Tuesday, March 18, 2008

She's Alive!

Okay, for those of you who have threatened to send flowers for my funeral, let me just say I've had good reason not be on here for a while. I AM alive, thank the good Lord! It's just been a very busy time. I've had work, studies, ministry involvement (including a *new* ministry in which I've begun, which I'll tell you more about later)... so many things going on all at once, that I just haven't found the time needed to post things here, as I'd like.

I HAVE thought about you, though, and have almost completely filled a little notepad, with tidbits and nuggets that I'd like to share with you here. But as Ecclesiastes 3:1 so simply but eloquently says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." So let's all practice patience, and then Lord willing, I'll begin the sharing process very soon. =)

As I mentioned, I've recently begun a new ministry (literally, "began" it), which has been a burden on my heart for some time. I'm amazed at how faithful our Lord continually proves to be, at granting us the desires of our hearts, when we diligently seek Him. What a wonderful God we serve!

So anyway, be blessed, and oh yeah... please be in prayer for my Pastor. He had eye surgery two weeks ago (two surgeries, actually... cataract, and also a lens implant). The lens, however, hasn't seemed to want to attach itself to his eye like it's supposed to do, so he's been ordered to lay flat on his back (4 different times now), and it was to the point that they were ready to re-do the surgery today, had it not shown improvement today, from yesterday. He's not one for sitting (much less "laying") still for too long, so he's like a fish out of water. He has to go back to Charleston again tomorrow, so please pray that there will be significant improvement, and that he'll soon be released from this "confinement", as he calls it.

I will say, he did surprise us all at church on Sunday. He was supposed to be at home in bed (Dr.'s orders), but he was going nuts, so he came and delivered the 11:00 message, which was a great blessing to each of us, as well as to him. He said it did him good to be in God's house, amongst God's people, especially after having missed several services. Amen to that! It truly was a blessing, and the message he delivered indeed spoke to MY heart. He had no idea what's been going on in my life lately... but God did. Again, I'm just in awe of God's faithfulness!

I'll be back on soon. Got lots to share, but gotta run for now!

Leave a reply by clicking the "comment" link below. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

well its about time! i knew if i filled your mailbox up, you'd eventually get the message. hehe
good to have you back among the living. love you sweetie!

Anonymous said...

i got so used to coming and seeing "SNOW DAYS", I haven't been back in a while. I have some catching up to do, now that I made it.

glad you're still kickin ;)