Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Well, I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas Day, one filled with many blessings from above. Today, throughout all our festivities, I was thinking about all the things I've been blessed with this year. I'm sad to say, there have been many blessings I've taken for granted. Yet God remains faithful, still. He's given me far more than I've ever deserved, and continually shows His love for me, despite my failures and shortcomings.

For Christmas, we spent time with "my" family last night, and did presents with the kids (my brother's children) then. They're such sweet kids, and always so happy with whatever they get, no matter how big or small. By the time we left, I was broken to tears for them... because of their home situations. Please do pray for them (Thomas, Skylar, Hunter, and Jonas). The Lord knows their need, and all that's going on. And only He can work everything out. Please pray for these little ones, who are so precious to me. Pray for their parents, too, that the Lord would have His way in their lives.

This is a picture of my youngest nephew, Jonas. Isn't he handsome?

Today, we spent the day with Steve's family. One of his nephews just became a father last week, so everyone (including me) flocked around the family's newest addition. Last year at this time, Steve and I were both so heartbroken over the loss of our own baby. We didn't think we'd be holding a baby this Christmas. Even though he isn't ours, at least we do have one in the family now, and it was great to hold him in our arms, even if just for a little while. I'm so thankful that today was a good day, full of love and laughter... without any strife or conflict. You have no idea how refreshing that was, especially after yesterday!

Later on, Steve surprised me by treating me to something we've never done before... a movie. He had heard me say that I wanted to see the Chipmunk movie, so he made it happen after we left his brother's house tonight. It was really sweet of him, and we both laughed all through the movie... which again, was much-needed. The only thing that could've made it any better was if Thomas and Skylar had been there with us. [sigh]

Well, again, I pray you've had a wonderful Christmas. We all have so much to be thankful for! Please continue to pray for those whose Christmas hasn't been so bright this year. If at all possible, reach out to them and show them someone cares. Most of all, show them how much God cares for them.

Leave a reply by clicking the "comment" link below. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Honey, the pictures are beautiful. That is a sweet baby... both of them. I'm glad your Christmas was good. We got more snow, but I'm ready for it to go away. I need to get out and do some things. Talk to you soon. Love you, Sweetie!

Anonymous said...

I get more and more blessed every time I visit your blog. Your down-to-earth style of writing makes for easy reading, and makes your visitors feel warm and comfortable as they explore your life. God bless you again, Lois.

Anonymous said...

Oh what sweet pictures. Thanks for sharing with us. We hope to see you soon. Love you and Steve!