Monday, June 16, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

As you know, I work with an addictions program at my church every Friday night. One of the greatest blessings in it, for me, is seeing how our Heavenly Father can take someone with NO hope, and give them THE hope, and then witnessing firsthand the results stemming from their acceptance of Him. What a beautiful picture of God's grace!

But ya know, it's that same grace He showered each of us with, when WE became believers. We all have a story... an account... of how our lives have changed, since making Jesus our Lord and Saviour. We can all testify (hopefully) as to how He's shaped and molded us along the way, changing us into who He would have us be. Speaking for myself here, it's a continual work. I've often not been as pliable as I should have been (though I am striving to change that, daily). But nonetheless, He HAS made a difference in my life. I'm not the person I once was... Praise God!

If we could each have a turn to share what He's done in our lives, and reveal the many ways He's turned things around for us... and in us... there's just no way to know how our testimony might make a difference in someone else's life. That's the reason I do this... my blogging, and my MySpace page. It isn't about ME. As much as I love my my family, my friends, my church, and yes, even my chickens... it isn't about them, either. It's all about bringing God praise and glory for what He's done (and continually does) in my life. The Bible tells us to give Him praise in all things. So that's what I'm doing... here in my blog... and on MySpace. It's just another way to tell others that I love Jesus, and what He's done for me.

But getting back to the point, someone sent me a profound video today. It moved me to tears... so much so, that it took me a few moments to regain my composure. I thought it especially worthy of sharing here, so please do watch it. And remember, we all have PLENTY to give Him praise for. So be creative, and do so joyfully, despite the enemy's intentions of keeping you from it. God bless!

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Good Fight of Faith

Today was the big day for candidates in the primary elections. Some walked away with a smile of victory, at the completion of what seems like a hideously long and drawn out campaign. Others weren't showing their pearly whites, but instead donned grimaces and other signs of weariness, in their defeat.

These faces made me think of the Apostle Paul, and how he exhorted us, as Christians, to fight the good fight of faith, and to not grow weary in well-doing. Paul, himself, spoke of his own fight, and how he had kept the faith. We can only benefit from his example.

We all have "fights" that we endure. Whether they be literal disagreements with family and friends, the surprise bumps in the road that throw us off-course at times, or the spiritual snares that satan seeks to entrap us with... we all have our daily battles. (If you don't have one today, you've either just come through one, or you're getting ready to go into one.) It's a part of life... ESPECIALLY for the Christian! Though we obtain joy, hope, and peace in our life at salvation, we can expect to have our world turned upside down every so often! The question is, "How do we handle it, when it comes?"

Again, we can look at the life of the Apostle Paul, and learn from "the expert in trials and tribulations". Here, we see a man who, at one time received 39 stripes; was beaten 3 times with rods; was stoned once; was shipwrecked 3 times; spent a night and a day on the open sea (without a boat). In his journeys, he faced danger from floods; from robbers; from his own countrymen; from the heathen; in the city; in the wilderness; at sea; among false brethren...... despite his own weariness and pain; his hunger and thirst; his regular fasting; his cold and nakedness. And to top everything else, he still bore the burdens of all the churches (daily). I'd say we could learn ALOT from our dear brother, Paul!

I get convicted, just reading about all that he endured for the sake of the gospel. This same man who once persecuted believers... what a great man of God he became!!!

I share all of that to say this..... there are times when we feel like we're up against the whole world. There's "wrong" all throughout the camp; We're tired and battle-scarred from the many fires we fight daily; "Fairness" seems to be just a delusion; And just when we think it can't get any worse, the other shoe drops (Add another impending heart attack).


We don't have to live in bondage to our battles. We don't have to make ourselves sick with worry, over the problems we face. We have the glorious opportunity (privilege) of going boldly unto the throne of grace. We can take all of our cares, and all of our petitions to Christ, and leave them there with Him. We know that He works all things for our good, so no matter how "crazy" and "unfair" life is, at times, we know that the end result will be in our best interest. That's NOT to say things will always line up perfectly with OUR will... He never promised us that. But whatever HIS WILL is, we can trust that it will be for our good.

I think about the elections yesterday, and also the presidential election coming up in about 5 months... it may turn out that "right" doesn't win... that "wrong" is exalted and applauded (it happens everyday). But regardless, if our hope and trust is in Jesus, we don't have to worry about it. We just need to keep our eyes focused on Him, and remember that HE is the One in control... no matter what the enemy would have us believe.

And the same is true in our other battles, as well. It does us absolutely no good whatsoever to kick and fuss, nor throw an old-fashioned hissy fit. In fact, it's been proven that when we do that, we only end up making things worse! So ultimately, it all boils down to our trusting the Lord to handle everything according to HIS perfect Will.

If there's anything troubling you, I pray you'll give it to the Lord... and let Him keep it. It's not His Will for you to be troubled (nor to be someone else's stumbling block). His desire is for each of us to be free from the bondage of anything and everything that isn't of Him. That's when we can truly have the smile of victory! Anything else is just counterfeit.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

What Does Your GPS Say?

Steve was looking through one of the circulars that came in the mail this week, when he pointed out a great deal on a GPS navigation system. I agreed it was a pretty good price, and then walked away, busily going about whatever it was I had been doing.

As I continued, I thought more and more about that GPS system, and it occured to me how great it would be if people had their own built-in GPS systems, which told them they were lost and on their way to hell (those who aren't saved, of course).

Think about that for a second. We're always saying that the first step in leading someone to Christ is helping them see that they're lost. And it's true. Before anyone can come to Christ, they first have to realize their "location"... lost, without Him... and on their way to hell. However, it's been my experience that sometimes people just aren't willing to admit their failures/strongholds, nor are they the least bit interested in anyone else pointing them out. Perhaps it's a pride issue. Or perhaps they have a problem with being in submission to authority figures. So wouldn't a built-in GPS system be a useful tool in speeding the process along? It wouldn't be "our" telling them... but rather, it would be their own GPS telling them.

We already DO have something that does all this. But sadly, people all too often fail to "plug it in". They may have it sitting on their library shelf, or even on the coffee table (for folks to see and believe that they do). But when it comes to actually "using" it to find their present location in this world... much less to chart their future course... they just don't get it. And that's sad.

Why, if we have something available to us to help us in our journey, would we NOT utilize it to the fullest intent?? That's a good question... one in which we'll all be held accountable one day. My prayer is that we'll all realize what a precious gift we've been given, in God's Word, and that we'll TRULY use it to direct our paths in this life.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105

What does your GPS say to you today?

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Friday, June 6, 2008

We Have A Name!

I'd like to say a special "thank you" to those who've taken the time to email me or leave me a comment here, with suggestions as to what I should call this new fiery-looking friend of mine. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, I wanted her (one of my new chickens) to have the perfect name... a flower name, somehow referencing her "flame-like" feathers, given her beautiful colors and markings.

Since I couldn't seem to come up with anything I liked on my own, I thought it would be fun to kind-of make a game or contest out of it. I received many wonderful suggestions, for which I'm very appreciative of each. I could tell you've really been searching, to help me come up with just the right name for her. (If only she knew how special she is!)

Well, after considering all the suggestions, I have made a decision.

(drum-roll please)

May I present to you...


This is one of her name-sake flowers... it's a Dahlia Sunburst. I absolutely love it! See how the petals kinda resemble flames? Just beautiful!

This next one is a Sunburst Sunflower, which also bears the likeness of fire (in my opinion). It's another reason I chose the name "Sunburst". Isn't it gorgeous?

Again, thank you all for the suggestions. You came up with some great ones, no doubt. A special thank you to Taranda and Kim, who ultimately came up with the winning name.

I'll be posting more pics of Miss Sunburst, and the others, later on... might be tonight... or maybe tomorrow morning. Anyway, take care and may God bless you!

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pulling Weeds

It’s funny how almost every little thing reminds me of my chickens. No matter which way I turn, it seems, there’s always some special memory that comes to mind. One such memory sprang forth on Monday night, while I was pulling weeds from my flower bed. The chickens used to love getting into the flower bed, and at first, I was real quick to shoo them out. But then I noticed that they were only bothering the weeds… they never touched my plants nor flowers at all. So, of course, I let them do the “weeding” for me. I thanked the Lord for providing for their nutritional needs, and also for saving me from that much work. :)

However, now that those chickens are gone, and I’m too afraid to let my new flock out, I haven’t exactly been thanking God for the weeds, anymore. They’d come up, and I’d hoe… they’d come up, and I’d hoe. An endless cycle, indeed. Yet still, the Lord has blessed it.

As I was hoeing the other night, I noticed that there were a few “new” weeds, that had really taken root. They were stubborn, and I had to exert myself a bit, to get them ripped up. I remember thinking how glad I was to have a good, sharp hoe in hand, for a such a job as this. Had I just been pulling them up by hand, I probably wouldn’t have gotten them at the source.

Then I thought about how very similar this is to the sin in our lives. You see, it isn’t enough just to scrape the surface, in getting rid of it. We have to go deep and pull it up by the root, or else it’s just gonna continue growing, and pretty soon, we’ll begin to see more and more weeds popping up all around it. (Sin begets sin.) And it’s not something we can handle in our own flesh. We need God’s Word… a wonderful tool for going deep and attacking sin at its source. In fact, in Revelation 1:16, we read that it’s a sharp two-edged sword. There is no better “tool” for cleaning sin up at its roots!

I’ve been thinking about my life, and the things I’ve battled in recent months… my own stubborn strongholds. Not “big sins”, like murder or anything. (You know how we Baptists are, always labeling them “big sins” and “little sins”.) But even the “smallest” sins (or what might seem small to us) are still a disgrace to our Heavenly Father. In His eyes, sin is sin. There is no scale that measures one sin from another. Sin is sin. And that’s it.

Whether it be unforgiveness; harboring ill will towards someone; that “little white lie” that only you and the fencepost knows about... it’s all the same to God as if we had killed someone. There’s no difference in His eyes.

As convicting as that is, there is good news. All of those sins (regardless of what label we may choose to place on them) can be forgiven. If we’re a blood-bought child of God, we already know about how His blood washes away our sin. At salvation, we had to confess our sins to Him, and ask Him to forgive us. And He was faithful to do so! We have His Word on it! BUT…

When we commit “new sins” (yes, even those we might not easily classify as sin), we must also confess those to Him… and allow Him to take them from us… by the root. It may be a painful process, sometimes, but if we’re sincere about walking and talking with Him, and having that close relationship with Him, it’s something we must do.

How do we do this??

This is where the two-edged sword comes in. We need it to show us where our failures and shortcomings are, and to strengthen us (spiritually), so that we can live the life that Christ would have us live (by His example). We need it to guard our hearts and to prepare us for the spiritual battles that we face each day… on a personal level, in our families, in our workplace or school. And if you’ve watched the news at all lately, you should know that we, as a country, are in for quite a battle, as this presidential election draws near.

My, my, how we all need to rid our lives of all those stubborn strongholds! Again, we can’t do it in our own flesh. We need that two-edged sword to dig deep and grasp it at the root, so we can go forward in God’s army without that “baggage of sin” weighing us down. We can accomplish so much more for Him if we get rid of that dead weight!

Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me at how God chooses to reveal Himself to us, even in the most unusual of places. It was a two-fold blessing for me, in my flower bed the other night, in that He took my mind off my chickens (my missing them, I mean). But then, too, He reminded me of such a powerful truth. ( I love it when He does that!)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great
and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeremiah 33:3

I’m so thankful to Him for my salvation, and for the many blessings He’s poured into my life these past 11 years or so, since I came back to Him. I haven’t always made the best choices, nor done exactly as I should have. But each day is a new opportunity to live and do what’s right, according to His Will.

Be blessed! Have a wonderful day in Christ!

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

A New Flock

My husband, Steve, thought it a good idea to go ahead and replenish our hen house, MUCH to my disapproval. "It's just too soon," I insisted, "why don't we just wait a while, and in the meantime, we'll keep watching out for our beloved MIA's to return."

He was persistent, so yesterday I went with him to pick up the new flock, to combine with our 4 remaining hens. Granted, they're very beautiful... actually GORGEOUS... this new flock, consisting of 1 rooster and 10 hens. (Yea, I know... that's alot!) But despite their beauty, and my husband's well intentions, they're just NOT the same. They're not "trained" to do some of the things my others did... like come to me when I call, "Kitty, kitty, kitty." Nor do they respond to my talking to them in the same way my original group did. And what's worse, they don't get along very well with my 4 hens. I've broken up several fights already, and it's only been 24 hours or so.

My friend, Pam, has been encouraging me this past week by telling me she's praying for chicken mercies. Well, Lois definitely needs some chicken mercies about now! I want to get over the fact that they're "different" from MY chickens. I want to grow to love them, and to love them as much as I do my others. I suppose it'll take some time, and quite a bit of observation, to get to know them (and them, I), for us to have the same kind of bond I had with the others. So please pray that the Lord will bless the situation, and also for them to get along with Daisy, Lily, Dahlia, and Petunia.

I've already been working on names. I wanted to keep with the "flower" theme... minus the rooster, who was already named.
(Meet "Roscoe", by the way.)

He's a gorgeous fella, as you can see, but he's kind-of mean. We're gonna try to trim his spurs this week, because his previous owners warned us of his "attacks". (Oh joy!)

But anyway, I've come up with names for the girls, all except one. She's a beautiful creature, whose colors remind me of flames. (This photo doesn't do her justice.) I've never seen one quite like her, but I'm searching for a flower-name, that has something to do with fire or flames, given her flame-like feather features (say that 3 times really fast). This is where YOU come in. I'm asking for suggestions, and from those, I'll pick out one that best suits her. I did find a *fire flower*, which greatly resembles her markings. But I just don't like that name. So please leave me a comment with any and all of your suggestions. OK?

Well, I'd better run for now. I'm still praying for my other little ones to come home. Steve doesn't think they will, but I'm praying, regardless. What a happy day that will be, when they do!

"...Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee..."
Matthew 8:13
"...Believe ye that I am able to do this?
...According to your faith, be it unto you."

Matthew 9:28,29

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