Christmas. I’ll see you in the clouds real soon!
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