Tuesday, August 14, 2007

No More Baby Food!

Do you ever come across a certain passage of Scripture, perhaps one that you've read hundreds of times before, but suddenly it jumps out at you in a whole new way? It happens to me quite frequently. Then as I explore further, I feel as though I'm walking into another world, in such awe by what I find there.

The interesting thing is that God's Word never changes, but our understanding of it does. I believe He opens our eyes to certain truths in His own time, perhaps because we might not be able to handle it all at once. Remember, one of His character traits is that He's omniscient, meaning He's all-knowing. He knows all things at once, including our very thoughts, our feelings, our desires, our needs. He knows our words before we say them, our thoughts before we think them. (Is that mighty, or what?)

So while He knows absolutely everything about us, inside and out, He sees what we, ourselves, don't see or know... including what's best for us. Hey, I'm the perfect example of "blind idiot" for that point. Whenever I've taken hold of the reigns, I've always had a head-on collision with something or someone, and it's been just the ugliest mess you'd never want to see. (After many crash-and-burn test runs, I've finally agreed to let Him drive.)

If He knows what's best for us, then it's safe to say He also knows how best to care for us, in our specific situations. He knows how much we can chew on at a time. It's like a mother feeding a new baby. She wouldn't give that newborn a bite of steak, would she? (I would say not.) No, she'd give the baby milk, until he was old enough, or mature enough, to go to the next step.

In the same way, our Heavenly Father isn't gonna cut us off a big hunk of meat, when it's all we can do to digest milk. He knows our capabilities, our limitations, our strengths, our weaknesses, and what's more is that He has the answer for all of it, no matter what "phase" we're in. Snap! Just like that, He already knows it. His omniscience allows Him this ability.

But just like the babies, we, too, grow and mature (hopefully). And as we do, He'll give us a little more, then a little more, until one day we're ready for the big stuff. And that's when He rocks our world, showing us things we may have seen hundreds of times before, but have never "seen" it in the way He now shows us. (see Jeremiah 33:3) I find that absolutely amazing, and so very exciting. It's like graduating to the next grade in school, or advancing to the next level in a video game.

Like I said, He's been opening my eyes to "some pretty big stuff" lately. Had He done so before, I don't think I could've chewed it. I would have been crying and gagging, and begging Him to put me back on baby food.

I can promise you this, now that I've had had the "big stuff", I don't want anymore baby food!

Thinking on these things, I've come to understand that in His perfect all-knowing wisdom, He loves me enough to give me just enough, when that's all I can digest. And He loves me enough to give me more, when I'm ready for that next step. That's comforting!

If I'm constantly and consistently in His Word, and in close communion with Him through prayer, He feeds me... as needed.

Lord, I thank You for shedding new light on my understanding of Your Word. I pray that this hunger and thirst will never wax cold. I pray that whatever You reveal to me, You will also enable me to share it with others, rather than keeping it all for myself. Thank You for the blessings of this day, and for always showing me just how much You care. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, sweetie. The Lord is using your God given ability to reach and to share with others the good news of the gospel. You've come a long way, despite all the distractions. Keep looking to Jesus and He will supply all that you need to keep working for Him. Love you darlin!

Anonymous said...

i think we all find it hard to swallow the bigger portions, at times. like you said, he lvoes us so much that he just gives us the amount we can handle. i'll pass this along to my friends.